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random troubleshooting


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I finally test rode the Honda yesterday, and now I have a few questions/concerns. Any input appreciated.

- the brakes felt like shit. super weak. I changed the fluid and bled them after the test ride, and they feel much firmer on the stand, but I have not had the chance to take a test ride. Any reason a bike would lose fluid or get air into the brake lines during a crash?

- in the process of bleeding the brakes, I got some brake fluid on the pads and rotors (one side. learned my lesson...). Any reason that wouldn't just burn off after a few stops? Should i replace the pads to be safe? They may also have just been a bit wet. I took a spray bottle and an old tooth-brush to them, so it might just have been some water (that was after the test-ride, so it wouldnt' have been causing the weird feel)

- i felt some "pulsing" under braking. Would badly bled brakes contribute to that? could the pistons have been pulsing against the air?

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I got some brake fluid on the pads and rotors (one side. learned my lesson...). Any reason that wouldn't just burn off after a few stops? Should i replace the pads to be safe?

Hell yes man, these are your brakes we are talking about. In the old days we would hit them with a torch and burn the fluid out of them. The theory was they generate a ton of heat anyway what harm could a torch do. I am surprised we are alive.

- i felt some "pulsing" under braking. Would badly bled brakes contribute to that? could the pistons have been pulsing against the air?

I doubt it, your rotors are out of round is my bet. But drive it again now that they are bled.
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Clean the rotors with brake cleaner. You may have already ruined them if you rode it with fluid on the rotors. It creates hot spots.

If they still feel spongy, crack the bolt at the master and bleed it there. Sometimes they get an air bubble at that point that will not push through to the caliper.

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1) If you highsided then the air definitely could have gotten into the lines. If you bleed them it should be fine again.

2) Just clean the pads/rotors with acetone/denatured alcohol and a shop towel and it will clean nicely and evaporate without leaving any residue to glaze the pads.

3) Pulsing is possibly worrisome. Have you ever rode/drove with warped rotors before? If at all possible, use a dial test indicator or similar to see runout of the rotors if that's what you believe it is.

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the pulse might be in my head. I barely got the bike up to 30 mph, and then was HARD on the brakes, because they felt so weak and spongy.

Now that the brakes are bled, I'm hopeful that it won't feel weird (or give me reason to image it)

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I pulled the 1000 out of storage over the winter last year and the brakes were nonexistent. Somehow there was some air in the MC, started at the top and worked down to the calipers and everything was back to normal.

And I told you I had a vac. bleeder setup you could use numbnuts. :nono:

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