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Sweet, losing my job...


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Exarch...if one person says your dumb, maybe its them. If two people say it, still might be them. If dozens of people say it over and over, maybe you should think about reevaluating yourself. Seriously

This! Rep+

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This is a second job, I dont need to have a good attitude for $8p/h, as I said my other job(yes my main regular job) pays alot more. ive busted my ass hard working 2 jobs b4, now my 2ND job is cake, I get another job like this, now at my other job I bite my tongue cuz I wouldnt put my main job at risk. Security jobs are a dime a dozen, besides now that my wife is starting work saturday(she hasnt worked in a year) im not too worried bout thisbjob, the only reason I took it in the first place is cuz she wasnt working and we needed the money.


As far as the other job I have/had lined up, if I lose my job here that opportunity will go down the drain aswell... I am a contractor for DP&L, I will/would of been hired by DP&L once the contract expires, but not if I'm not already working here.


maybe your boss would have been more willing to work with you if you didn't cuss him out and hang up on him :dunno:

^ +1

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I have many followers here, most hate, but they are followers none the less. I know I don't read threads that arn't interesting to me. I cannot see how people can trash my posts, but yet continue to read every single one of them. Oh and whats next? they read every thread I make/post in :dunno: I think they have me on subscribe or something :confused:

I admit, reading what you post is like watching a train wreck, horrible to see but you can't look away. If you think we are some sort of fan base then all you need to do is think about how people watch the news when weirdos like the tanning lady in NJ show up. We watch out of some morbid curiosity to find out how someone so "out there" manages in our society. Is it a disease you have or are you touched somehow?

I am coming to believe you are someone who feels very alone and thrives over attention even if it tends to be negative. Like some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. If this is the case the best thing we can do for you is to NOT respond to your ramblings as they surely deepen your psychosis. Maybe there is some group therapy available from the Veterans Affairs in Dayton? Might be worth checking out.;)

PS Not hating, just seeing this road as a dead end for you with no positive outcome. :(

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I admit, reading what you post is like watching a train wreck, horrible to see but you can't look away. If you think we are some sort of fan base then all you need to do is think about how people watch the news when weirdos like the tanning lady in NJ show up. We watch out of some morbid curiosity to find out how someone so "out there" manages in our society. Is it a disease you have or are you touched somehow?

I am coming to believe you are someone who feels very alone and thrives over attention even if it tends to be negative. Like some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. If this is the case the best thing we can do for you is to NOT respond to your ramblings as they surely deepen your psychosis. Maybe there is some group therapy available from the Veterans Affairs in Dayton? Might be worth checking out.;)

PS Not hating, just seeing this road as a dead end for you with no positive outcome. :(

I think of it more as when you take a shit and you are all done and give it a flush you can't help but to look even tho you know its not going to be pretty. I think that relates a little better since we are associating pieces of shit.

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Damn man that blows DP&L should work with you unless they are finding a way to cut their budget. Are you a dispatcher? Good luck but that NERC test seems like it would be easy based on the people I've seen get it.

Actually, the NERC training has nothing to do with my current position. There is no budget cut, but for whatever reason they now feel EVERYONE needs NERC training, regardless of the position they work.It really wasn't mandatory before, but now they are pushing everyone into doing it on their time. a few other employs have already been layed off due to not having the training, which is weird because they are just now telling me I will be aid off. i'm not sure with I did different, but the other guys got cut 2 Weeks ago...

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Half tempted to put an abdecal sticker on my bike so nobody confuses me with Exarch at meets lol

Good idea. I see your avatar and I have to consciously decide if you're the well-spoken supporter or the illiterate retard with anger issues.

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Half tempted to put an abdecal sticker on my bike so nobody confuses me with Exarch at meets lol

I'm pretty sure that when you walk up to people and start talking they will be able to see that you are able to form actual sentences and have meaning and thought to them they should be able to figure it out.

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I'm pretty sure that when you walk up to people and start talking they will be able to see that you are able to form actual sentences and have meaning and thought to them they should be able to figure it out.

damnit I posted the same thing but my shit internet access must've timed out on vacation!

Not since the days of that_dude have I seen a forum member so inhumanly skilled in posting stupid bullshit

lol he did it solely for the reason of pissing people off. He wasn't legitimately stupid and illogical like this one

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