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My dad has cancer


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Prayers going out from me.

I went through this about 14 or 15 years ago. Lost my mom to colon cancer.

My older sister and I rented a house together and took my mom and little sister (about 8 years old at the time) in for the last months that she was with us. I remember her having my sister call me and telling me to get home from work one night. I headed there right away and didn't go in to work for a couple weeks after that. I think she made it another week. It was all such a blur, and I did not want to deal with it. I still wish I had handled it better than I did.

Again, I'm sending prayers up for you and your family. Prayers for God's will, whether it be miraculous healing, or comfort dealing with the situation.

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It is with a heavy heart, my father passed away peacefully in his sleep this morning. He was home for 2 weeks. 12 great days of talking with Dad. I talked to Dad last night about 10 PM. I thanked him for being my Dad and raising me right. He gave me a hug and blinked his eyes. Official time was 4:07 AM.

Ironic thing about the number 407. Dad was Teamster rep for Local 407. One of his hospital room numbers was 407. I miss him already.

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Sorry to hear this Scott. You were truly blessed to spend the last 2 weeks with your father and share moments that you will remember and bring you comfort. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

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Sorry for your loss.

I'm really happy that you got that time with him. Being able to spend those last days and moments with him is the greatest gift you could have given him. It will also help your healing because there are no regrets to focus on, just fond memories. Still sucks and will hurt a lot for a while.

Let us know if we can do anything.

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  • 3 months later...

Moving on does not mean forgetting.

I just re-read all these posts again and truely thank everyone that posted.

For those that indicated they have a loved one with cancer, I hope all is with your situation.

My mom and sister are doing ok. My father passed away at his house. Some times I am ok and feel comfort being there in the house and in that room. Other times I just cry even before I make the turn onto their street.

Mom indicated that she will stay in the house for a year and then decide if she will keep the house. I can already see the house is too large for her. I cut the grass, keep her car clean.

I did get my father's rifle, but have not fired it yet since his passing. It is special since we went together when it was purchased.

Thank you for reading.

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Prayers you and your family. I know what you are going through,my aunt who decided to raise me after my mother ran out passed away last February from small cell lung cancer but had beat Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma just 3 years before the SCLC was a crazy ball out f left field wasn't much the doctors could do but make her comfortable because radiation had no effect. I know its not the same as losing a father just letting you know there are others here for support if you need it.

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I'm sorry to hear about your dad my prayers will be with you. I went through a similar experience with my grandmother she would be herself some days and others she was not. All I can say is take the time you have and make the most of it. At least he is at home where he can be comfortable. Again, my prayers are with you.

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I'm not sure how I missed the 2nd half of this tread but I'm so sorry for you Scott, yet elated it was peaceful and that you 2 got so much more time together towards the end. I didnt get either blessing when cancer took my Dad in '99. Wish I could tell you how easy it gets later, but I dont believe its easy to accept and live with at any age.....but it does hurt less later, which I'm sure you're finding now that its been a little while. Stay strong and hope to see you at the Dream Ride this year even if its in the cage, was a brief but fun chat at MidO this summer.

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Cancer is a bastard. Reading your initial post brings back those memories.....and lots of emotions.

The good thing for you-knowing he will be in a better place free of pain and suffering. My prayers go out to you and your loved ones. Stand tall, be strong.....God bless!

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Ya know, once in a while something in a song, or movie will set me off crying over the loss of my mom. It's almost totally random even. I was close to tears at work the other day because of a song that was playing on the radio, a song that I've heard hundreds of times in the past several years (my mom was gone long before the song came out) but for some reason that time it got to me.

My advice is to let it out and to try not to keep it in if possible.

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