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MotoSeries 5/19 and 5/20 (2012) - roll call


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I heard madcat was giving APC more than he could handle and Im not talking in the trailer. :D

We had a nice battle, and he got passed me while i was trying to lap jen before the kink, but I got him back and beat him...was a good time though!

When are you going to come join us out there on sunday mr. smack talk? ;)

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Wow, what a weekend! Lots of ups and downs, it was really a mental challenge. Witnessing those wrecks was intense, to say the least. I'm just really grateful that it seems like most involved will recover.

Overall, I had a great time, and I feel like my first race weekend went pretty well. It was awesome hanging out and riding with all the OR guys! The mini 20 was a lot of fun with all of us out there. Everyone rode great, props to all you guys for riding consistent and clean. Can't wait for round 2!

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Wow, what a weekend! Lots of ups and downs, it was really a mental challenge. Witnessing those wrecks was intense, to say the least. I'm just really grateful that it seems like most involved will recover.

Overall, I had a great time, and I feel like my first race weekend went pretty well. It was awesome hanging out and riding with all the OR guys! The mini 20 was a lot of fun with all of us out there. Everyone rode great, props to all you guys for riding consistent and clean. Can't wait for round 2!

Did you have to clean your leathers after that start on the second race? You put it up a couple times pretty good

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I'm glad everyone's alright. Sounds like you guys had a good time at Sean's, I'm glad you liked it. If I didn't have plans that night I would have joined everyone.

Hollywood, great save on the start. As I got a shot of that I said to myself "oh $hit, not again!"

Got home around 9:00 after the three hour.

Craig, thanks for letting me attempt to destroy the Spree.

Now the fun begins, sorting pics and getting CD's out. Thanks to all who ordered CD's, it's GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Now a two week break. Three straight weekends of photography has worn me down.

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Great day on Sunday. Cool to see the Posse of Steve, Nick and Maddycat. Was sorry to see Steve end up in that crash. It's pretty much a deal where your head is down and launching and when the ocean splits around a stalled bike, it is often the case where a guy in the back doesn't have enough time to react in a way to avoid the crash. The second start issue was our 1000 Superbike race and while I didn't get to see it, Rob and my son saw it and it sounds like the guy on the R6 waved his hands and then lowered them to try and start the bike. Both hands up and waving like you are trying to flag down a plane, guys. Until they are all passed...

Outside that, great day of racing and great competition. Those freakin young pups were flying yesterday. Justin playing with us all and then Wrobel on a BONE STOCK GSXR600!! Oh, and that fellow old dude Agnes... Overall, a fun and awesome time. Needless to say, I am WHOOOPED!!!

See ya all the next round.

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I feel compelled to point out that the three of us with ginger-like qualities finished ahead of the rest of our group in the 600 superbike races. :flingpoo:

This explains what was wrong with the weekend, there can't be more than 2 of you in a group. :D

Brian, you are right, I was right behind the one on sat and sun. Sunday I do remember seeing his hand somewhat make it up but as I passed it went down.

Other than riding like shit all weekend and pissing someone off in the first 600 sprint (just find it funny when someone can't pass you they say you are all over the place, anyone that has been on track with me knows how I ride) it was a good weekend.

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Time for a little better writeup to relax before I dig in to the work week.

Friday was solid, little heavier than they expected so we ran 2 groups INT and ADV 20mins on/off. Unfortunately, there were alot of cautions and reds and seemed to get 1 less session in than we should have, but whatever. I ran 2 seconds better than my race pace last season so was happy with that. Nick and I ran together while Mike and Craig worked together. We spent a lot of time all weekend with various people working on Nicks suspension BUT seemed to have worked because I was faster than he was Friday, but by Sunday he was faster than I was so I was happy to see the progress for sure.

Saturday was a great day all day, until the Mock Start.... I'm not going to beat a dead horse etc. but as stated above by KTM it is beyond important to keep waving BOTH hands like you are trying to be saved by search and rescue on the side of Mt. Everest until every last bike has passed if you stall on grid. I was on the far left row 13 and saw everything, and ended up running into the dirt to avoid stuff, and basically cruised back onto the track.

As 1 reminder a red flag does NOT mean to slow to a crawl, it means get the he!! off the track into the pits, not cruise at 35mph, be safe but be quick, not fast. I had 4 guys in front of me riding through 3rd gear about 40mph and I wasn't 100% sure if I should pass and wave them along or if that would be worse and spook them so I stayed back. In retrorespect I should have because they needed EMS on track STAT and these guys were delaying that.

Anyways, that ended the day, it was good to hear no one was uh... well it sounded like the worst was a broke femur, and some bruising and I pray for a speedy recovery for all.

Sunday was looking like a great day during practice cut another 2 seconds off from Friday/Saturday and felt I had about another 2 to give, but then another grid issue. Same thing, and again, WAVE BOTH HANDS until all bikes pass. Then worry about starting.

Anyways, rest of the day went fine and only shaved .08 off from practice and was .02 off from what I wanted to hit for the weekend but whatever.

Nick and I had an awesome battle and I acutally was able to pass some people in the race which made me feel more of a sense of belonging than I had last season.

I want to thank EVERYONE that came out and said hi, spent time together with us, or just offered a hand during the events. I have 0 interest in MS itself, but this weekend showed how we all come together especially during the tough times and support each other.

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Next, we take over the world!

It was good to see all the ginger's laying down hte smack for sure. Definitely nice to meet Chris and see Hollywood again. Then there is Brandon, we just have this little special bond, he's just so dang cute.

We need to re-ghey this thread fast.

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Next, we take over the world!

Didn't I just ask you about the ginger multiple factor at PIRC? See what happens?

I am travelling for work right now, and just read the whole thread. It sucks to hear about all the bad luck, and I pray everyone makes it through a quick and complete recovery. Its the risk of the sport and we all know it, but that doesn't make it suck any less when it happens.

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Other than riding like shit all weekend and pissing someone off in the first 600 sprint (just find it funny when someone can't pass you they say you are all over the place, anyone that has been on track with me knows how I ride) it was a good weekend.

that was bogus. I can't believe I resisted the urge to say something snarky to that guy.

1) I followed you for a while before passing you, and if you were "all over the track," it was because the guy in the Scorpion leathers slows down in weird places and you had to avoid hitting him (same thing happened to me)

2) what was he hoping to accomplish by talking to you? Next time, I urge you to say, "yep. I'm all over the place. that's my riding style. You never know what I'm gonna do next, muthafuckah!!!!!" and then kiss him on the mouth. (please for the love of god, actually do this if he ever approaches you again after a race)

3) Other people passed you, and none of them had any complaints about your ability to hold a line.

4) If he was so much faster, it wouldn't have been an issue for him to go around. I know Neyra and Brian came around me like I was standing still, so that means they passed you at some point as well. I doubt you slowed either of them down.

I'll have to take a look at that guy's results from the rest of the weekend. something tells me a bad finish is never his fault :eyeroll:

Edited by redkow97
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We did have a gay hug later. He came over and thought that his talke made me not run the second sprint which I didn't sign up for. I think he was having a bad day and needed to vent, he's a good guy and I have never had problems with him before.

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I'm glad everyone's alright. Sounds like you guys had a good time at Sean's, I'm glad you liked it. If I didn't have plans that night I would have joined everyone.

Hollywood, great save on the start. As I got a shot of that I said to myself "oh $hit, not again!"

Got home around 9:00 after the three hour.

Craig, thanks for letting me attempt to destroy the Spree.

Now the fun begins, sorting pics and getting CD's out. Thanks to all who ordered CD's, it's GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Now a two week break. Three straight weekends of photography has worn me down.

Check is in the mail, make sure to check out the part on the check for what the check was for. :D

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We did have a gay hug later. He came over and thought that his talke made me not run the second sprint which I didn't sign up for. I think he was having a bad day and needed to vent, he's a good guy and I have never had problems with him before.

I totally forgot about that guy coming up to you. I was standing there clueless like a dog who just farted and wonders why the room cleared, then looks at his butt as the smell wofts to his nose and runs away.

But yeah, that was pretty funny when he was like yelling at you walking down pit lane about being all over. I've rode with you 6 times there now, and had 0 issues. Except when you went out and ran faster on your second lap then I did just to piss with me.

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We did have a gay hug later. He came over and thought that his talke made me not run the second sprint which I didn't sign up for. I think he was having a bad day and needed to vent, he's a good guy and I have never had problems with him before.

I'm glad you said so, or I would have always thought of him as "that guy who bitched at Craig for no reason," and probably been kind of a dick in the future...

That guy in the Scorpion leathers really is weird to follow and difficult to pass. I can't put my finger on why, except that he's fast in some parts of the track, and just way off in others. I've followed him a lot at BeaveRun, and had the same experience, so it's not like he just had never been to nelson and was getting thrown by the track.

I guess I can't really get mad at him for being hard to pass, it's just weird when someone is so easy to catch, but hard to get around.

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Had a head Dr/Surgeon check me out today. Looks like I have 3 cracked ribs in my back and one on the left side. Standard soreness, bruising up, heat burn in right and cut across my nose from the helmets impact into the ground. Helmet had sever damage to exterior and a cracked interior shell....

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Had a head Dr/Surgeon check me out today. Looks like I have 3 cracked ribs in my back and one on the left side. Standard soreness, bruising up, heat burn in right and cut across my nose from the helmets impact into the ground. Helmet had sever damage to exterior and a cracked interior shell....

That sucks, not much you can do about those ribs.

The doc didn't find anything wrong with your head? I though for sure they'd find a few screws loose, cobwebs, or somethin?

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Did you have to clean your leathers after that start on the second race? You put it up a couple times pretty good

Dude, I legitimately almost shit my pants! Scared the hell out of me! I suppose I was being a bit too ambitious on the start. It took me a couple turns to get my head back together, but I eventually settled back in and put some decent laps in.

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Dude, I legitimately almost shit my pants! Scared the hell out of me! I suppose I was being a bit too ambitious on the start. It took me a couple turns to get my head back together, but I eventually settled back in and put some decent laps in.

Scared you, should have seen your GF's face. She about broke down in tears bro, just totally terrified.

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Scared you, should have seen your GF's face. She about broke down in tears bro, just totally terrified.

^This. My GF never wants to come to the track again. First time she's really been there and she witnesses the 2 worst crashes I've seen at the track. She no longer has fingernails due to the fact she nervously chewed them all off.

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Is that what she told you? I would tell you anythIng to avoid using the Nelson showers again.

Wheelies look more dramatic up close anyway. Have gf's watch from the tower.

That's just becasue you didn't buddy shower bro. Should have hopped in with Nick and I Saturday after the track day. Dispenza was in there too.

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