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are manners and politeness a thing of the past?


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Children are being raised with a sense of entitlement and the thought that it's always someone or something else's fault. It's the teachers fault u didn't pass or the foods fault u got fat. I'm trying my hardest to teach my kids the opposite.

Excellent point! The entitlement society is rampant!

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...RVT's rulez...
...Pauley's Rulez...

+ rep' date=' assuming I'm not out.

We have a 14 yr old girl. I can take her anywhere without fear of how she will act.

14 y/o girl? Good luck with that - but + rep (again, assuming I haz (sic) rep left) for positive attitude and good work bringing her up properly.

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Why does everyone think the should flip you off when they are the one driving like a dumbass? Example: car runs up beside you from a ramp, another car is beside you they flip you off for not slowing down or moving over. Last time a checked the person that has the yield sign is supposed to speed up or slow down to get in without affecting the other traffic.

Don't you just love their reaction when the finally decide to look left and

suddenly realize you haven't gone out of your way to make their merge

a pleasant experience. I just love that "oh shit" look as they run off on the

berm :nono:

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What the hell happened to manners? People can't nod or say thanks when you hold a door for them?

Why do smokers thinks its okay to throw their cigarette butts on the ground? Isn't that littering? Do cars not come with ashtrays? I guess Walmart doesn't sell ashtrays either? St least stomp your cigarette out!

Why do cagers drive with their high beams on all the time or run headlights, foglights, and four off road lights? Are these people blind?

Why does everyone think the should flip you off when they are the one driving like a dumbass? Example: car runs up beside you from a ramp, another car is beside you they flip you off for not slowing down or moving over. Last time a checked the person that has the yield sign is supposed to speed up or slow down to get in without affecting the other traffic.

I feel better now!

Oops one more.

If there is a urinal piss instead of pissing all over the shitter! I know your afraid somebody might see you little pecker, but get over it or sit and pee if you can't raise the lid and hit the water. I don't care to use public restrooms, but don't have w choice.

This is bullshit. I was policing up butts in the Corps over 30 years ago, smokers have always been nasty fuckheads.

What has changed is that we have entered the pussyfication of the country where people are actually expecting to not be offended. Peoples actions haven’t changed over time but people think they are so special now that they expect to be treated as such. Shut up and grow a pair, you are not owed everyone else’s courtesy.

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I try to teach my kids all of the before mentioned things. And we too get the ocasional compliment from a stranger about how well behaved our kids are. But one of the most important lessons that I got growing up that i try to pass on to mine is "respect your elders" nothing burns may ass more than to see some punk kid talking back to a adult.

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I agree with UP. Lyns calls it' date=' "Show Up, Get a Trophy" syndrome.[/quote']

the rage that stuff puts me in is ridiculous! It was just on the radio the other day how a little league was doing away with an All-Star game so kids feelings wouldn't get hurt. If that isn't the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard then I don't wanna live in the CUNTry. Yes, I misspelled that on purpose.

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I try to teach my kids all of the before mentioned things. And we too get the ocasional compliment from a stranger about how well behaved our kids are. But one of the most important lessons that I got growing up that i try to pass on to mine is "respect your elders" nothing burns may ass more than to see some punk kid talking back to a adult.


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i cannot stand other kids my age(im 19) for this exact reason. I REALLY hate the people that walk in front of me and just stop. Ive been known to run into them for this and I feel that the lack of ability to walk properly is translated into their lack of ability to drive. Lots of stupid people out there, lots and lots of them.

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