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I'm Down


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The sliders probably wouldn't have helped save the bike any. They would have just dug into that soft ground and possibly bent the mounting bolts. Sorry about the crash and hopefully everything is alright! Let us know about the knee. I took a lowside last year and the bike landed on my knee as well. The ER gave me a clean bill of health and it took a couple days but everything went back to 100% once I stayed off it. By the way, saying you were in a motorcycle accident will definitely speed up seeing the doctor haha

Sliders is a brand of kevlar riding Jeans.

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I went down on ice like that once. It was 38F, there wasn't supposed to be ice. Barely moving from a stop, rear went out and very quick down. I put the knee out to try to stop it. Didn't work, rolled off. No ER, just limped around for a couple of days. Saved the bike though, only screwed two cheap parts.

That knee will be tender for a while. Just take it easy.

If the bike is going down at any speed, get the leg out from under the bike.

And you're right, deep gravel is nasty. Hard to tell what will happen.

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Good thing it was a slow scenario, and frame sliders are like steering dampers......you never know when you'll need them until you find out you just needed them. Glad nothings broken and hope you heal quickly

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You big silly! Don't be crashing! Glad you're ok, and your maiden crash wasn't too bad. Guess it's time to do that Hello Kitty paint job now?

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Having been down twice in the last 6 months (for the first time in 30 years) I actually find myself nervous on the road. Not totally convinced that's not why I didn't wreck last month (Leary of back wheel slipping out). Kinda nervous about the Gap trip in June now too. Hope this get better and I can put the "first one" behind me.

OP, glad you're ok. I'm having some plastics and my tank painted now by a guy at a real good price. Let me know if u are interested.

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

Dude set limits and dont let more exp rider push you and watch whats around you

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Dude set limits and dont let more exp rider push you and watch whats around you

He knows, he has been riding for 30+ years and hasn't wrecked in 30 years. I'm sure there arn't too many people on here with more experience then him. It seems to me that he has hit a rough patch though unfortunately and hopefully he can overcome that before the trip.

I know how he feels, after I wrecked I always feel my back tire is slipping, but that is just going to take time to get over. Most of it is just a mentality issue most of the time, it's weird how some events(even minor ones) can leave traumatizing effects.

I hope he has a speedy recovery though so he can tear up some roads with yall. :) Even if he doesn't feel 100% up for the rides hopefully there will be other great activities there for him to enjoy.

On a side note I hope everyone that goes down to the gap has a fun and safe trip. Keep hydrated guys, even if your not thirsty drink water. The first sign of dehydration is thirst ;)

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I might actually have to not go. I'm supposed to wear this immobilizer for 3-6 weeks. I can't really ride with it on :(

I know you don't like me, but whatever. Hopefully your leg heals up quicker then expected so you can make that trip. I'm pretty sure you have been looking forward to this for a while now and it's a major bummer that you had this unfortunate mishap at a really inconvenient time.

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Just because you can be annoying and you are most definitely a post whore does not mean I don't like you. As I stated in one of your threads, I am not in a place to judge others. Furthermore, I've never met you in person, so I will refrain from forming an opinion until then. Thank you for the kind words about the leg.

I know you don't like me, but whatever. Hopefully your leg heals up quicker then expected so you can make that trip. I'm pretty sure you have been looking forward to this for a while now and it's a major bummer that you had this unfortunate mishap at a really inconvenient time.
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Being someone with a left knee that's innards once looked like pasta salad, you have my sympathies on the injury. Glad you were otherwise unscathed, and now your bike's cherry has officially been popped. Welcome to the club, though we really aren't looking to ever add any more members. Hope you heal soon and completely, and get back on the bike.

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I might actually have to not go. I'm supposed to wear this immobilizer for 3-6 weeks. I can't really ride with it on :(

Nobody listens to doctors. 90% dont know what they are doing anyways.

Make the trip regardless even if you just put around you'll have a great time.

Edited by Mykill
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Hope you feel better soon man... If the doc said stay off it, I'd listen unless you feel better and he says ur GTG. You don't want to have lasting issues because you pushed it and the knee didn't heal well enough. Just my 2 cents...

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