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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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I'd probably call the police before intervening myself unless someones life was in danger

hey look, thats the difference maker in this case....

instead of an unarmed dead kid, you'd have a police officer there... how about doing the right thing?

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Yes you keep saying that, self defense, self defense, self defense... if the glove don't fit, you must acquit...

assuming you're 100% correct, and Martin came at zimmerman in a full rage with a bag of skittles... Why would he do that? was he provoked?

Doesn't matter. Nothing legally justifies assaulting someone...certainly not following or questioning them. Once you get physical, you're the aggressor and you're the criminal.

Where is his due process? Where is his innocent until proven guilty? Where is his trial?

He waived all that when he attacked Zimmerman, who at that point was walking AWAY and back to meet the cop. His innocence would be in no doubt if he had not made it physical. He did this to himself.

if defending yourself from an unarmed attacker half your size (that you provoked in the first place) includes plugging them in the chest with your sidearm, you've got bigger issues.

Trayvon was not a little boy, and you pre-suppose that Zimmerman provoked him. Also, we don't know how that attack went down. Hit wrong, someone large can be overtaken by someone smaller....but as I said Trayvon was a tall athlete...Zimmerman not so much. Once Zimmerman got hit, and it became assault he is under no legal obligation to lay there and take it or restrict himself to fisticuffs. Fists have killed people, even a single punch. His injuries are consistent with his testimony, and a few more slams to the ground might have killed him. He was right, and prudent, to make the fight stop...and he did just that. This isn't the schoolyard, and it's not on a victim to let the beating continue to see how severe it might, or might not be. The attacker took his chances, and lost.

that's assuming that zimmerman is as innocent as he claims, that's a "best case scenaio"

Witness and evidence obviously support Zimmerman, or he'd be in front of a grand jury. And that IS the scenario...like it or not.

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Yes you keep saying that, self defense, self defense, self defense... if the glove don't fit, you must acquit...

assuming you're 100% correct, and Martin came at zimmerman in a full rage with a bag of skittles... Why would he do that? was he provoked?

Where is his due process? Where is his innocent until proven guilty? Where is his trial?

if defending yourself from an unarmed attacker half your size (that you provoked in the first place) includes plugging them in the chest with your sidearm, you've got bigger issues.

that's assuming that zimmerman is as innocent as he claims, that's a "best case scenaio"

He provoked him? Where is your proof? Innocent until proven guilty is only in the court of law. Assuming Zimmerman's story is accurate if a 17 yr old is smashing my head in the asphalt and beating the shit out of me I don't know what I would do. I would have to be in the situation. The fired round didn't eject. Did trayvone have his hand on the gun? Maybe George was attacked from behind and trayvone put his hand on his gun? Touch my firearm I consider that a threat to my life. Did trayvone grab his gun or put his hand on the gun during the fight on the ground? I don't know I wasn't there. Is it possible? Who knows? I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 EVERYDAY! !!

We don't have all the facts that's the prosecutor and police's job!

I'm unwilling to say he is innocent or guilty until all the facts are presented!

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What the hell is Murder 2?

second degree murder, no premeditation, he didn't plan to kill this kid, he just did.

"Generally, second degree murder is common law murder, and first degree is an aggravated form. The aggravating factors of first degree murder are a specific intent to kill, premeditation, and deliberation. In addition, murder committed by acts such as strangulation, poisoning, or lying in wait are also treated as first degree murder."

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Is it illegal to follow someone down a street/sidewalk in public?

Does a police dispatcher's instructions constitute a lawful order?

It depends on what your intentions are, yes & no.

Not sure, but why call if you are not willing to follow their instructions, you called them, they did not call you?

When did an old fashioned ass kicking constitute a deadly shooting?

I am not on one side or the other of this media frenzy (case), not enough true evidence for me, plus I try not to make judgement without facts...Not my fight!

I will say this though, there are plenty of "Ass Hats" carrying guns today, strutting their stuff like they are something special just because they have a gun now, I work with several...If you carry for your home/family protection fine, I get that, and if you are afraid of getting mugged, robbed, raped, etc etc., I get that too, but when you make a nuisance of yourself just because you can carry a gun, well that speaks for itself, just sayin...

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hey look, thats the difference maker in this case....

instead of an unarmed dead kid, you'd have a police officer there... how about doing the right thing?

If only I could carry a cop in a holster on my side preferably a U.S. Marshall or FBI so they have jurisdiction in multiple states.

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I'm a white Asian targeting a poor innocent black tod. He was wearing his "don't stir the shit" hoodie with a pocket full of "rational discussion" fried chicken. I lost him after chasing him down with magleys rocket launcher loaded with "I have no basic understanding of how affirmative self defense is applied in law" incendiary rounds. Uncle pink flanked me, and was about to turn me into just another one of his white wimmenz, but Thank god exarch was there with his mighty fists that can knee cap everyone who commit crimes and even thinks about carrying protection... He saved me by turning back time and making sure I wasn't in a bad neighborhood.

Then I woke up from this nightmare to find myself in a world where Asians had ginger nipples, and seppuku'd to preserve my honor and sanity.

Edited by jbot
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More cliff notes , exarch spells like he is in the forth grade. He also spent six years in the military. If you want anybody to take you seriously please take your self seriously and hit the books.

I spell like I am on a phone, typos and all :shrug: sorry I dont backspace everytime I see a typo. Not like I can just right click fix or get a red squiggly if I type something wrong.

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I'm done with this thread, i hope I don't get shot and killed, if I do, so be it, it's not worth my time to beat my head against a wall any further.

I will say I'm more likely to be the trayvon martin, so i guess that's why I identify with that side of this case. I'm gonna go get some candy. Nobody shoot

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I'm done with this thread, i hope I don't get shot and killed, if I do, so be it, it's not worth my time to beat my head against a wall any further.

I will say I'm more likely to be the trayvon martin, so i guess that's why I identify with that side of this case. I'm gonna go get some candy. Nobody shoot

Don't attack anyone from behind or smash someones head in the concrete. :stirpot:

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second degree murder, no premeditation, he didn't plan to kill this kid, he just did.

"Generally, second degree murder is common law murder, and first degree is an aggravated form. The aggravating factors of first degree murder are a specific intent to kill, premeditation, and deliberation. In addition, murder committed by acts such as strangulation, poisoning, or lying in wait are also treated as first degree murder."

For sake of simplicity let's stick with Ohio law. The charge you describe is Murder, charged as a 2nd degree felony. So, you have to prove Zimmerman had the intent to commit a violent act that is a felony in the first or second degree as part of an attempt to purposefully kill Martin.

Start at ORC 2903.02, and report back when you have the evidence required to support that conviction. :rolleyes:

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I'm done with this thread, i hope I don't get shot and killed, if I do, so be it, it's not worth my time to beat my head against a wall any further.

I will say I'm more likely to be the trayvon martin, so i guess that's why I identify with that side of this case. I'm gonna go get some candy. Nobody shoot


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For sake of simplicity let's stick with Ohio law. The charge you describe is Murder, charged as a 2nd degree felony. So, you have to prove Zimmerman had the intent to commit a violent act that is a felony in the first or second degree as part of an attempt to purposefully kill Martin.

Start at ORC 2903.02, and report back when you have the evidence required to support that conviction. :rolleyes:

Didn't this occur in Florida? If so why are prescribing ORC?

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