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*Super* Picture Game


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Alrighty, so everybody loves the picture games that people post on forums right? Well, I'm a member of another forum, and the members there loved theirs as well so I made an entire website based around that game. Original post from that forum:

The website, after I'd say a month and a half and maybe 100-150 hours of working on it, (straight HTML, PHP and CSS), is COMPLETE. And I need guinea pigs to test it out before full release.

Moto Picturing

Register an account here: Moto Picturing

The picture game posted on this forum and other forums is fun, but cluttered with irrelevant comments and too streamlined to have more than one 'game' going at once. So, for anyone, being most everyone, that missed the topic before I started making this website, I made this website to continue that picture game but in a more organized way. Beyond that, all of the picture game players from every forum can come together on this game.

How it works:

There's tasks, submitted by users via 'Suggest a new task', and each task has its own page. Pictures are posted for each task by its corresponding task page. The primary, meaning 1st picture accepted for each task, picture gets all of the points listed for the task. Any pictures submitted after that picture are 'secondary pictures', and get half the points (rounded down).

A comment system is set up on each task page for the 'community', though a message board is possible should enough requests be made for one. (There's a Send Feedback link at the bottom right that I highly encourage you to use if you use the website.)

The tasks under 'Available Tasks' are removed once a primary picture has been accepted, but until it expires secondary pictures are still allowed to be posted. All completed tasks go under 'Recent Activity' in the 'Pictures' tab.

Each user has a profile page listing their most recent pictures and comments. Each user also gets their own avatar, which can be changed under Edit Settings.

There's a Members page listing all members, which is searchable, and on first page load always goes by who has the most points. (Points are obviously the incentive.)

So, yeah, it's all pretty self-explanatory - too much to explain in one forum post. I don't know how the reactions will be for the website, but with all of the picture games posted I can imagine there's SOME demand for it. I made it with 'GeoCache' in mind, if anyone's ever done that. People post tasks, others go do it.

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

Extra note: If anybody likes this website and is a member of other forums or real-life motorcycle groups, has motorcycle friends, etc. it'd be awesome if you could help me get the word out on this website. I'm not a member of any other forums or many motorcycle groups, so I have very little connections myself in that respect.

Edited by Bitani
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This is a completely separate thing from a forum game. I'm going to assume you didn't read the OP.

My mistake

Or the Cali and Florida guys making tasks that only someone in their area can get.....

This kinda hard to get a task on the beach

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It's like when all the radio stations got bought up and all the contests went to an 800 number. After that it became nearly impossible to win your local radio station contests because people from several states were calling the same number. It really just sucks all the fun out of it.

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It's like when all the radio stations got bought up and all the contests went to an 800 number. After that it became nearly impossible to win your local radio station contests because people from several states were calling the same number. It really just sucks all the fun out of it.


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I think you guys dont understand the game, didnt look or maybe i dont understand.

My impression is that everyone is able to get the same picture and its point value. So its not a race to be the first to get the picture and post it up like the games we already have. Your goal is to get all the pictures and have the highest score accumulated from the point value given for each picture.

*EDIT* To clarify "You guys" i realized i should have put "a couple of you guys"

Edited by 20thGix
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I think you guys dont understand the game, didnt look or maybe i dont understand.

My impression is that everyone is able to get the same picture and its point value. So its not a race to be the first to get the picture and post it up like the games we already have. Your goal is to get all the pictures and have the highest score accumulated from the point value given for each picture.

*EDIT* To clarify "You guys" i realized i should have put "a couple of you guys"

Yes but it sounds like for every picture added after the first one you get half the points, then the next one gets half of those and so on, so after 3 pics it's almost worthless, granted this depends on how many people are playing.

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