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Another Trailer Setup Thread


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For some reason I'm brainfarting in the best way to set up the new 6x12 V nose trailer my Dad got us so suggestions are needed!

Planned uses:

*Haul a V-rod, VFR and MultiStrada (V-Rod up front and VFR and Duc side by side towards rear)

*Haul 1-2 Harley Baggers

*Moving furniture and such

*Use to camp in (going to install some outdoor carpet for sure)

I have some E-track and can always buy more but where to put it to accommodate these scenarios in the most efficient way is what I'm trying to figure out. I also have a HF Chock as well as Baxley I plan to use but not mount in it

Edited by Bad324
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I placed my E track on the outside edges only, I plan on possibly placing some on the walls, I have not had a reason to yet, and I am lazy.

I also placed two bikes up front, slightly staggered, and one in the rear between the two.

Mine is 7'X14"...

Do not haul the V-Rod, it will knock everything over...:D

You can't see the rear, but this should give you an idea, and yes there is a strip of E track on the left too, starts from the rear, not showing in the pic, nor is the center wheel chock.

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