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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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Does the prosecutor have to prove you guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt? Or are you automatically presumed guilty and have to prove innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt? I will take our system anyday over Mexico's system. I'm with casper its better for s guilty person to walk than a innocent person be jailed for life.

I'm reserving judgment until I hear all the facts. I think the timeline will make or break this case. I'm waiting to hear step by step what happened.

If NBC hasn't caused a mistrial already.

Also why are the black panthers not being prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder for hire?



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Because that would be racist.

Why? Are they commiting a crime? A crime is still a crime right? Can I put up a poster like that and not be charged or is it different because I'm just an American and not a hyphenated American? :dunno:

I guess I need to become a member of a "protected" class.

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No because you think he should have a trial no matter what, and don't see him as innocent until proven guilty. Would you like to be guilty until proven innocent? This is America! If you want guilty until proven innocent go to Mexico! Good luck getting the drug cartels tried for your murder though.

Evidence says he shot him and he is now dead... that is the evidence, that is all the information that we have for sure. that is murder, now it is his responsibility to provide a defense as to WHY if there is no reason why, that is murder 2 at least.

If you need to be shot you need to be shot, where on your body doesn't matter.

We can discuss this as men or you can be made to be offended. I'm not upset that you have a different opinion because you don't know what you don't know, your choices work for you even if they seem naive to most adults who use their brain. People that know self defense choose to carry because they understand disparity of force, I'm glad you choices work for you but your person philosophy lacks judgment that most aren't able to reason away.

(I hope you all are proud of me for containing my comments to a civil reply.)

Disparity of force? yeah, that's why I carry around a rocket launcher at all times, just in case the other guy brings an armored car. :rolleyes:

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Evidence says he shot him and he is now dead... that is the evidence, that is all the information that we have for sure. that is murder, now it is his responsibility to provide a defense as to WHY if there is no reason why, that is murder 2 at least.

NO he has provided a defense, aka self defense. It is the prosecutor's job to prove anything else beyond a shadow of a doubt!

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Either way he used.excessive force... Im not for or against guns, personally I choose not to own one though, but if u own a gun you need to be responsible and not start killing people for no fucking reason. I heard the other guy had a knife so be it, shoot him in the kneecap or some.shit. Aint gotta go around killin fuckers just cuz you think they should die. it shouldnt be up to any individual to decide if someone dies or not.

I was in the army 6years, never used my weapon on anyone. Would I have if it came down to it? Damn skippy. Would I shoot.to kill? If he posed an immediate threat to me or my fellow soldiers than hell ya. but if I were to shoot some fucking Arab just cuz I thought he was gunna harm me, or just cuz he punched me or whatever itd be my ass.

People just need to use some common sense when handeling a weapon, they are MEANT for protection, not for killing.

Thats my 2cents, I know alot of you wont agree, especially gun owners with their whole dont bring a knife to a gun fight bs. Keep that shit at home or on the range, I see it as if ur walking around with a gun your a pussy. I hear people all the time oh my gun is bigger, oh I got more guns, oh I carry around a gun at all times. Who gives a shit, I think ur a retard for always carrying around a gun. Take some damn self defense classes if your that worried about getting robbed that and stay the.fuck out of bad neighborhoods.

If you think you need to carry a gun with yourself to feel safe than you are obviously doing something wrong. I dont feel sorry for this fuck in the least bit. I hope he gets.everything he deserves, even if the other guy did have.a knife and eas commiting a crime, I could give 2shits that guy.is dead aswell if he.was guilty. Jesus cant we all just get the hell along? This country is screwed up enough.as is and honestly they need to just ban gins outside of miltary/police situations and give life with no parole for anyone caught carrying ANY kind of weapon.... That would help eliminate crimes. Hell just start giving the death penalty for all serious crimes, ide be happy with that too. I know im tired of paying taxes so people can live it up in jail and prison, them fucks get better benefits than most people do, that is complete BS....

Ok I guess thats my whole dollar lol... Btw whoever I ofended too bad, your not gunna change my opinion. Ya ive been jumped robbed whatever and still feel this way.

If I were you, I'd stay well clear of Off-Topic and all the associated subforums. Failure to heed this advice will probably result in you bitching about how you've lost your job by constantly being on OR attempting to defend your opinion instead of bitching about your data plan or whatever the fuck that was about.

Consider yourself warned.

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If I were you, I'd stay well clear of Off-Topic and all the associated subforums. Failure to heed this advice will probably result in you bitching about how you've lost your job by constantly being on OR attempting to defend your opinion instead of bitching about your data plan or whatever the fuck that was about.

Consider yourself warned.


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If you need to be shot you need to be shot, where on your body doesn't matter.

We can discuss this as men or you can be made to be offended. I'm not upset that you have a different opinion because you don't know what you don't know, your choices work for you even if they seem naive to most adults who use their brain. People that know self defense choose to carry because they understand disparity of force, I'm glad you choices work for you but your person philosophy lacks judgment that most aren't able to reason away.

(I hope you all are proud of me for containing my comments to a civil reply.)

I'm fucking floored right now. Mayhaps you've lost a step or two...

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so in this country you can just kill whoever you want, then claim self defense...

what a fucking trip.


Yes, unless a prosecutor can prove you guilty beyond a shadow of doubt to a jury of your peers. So yes and no is the answer.

The presumption of innocence, sometimes referred to by the Latin expression Ei incumbit

probatio qui dicit, non qui negat, is the principle that one is considered innocent until proven

guilty. Application of this principle is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial, recognised in many nations. The burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which has to collect and present enough compelling evidence to convince the trier of fact, who is restrained and ordered by law to consider only actual evidence and testimony that is legally admissible, and in most cases lawfully obtained, that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If reasonable doubt remains, the accused is to be acquitted.


Edited by crb
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Why? Are they commiting a crime? A crime is still a crime right? Can I put up a poster like that and not be charged or is it different because I'm just an American and not a hyphenated American? :dunno:

I guess I need to become a member of a "protected" class.

Being black has its advantages.... And disadvantages... Well not just black, any non whitr person really. Everyone is so damn worried about racism. I think everyone should.be treated equally regardless of race, but nowadays being white in America has alot ofbdisadvantages compared to being a 'minority' hell, I dont even tgink religious groups should be treated differntly, but they are.... Whatever happend to seperation of church and state? Thats the biggest lie of em all.

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Being black has its advantages.... And disadvantages... Well not just black, any non whitr person really. Everyone is so damn worried about racism. I think everyone should.be treated equally regardless of race, but nowadays being white in America has alot ofbdisadvantages compared to being a 'minority' hell, I dont even tgink religious groups should be treated differntly, but they are.... Whatever happend to seperation of church and state? Thats the biggest lie of em all.

Don't go there with the while seperation of church and state that will railroad this discussion off track big time. I will keep my comments concerning "seperation of church and state" out of this thread as to not derail it!

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Why was Trevor Martin in the area. Why was he hiding in a hood? Why did he fight with Zimmerman? 10:30 at night in a hoodie in the dark is going to draw attention. He got a conflict and got shot. Again I say if someone is walking down my street in a hoodie at 10:30 at night I am going to grab my gun and follow him. See how he reacts and depending on his actions will determine whether I call the police. If he runs towards me to have conflict I will be prepared. If he has nothing to hide he should respect the fact that I am concerned about the neighborhood I live in. I hope he would do the same in his.

I guess I'm one dead motherfucker then

If I'm visiting family in your neighborhood, and decide to walk to the store for some candy and you confront me, and start hassling me with your gun, I'm gonna tell you to go fuck yourself. You have no rights, no authority, and no business bothering me for walking down a street. REGARDLESS of my fashion sense.

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If I were you, I'd stay well clear of Off-Topic and all the associated subforums. Failure to heed this advice will probably result in you bitching about how you've lost your job by constantly being on OR attempting to defend your opinion instead of bitching about your data plan or whatever the fuck that was about.

Consider yourself warned.

I dont see what pointless rants have to do with this? Im pretty sure thats what that section is for... and I have no clue wtf you mean, but im sure I got your panties in a bunch with my opinion... Sorry we all cant think alike, cuz if we did this world would be a better place.

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I guess I'm one dead motherfucker then

If I'm visiting family in your neighborhood, and decide to walk to the store for some candy and you confront me, and start hassling me with your gun, I'm gonna tell you to go fuck yourself. You have no rights, no authority, and no business bothering me for walking down a street. REGARDLESS of my fashion sense.

and turning an easy interaction into a hostile encounter and possibly violent. Therefore you now get to deal with those consequences

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