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Moto Series 2012 contingency?


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Just don't do like I did for a few years and just go out and ride. Work on something every time out.

I'm kicking myself for that cuz Jinu ended up getting faster than me.

I haven't seen Steve lately but you are close to A as it is, shouldn't be a big jump for you.

I am the first to admit that I am much slower than Kevin, and suffice it to say that I'm the slowest of the group. For all the junk talk, I have no ego on the track. That said, I am confident that I typically hold my lines well. Never had a go fast guy come give me shit in the paddock over being all over the place, and several of my instructors over the years have told me the same. I just need to work on carrying more speed into the corners, getting out of them faster, and improving my body position. You know, everything. But like r1 said, my goal is to be in A at season's end. I just feel like I have a long road to get there. Does anyone know if XT makes a sundial version?

Edited by RVTPilot
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I might as well chime in as someone who has taken the help from all the above mentioned at MS last season, Mid O, etc.

I went from running slow Int last season to running a very confident, steady mid to lead Int within about 2 days working with these guys, sometimes one on one.

A few examples, Craig helped me at Nelson and I shaved over 4 seconds off in 3 days, I know it doesn't sound like much, but with him towing me, and playing leap frog etc, I was able to pick up steady lines, to do race school and be told that I was fine to run the race and complete it to get a normal license. Now I'm not racing to win or place YET, but I do plan to be this season.

Mid O, I had Nick work with me and was able to shave about 2 seconds in 1 night, Twilight series.

I feel pretty confident on the track now, and know that I am predictable, safe, and know how to run with the fast guys, just not as fast. I think you guys will be fine so long as you are like Brian mentioned a "sponge" or at least can retain some knowledge, I mean, I even started a notebook for things that I take with me to the track. I don't care how nerdy I look, I take notes, and jot things down almost everyday. It may be something Im told, something to work on, a turn I run wrong, or just a random thought I need to work on.

This season Im hoping to work some with Brian as I progress, but need to get faster first.

The biggest thing I've seen that helps is simply seat time. It's what makes us learn. Im also about to start reading Twist the Wrist 1 and 2, no homo. So hope to pick a few things up on that.

Off to the BMV to get the track/race bike title swapped to my name, never did that 2 years ago LOL. Wish me luck!

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def. make good use out of the time on the track. That's something that took me a while to learn. I would go out and either just ride fast, or goof off. It took me until I really got serious about getting my AMA hardcard to finally focus everytime I went out. Sadly the season that was planned to race DSB ended the very first day out with a freak crash at grattan. Don't let setbacks get you down either. Ask questions and between sessions go out and watch from different places all over the track. Also, if you can, learn as much about how suspension works and how to use it. I'm still halfway lost with stuff past adjusting comp,reb, and preload. the more you learn about what things do and what things mean and how they feel on the bike, the easier and quicker it becomes to make adjustments and thus feel comfortable. and lets face it, the only way you are ever going to go fast is if you feel comfortable on the bike. Brian saw me when we swapped my 600 and his 750.... lol. i couldn't even put a knee down at mid-o....

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keeping a book is a GREAT idea. I have a notebook FULL of notes from every track I've ever ridden on. Baseline settings for dry and wet, hot/cold, tire wear, if you can get a track map and put notes directly on it. braking points, turn in points, accel points, etc. it helps so much. I used to go out and do a session to get warmed up and then spend the rest of the day doing 2-3 laps pulling in and adjusting something, then 2-3 laps, adjusting, etc. I would make BIG changes and see how it felt. You just have to start playing with stuff, and sometimes you just stumble into a killer setup.

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I'm going to make sure I use my gopro and gps data logger way more this year. You can over lay the two and see where you are getting is wrong. I have some decent data from a few tracks, I plan on having one of my faster buddies use it for a session or two so I can really see where I'm lacking.

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You have a star lane?? I wanted one sooo bad! Haha it is definitely a great tool especially if you can put it on someone else's bike to compare data. You will shit your pants when you see the differences

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Pretty sure Todd has a sundial to keep times or he would of never been able to keep my lap times. I too have had a lot of help at the track and it has helped considerably I'm so hummed I can't continue my work this year. Motoseries is full of guys willing to help and there are a lot of fast guys!!! Use every tool to your advantage.

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One of the computer guys that races at nelsons made a program to color code all that plus give apex speed. Nick and I went back through and added more spots to show speed. It works ok, I have had a few issues, you have to update the gps about 2-3 time a season to make sure it stays accurate.

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Too bad none of us hit the mega millions. I would have sponsored an ORDN race team or something.

Regardless, I am really hoping my second job materializes for the summer. The wife has given me permission to use 100% of my supplemental income for the track. An extra $500-$600 a month should get me to the track every other weekend :-)

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Yeah, I plan to pull 2-3 shifts at the bar until our wedding, and that will be strictly race funds because stuff is getting tight financially next month with stuff needing to be paid and our honeymoon plans. Turns out hotels/chalet's in Switzerland aren't like Motel 8 for 39.99 a night.....

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Yeah, I plan to pull 2-3 shifts at the bar until our wedding, and that will be strictly race funds because stuff is getting tight financially next month with stuff needing to be paid and our honeymoon plans. Turns out hotels/chalet's in Switzerland aren't like Motel 8 for 39.99 a night.....

honeymoon antics + hostel = gopro gold

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Yeah, I plan to pull 2-3 shifts at the bar until our wedding, and that will be strictly race funds because stuff is getting tight financially next month with stuff needing to be paid and our honeymoon plans. Turns out hotels/chalet's in Switzerland aren't like Motel 8 for 39.99 a night.....

Man the guys at the truckstop will be pissed when you raise your rates to cover this.

honeymoon antics + hostel = gopro gold

Just remember the flashing light is the off light.

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I might as well chime in as someone who has taken the help from all the above mentioned at MS last season, Mid O, etc.

I went from running slow Int last season to running a very confident, steady mid to lead Int within about 2 days working with these guys, sometimes one on one.

A few examples, Craig helped me at Nelson and I shaved over 4 seconds off in 3 days, I know it doesn't sound like much, but with him towing me, and playing leap frog etc, I was able to pick up steady lines, to do race school and be told that I was fine to run the race and complete it to get a normal license. Now I'm not racing to win or place YET, but I do plan to be this season.

Mid O, I had Nick work with me and was able to shave about 2 seconds in 1 night, Twilight series.

I feel pretty confident on the track now, and know that I am predictable, safe, and know how to run with the fast guys, just not as fast. I think you guys will be fine so long as you are like Brian mentioned a "sponge" or at least can retain some knowledge, I mean, I even started a notebook for things that I take with me to the track. I don't care how nerdy I look, I take notes, and jot things down almost everyday. It may be something Im told, something to work on, a turn I run wrong, or just a random thought I need to work on.

This season Im hoping to work some with Brian as I progress, but need to get faster first.

The biggest thing I've seen that helps is simply seat time. It's what makes us learn. Im also about to start reading Twist the Wrist 1 and 2, no homo. So hope to pick a few things up on that.

Off to the BMV to get the track/race bike title swapped to my name, never did that 2 years ago LOL. Wish me luck!

Dude, I can help you out. Not sure why you need to go faster? I can help as much as I can. The issue with most guys is that they are using poor line choices. Once you get that nailed and understand that it is about effeciency in a lap. People think that all we talk is race line and yet, the real issue is they are working so damn hard at running a shit line and once they see the correct line, they are blown away at how much easier the effort is...

Just get with me and I will tow your ugly ass around and show you what I mean.

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Hopefully I can afford to do the track days I want. I ask Cox stupid questions all the time and he's helped me a lot. I haven't really had anyone to tow me or show me lines in my now 5 TDs. I feel I'm doing ok but could benefit from some one on one. Im hoping to break into A group this year too. I need to work on some things before that though. Hoping John and I can have some fun at Putnam and maybe get some tows later from some of the faster guys.

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