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If I wanted America to fail.


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When it all fails hope you prepped enough. that is all.

Are you ever prePared enough?¿?¿ there is always more you can do. Wife and I were debating how much more ammo we should accumulate before Nov.

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Ammo is not the answer. learning skills to live off the grid is key. Why is over 1/4 of my yard a garden? Why do I teach my boys to hunt and fish? Are we ever prepared enough? NO! can you try to teach the skills that will help you? Yes. I prefer to try to teach and learn the skills that will help me be more independent.

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Ammo is not the answer. learning skills to live off the grid is key. Why is over 1/4 of my yard a garden? Why do I teach my boys to hunt and fish? Are we ever prepared enough? NO! can you try to teach the skills that will help you? Yes. I prefer to try to teach and learn the skills that will help me be more independent.

Understood and agreed, but I'm not comfortable in my stock pile of defend my shit ammo. Can't have a garden really with this job right now. I would love toearn to hunt my father inlaw hunts, I really should get my license in.the fall and learn a thing or two. I need to do.d s cheap supply of mason jars too while I'm think of it. I want to make a smoker that's is fairly portable in.case we need to bug out.

Have you seen the price of cast iron skillets and dutch ovens damn!

Edited by crb
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We can lots of veggies every year, have seed plots for the next year. Hunting and fishing skills would help you. I have a small stock of ammo more for hunting if shtf then protection. I also have bows/crossbows for hunting, no ammo needed. I am always trying to read on more info and learn new skills.

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Depending on definition, America has already failed. Where is Thomas Jefferson's America now?

Quotation: "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

Gee, thanks for putting Cheney and Bushy in power twice. Now we have the Patriot Act, TSA that won't go away. Microsoft was about to get screwed and two wars destroyed the NATO Economies. 4-years of state school costs $100k but if you can run really fast and not read, it is free.

But, much worse than all that, we are getting this:



Yep, US Gov is and will be no different than the tyrannical systems that the founding fathers fled. No longer a gov't by the people and for the people but rather One gov't on it's own to monitor, analyze and persecute any and all that disagree.

In all seriousness, I am probably going to go back to cash and unplug the net. Canada is starting to look really, really good.

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We can lots of veggies every year, have seed plots for the next year. Hunting and fishing skills would help you. I have a small stock of ammo more for hunting if shtf then protection. I also have bows/crossbows for hunting, no ammo needed. I am always trying to read on more info and learn new skills.

I can fish although I'm not very good at the sitting on my butt part. I could hunt small game no.problem that's not too hard. Cleanup game seems pretty much common sense too. If it gets too bad my plans are changing depending on the situation I may be far far off the grid, if it gets to ugly I want be as far from the population as possible.

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Ammo is not the answer. learning skills to live off the grid is key. Why is over 1/4 of my yard a garden? Why do I teach my boys to hunt and fish? Are we ever prepared enough? NO! can you try to teach the skills that will help you? Yes. I prefer to try to teach and learn the skills that will help me be more independent.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Jesus, have you never seen a zombie movie? What is the one thing they never ever ever have enough of in every.zombie movie you have ever seen? Thats.right, ammo.

stupid,.stupid, stupid, How many.zombie movies do.you see people hunt and fish in? Almost none,.ever. Hell I can only think.of 1 off the top.of.my head.

Come on, use common sense now, when zombies attack and your too busy trying to get food instead of defending.yourself your dead meat... :rolleyes:

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LOL if it is a zombie deal I have a crossbow and a compound bow and plenty of bladed weapons for that. With lots of arrows. who needs bullets?

So wrong on your part. I plan to be in bfe with my supplies hiding out if the zombies come.

Exactly!!!! As far from people and zombies as I can be. I don't have any bows yet, but I have blades, hatchets, lawnmower blades. That us a thought a lawn mower blade would make a Hell of a zombie skull splitter!

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LOL if it is a zombie deal I have a crossbow and a compound bow and plenty of bladed weapons for that. With lots of arrows. who needs bullets?

So wrong on your part. I plan to be in bfe with my supplies hiding out if the zombies come.

How fast can you reload that.thing? Especially if you miss. Also gunna be hard to get.your arrows/knives back.in the event there is.a huge oncoming swarm(if u had plenty of bullets and were a good shot you could kill 6-40+ zombies b4 a single reload).

In the series the walking dead.they just this.BFE till the.zombies finally found em(althouhh they were lured there) good series actually and im not a.fan of zombie tv shows, I just stick to the movies usually.

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How fast can you reload that.thing? Especially if you miss. Also gunna be hard to get.your arrows/knives back.in the event there is.a huge oncoming swarm(if u had plenty of bullets and were a good shot you could kill 6-40+ zombies b4 a single reload).

In the series the walking dead.they just this.BFE till the.zombies finally found em(althouhh they were lured there) good series actually and im not a.fan of zombie tv shows, I just stick to the movies usually.

They weren't far enough in BFE IMHO!

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They also stayed in one place to long. And as much as I would love to think a zombie apoc would happen I don't think stem cell research will reanimate the dead any time soon. But do I fear a total economic collapse, maybe a little more.

I dunno, those japs are pretty technologically advanced, they are just waiting till the right time to send us into a.zombie apocalypse.

If you don't believe in zombies' date=' then you've never been to Wal-Mart.[/quote']

Or been in the military or a cnc machinist :dunno:

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Why a cnc machinists?

That was the most mind numbing job I have ever had... I litterly felt like a zombie for 8-12.hours.a.day 6 days a week. And I LITTERLY sung the same song(godsmack, voodoo) in my head all day every day to keep myself.from going crazy...

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That was the most mind numbing job I have ever had... I litterly felt like a zombie for 8-12.hours.a.day 6 days a week. And I LITTERLY sung the same song(godsmack, voodoo) in my head all day every day to keep myself.from going crazy...

Interesting..... So are you a zombie or not? I.can be bugged out in hrs. :)

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haha a garden in your yard....that's cute. The first thing to go when shtf is the government notion of land ownership (rental at a massive premium is more like it). There is good and bad here. You're on your own to defend the land you happen to be using, but you don't have to pay to live on earth either.

besides you'll need at least 2 acres per person for a garden plus 10 acres minimum for warmth to survive the winter.

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