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God Bless America, the movie


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Looks like it'd be awesome if I still drank... :D

About The Film

Frank (Joel Murray) has had enough of the downward spiral of American culture, which he sees as overrun with cruelty, stupidity and intolerance. Divorced, recently fired, and possibly terminally ill, Frank truly has nothing left to live for. But instead of taking his own life, he buys a gun and decides to take out his frustration on the cruelest, stupidest, most intolerant people he can imagine—starting with some particularly odious reality television stars. Frank finds an unusual accomplice in a high-school student named Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr), who shares his sense of rage and disenfranchisement, and together they embark on a nation-wide assault on our country’s dumbest, most irritating celebrities.

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I personally find any and all guns repugnant unless, and only if, they are in the hands of a highly trained professional and/or a retired member of the military.

Found it on pay-per-spank for $3.99, should have a review up in 104 minutes plus 10 minutes to compose/post my thoughts and 6 minutes for a smoke break or two - unless I fall asleep...

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