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"Now thats justice for Trayvon."


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1st that guy doesnt look mexican(could be wrong, there are light skin mexicans)

2nd thats not justice and thats why people are racist vs black people.

3rd I hope those guys get whats comming to them

4th if anything this.would hurt martins case instead of help it(which isnt the case, but omg I see.the riots already)

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yup and this is the exact reason why I openly admit to being prejudiced

Were all racist in one way or another, just because some of us choose not.to.judge others by the color of.their skin doesnt mean were not racist.

Example, the video you posted of the white kid getting his ass beat. Most NON racist people never ever would of put themselves in that situation. The normal non racist white people.dont go into black neighborhoods for this reason ever. thats racist, but completely understandable by our society.

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well its true. I have no problem admitting to being prejudiced against those types of "people". I use the quotes because I don't actually believe they are legitimate humans with souls

And I say prejudiced because it has nothing to do with race but everything with attitudes and behavior. I don't give a shit what race you are if you pull shit like this

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And I say prejudiced because it has nothing to do with race but everything with attitudes and behavior. I don't give a shit what race you are if you pull shit like this

Hmm, never thouht of it that way I always thought of it as partial racist, good point. +rep

Edited by Exarch
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Hmm, never thouht of it that way, good point. +rep

and you excellently made my point as well. Everyone is quick to call pull the racist card. Nobody ever wants to look at the behaviors and actions that cause such a belief in the first place. I'm not saying that there aren't racists who legitimately hate people just because of the color of their skin or their ethnicity but that I'm not one of them. MY hate is based on actions, behaviors and attitudes

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and you excellently made my point as well. Everyone is quick to call pull the racist card. Nobody ever wants to look at the behaviors and actions that cause such a belief in the first place. I'm not saying that there aren't racists who legitimately hate people just because of the color of their skin or their ethnicity but that I'm not one of them. MY hate is based on actions, behaviors and attitudes

Well said. I a feel just the same.

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I definitely wouldn't consider myself a racist or prejudiced. I try to give everyone a chance before I make a decision.

I do avoid certain places based on their reputation for crime and such, so I guess I'm prejudiced in that way.

However until I know someone I consider them a potential threat until proven otherwise, and that is regardless of race. Always maintain situational awareness and carry a big stick.

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I hate everyone, it's up to the individual to prove me wrong. :)

Rep= click on little scale on right near post number-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^^^^^

Edited by buildit
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and you excellently made my point as well. Everyone is quick to call pull the racist card. Nobody ever wants to look at the behaviors and actions that cause such a belief in the first place. I'm not saying that there aren't racists who legitimately hate people just because of the color of their skin or their ethnicity but that I'm not one of them. MY hate is based on actions, behaviors and attitudes

I drop racial slurs(some will hate this) based on color, doesnt matter if they are my friend or not, none of my friends care(and I have friends of all races and religions), I personally dont care what color someones skin is or what their religion is, but if their actions are intolerable I will drop a slur or 2 to a strange, regardless of what color skin person is with me(none of my non white buddys get offended by this, they drop.slurs against everyone aswell, even their own race)

would that make me partially racist, since I honestly dont care bout skin color, I just know it pisses em off, which is why ill do it. Or would that just make me prejudice since I only do that based on their actions? I have 2 black friends that consider themselves.rasist vs.black people and refuse to hang out with anyone who is not white(atleast anyone that 'doesnt act white') would that make them racist?

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would that make me partially racist, since I honestly dont care bout skin color, I just know it pisses em off, which is why ill do it. Or would that just make me prejudice since I only do that based on their actions? I have 2 black friends that consider themselves.rasist vs.black people and refuse to hang out with anyone who is not white(atleast anyone that 'doesnt act white') would that make them racist?

to me racist means you hate them just because they are black, chinese, mexican, jewish or whatever

and it goes back to my point that I don't hate people based on color, race or religion and that my hate is based solely upon actions attitudes and behaviors. I have friends that are all kinds of races, colors and religions as well but that doesn't immediately adjudicate you of being a racist IMO. My favorite thing is hearing "im not racist because I have "black/chinese/mexican/eskimo" friend. Always gives me a giggle

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well its true. I have no problem admitting to being prejudiced against those types of "people". I use the quotes because I don't actually believe they are legitimate humans with souls

And I say prejudiced because it has nothing to do with race but everything with attitudes and behavior. I don't give a shit what race you are if you pull shit like this


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