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Lottery.. Who's playing?


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If I won the lottery, I'd spend half of it on legal fees (if so required) to get custody of my kids just so she could feel what it's like not to be allowed to see them everyday. Damn bitch.

Ok, I'm done, rant's over. Thanks for listening.

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If I won the lottery, I'd spend half of it on legal fees (if so required) to get custody of my kids just so she could feel what it's like not to be allowed to see them everyday. Damn bitch.

Ok, I'm done, rant's over. Thanks for listening.

Brother we have A LOT in common. But my plan would include buying a house right next door to her!!

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If I won, I'd put the money away in an account and not tell anyone. I'd set up an daily automatic transfer that would ensure that my checking account always stays at a minimum of about $20k and then forget about it.

No new house, no new car, just guaruanteed financial stability for my family for generations to come.

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If I won, I'd put the money away in an account and not tell anyone. I'd set up an daily automatic transfer that would ensure that my checking account always stays at a minimum of about $20k and then forget about it.

No new house, no new car, just guaruanteed financial stability for my family for generations to come.


Jk....that's the responsible thing to do but there's no way in hell I would have that much self control. Hookers and blow ftw!!!!

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Jk....that's the responsible thing to do but there's no way in hell I would have that much self control. Hookers and blow ftw!!!!

Trust ME to apply logic to an illogical dream.

Besides, if you win 200m and spend it on the best looking girl in THIS city, then what are you going to do with the other $199,999,999.75?

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If I won, I'd put the money away in an account and not tell anyone. I'd set up an daily automatic transfer that would ensure that my checking account always stays at a minimum of about $20k and then forget about it.

No new house, no new car, just guaruanteed financial stability for my family for generations to come.

all kidding aside, i'm interested in your perspective on this.

say you amassed some amount of wealth for your kids and your grandchildren and so on and so forth. how would you execute the handing down of wealth in such a way as to ensure they don't turn into entitled drug addled ingrates?

in other words, what would your plan be to hand off a bunch of money to snot nosed bastards and keep them grounded?

i'm not being snarky, sarcastic, "did they find the camera?", etc. completely serious sincere question.

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As for sharing the wealth, as soon as I found out I won, I wouldn't tell anyone. I would announce to everyone I know that I was moving and needed help. Whoever actually showed up to help is a true friend and would be taken care of. The rest could kiss my ass!

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all kidding aside, i'm interested in your perspective on this.

say you amassed some amount of wealth for your kids and your grandchildren and so on and so forth. how would you execute the handing down of wealth in such a way as to ensure they don't turn into entitled drug addled ingrates?

in other words, what would your plan be to hand off a bunch of money to snot nosed bastards and keep them grounded?

i'm not being snarky, sarcastic, "did they find the camera?", etc. completely serious sincere question.

I would set up the Scruit Charitable Trust that would be administered by my lawyers (and their assigns), who would be paid a service fee from the trust. The trust would pay a monthly stipend to my descendents that would equate to about a 75k salary equivalent (with adjustments for inflation etc). Enough to keep them very comfortable but not enough for them to do stupid stuff or quit their own jobs. They would never know the balance of the trust fund. Emergencies could be loaned out for, up to 2x annual stipend, assuming trust administrators agree, but would have to be repayed from stipend deductions. Stipend could never be assigned/sold etc. No "structured settlement" companies. Only true blood descendants - ie my descendant (Bob) marries a woman who has a kid already, and then have a kid between them (Tom) then they get two stipend payments - one for Bob and one for Tom, but wifey and her kid get nothing.

Stipend woudl have a clause that it could not be used as a bargaining chip in a divorce. That is, stiped payments would stop if it is found to be used to pay alimony.

Stipend payments for children would be held in a seperate trust until they turn 18. They can do what they want with their own trust at age 21, and stiped payments would continue as normal.

I would want the money to keep them comfortable, but not make then dependent. Nobody is living a Paris Hilton lifestyle on my dime. An airbag, not a chauffer.

That sort of thing.

Edited by Scruit
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I would set up the Scruit Charitable Trust that would be administered by my lawyers (and their assigns), who would be paid a service fee from the trust. The trust would pay a monthly stipend to my descendents that would equate to about a 75k salary equivalent (with adjustments for inflation etc). Enough to keep them very comfortable but not enough for them to do stupid stuff or quit their own jobs. They would never know the balance of the trust fund. Emergencies could be loaned out for, up to 2x annual stipend, assuming trust administrators agree, but would have to be repayed from stipend deductions. Stipend could never be assigned/sold etc. No "structured settlement" companies. Only true blood descendants - ie my descendant (Bob) marries a woman who has a kid already, and then have a kid between them (Tom) then they get two stipend payments - one for Bob and one for Tom, but wifey and her kid get nothing.

Stipend woudl have a clause that it could not be used as a bargaining chip in a divorce. That is, stiped payments would stop if it is found to be used to pay alimony.

Stipend payments for children would be held in a seperate trust until they turn 18. They can do what they want with their own trust at age 21, and stiped payments would continue as normal.

I would want the money to keep them comfortable, but not make then dependent. Nobody is living a Paris Hilton lifestyle on my dime. An airbag, not a chauffer.

That sort of thing.

Good plan. You must have a lot of thinkin time.

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As for sharing the wealth, as soon as I found out I won, I wouldn't tell anyone. I would announce to everyone I know that I was moving and needed help. Whoever actually showed up to help is a true friend and would be taken care of. The rest could kiss my ass!

The old tried and true friend test

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