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Bad MOJO at a bad junction


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You know how they say things come in threes. Apaprently that also applies to idiotic cagers. Saturday, I was heading south on Riverside Drive in Dublin at the intersection with East Bridge St. There is a very dangerous junction there where a feeder roadway on the right, which is actually a split of Riverside Drive rejoins the main road. There is a Yield sign there but the Dublin Yuppies not only ignore that sign they actually speed up apparently in an attempt to head off southbound traffic on Riverside Drive.

I'm well aware of it that that doesn't really lessen the danger. Two cars about 40 feet apart coming in from the right both gunned it and the second one nearly sideswiped me. The moron, of course, was on the phone chatting.

1/4 mile down the road the van in front of me comes to a screeching halt. Wasn't turning, there were no animals or other obstruction in the road. Driver apparently had a brain cramp.

50 feet down the road a huge black caddy pulls out from a driveway on the right and slams on his barkes at the very last second.

I ride a good sized Vulcan which is lit up like a Christmas tree so I'm not hard to see. Thinking of writing a letter to the Dublin PD and Dispatch asking that the Yield sign at that junction be replaced with a Stop sign as I think its the only thing that will get that situation under control. Otherwise its a disaster waiting to happen.

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Upgrade to a Kenworth Vulcan 8000 LT and stop for no one.

SEE: Search, Evaluate, Execute. Sounds like you're already doing that, though. Just pretend you're invisible - which you evidently are if you're in Dublin.

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I ride that road almost every day on my commute. If you are positioned southbound, you have plenty of time to see those cars at the yield sign. They often do not look over their shoulder to see what's coming, so don't be afraid to come off the throttle and let them go. Also be aware that there is a daycare or something to the right, so they speed through the yield and then suddenly stop to pull into the center. They may be "wrong" for not yielding but you'd be hurt or dead. Always be ready to stop unexpectedly on that road too. I've seen plenty of times where cars slammed on the brakes for wildlife that wanders out onto the road. Finally, I always try to position towards the centerline to protect from those cars pulling out of driveways. Many of them seem to have poor lines of site so I pretty much expect the cars to pull out on me.

As jblsser posted, use the SEE method especially when it is busy on that road.

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I don't do it in my car most of the time, but where your talking about is gng under the bridge no? I always gun it to get ahead of the slower traffic when I'm on my bike. It's unsafe but I would rather get in front of them and be able to watch ahead for deer/animals/people pulling out of drives myself instead of relying on someone ahead of me who may be on the phone chatting or sending a text. I'd rather piss someone off then have them panic and slam on their brakes in front of me because Peter cottontail went for a jog across the road. I never realized there were so many people close to me on here.

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Ohio is full of idiots in cars, glad you avoided the three who displayed there vehicular aptitude that day. :)


We have our share of braindead idiots up here in Cleveland too. I assume it's standard practice to turn your brain off when you turn your engine on around here.:mad:

In any case, I'm glad to see this isn't an "I got hit" thread.

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