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what should I be looking for now?


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I'm just looking for a little direction here. Since I'm not too knowledgeable about things outside cosmetic stuff. But this is a work in progress because I want to know! I'd ask the Triumph675.net forum, but no one really answers questions :nono:

I low sided yesterday and the headlights still work, blinkers, horn, kill switch and the whole gauge lights still come on. after the crash they worked and even now. When I got home yesterday, I took out the battery and cleaned her up as best as I could. I put the battery and the spare battery in and everything still works as stated above. It tries to make the usual sound when turned on. So I know some of you guys suggested the sensors. I took a look at them and they seemed ok. no damage was done to them. But I also don't know what I'm looking for either :dunno:

So where else or what else should I be looking for/at? I'm assuming it's wiring of some sort?

any suggestions would be appreciated!

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"usual sound"

does that include the fuel pump coming on, and the starter cranking the engine, obviously...?

if you've got those you're looking at either the fuel injectors not pulsing, or the ignition system not firing...

if you've got access to an inductive timing light, that could let you know that your spark is working, that would narrow it down to the injection system...

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Let me rephrase that usual sound. before the crash, when starting the bike, when the gauge lights came on and the rpm shit goes up and back down, thats when the sound is made. like the bike was talking to me happy to go for a ride.

as of right now. it sounds like it's trying to make it, but can't. but the rpm gauge still goes up and down. When I hit the ignition, nothing happens. doesn't click. doesn't crank. nothing.

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fuel pump runs up and everything, then it wont turn over? fuel pump doesnt run when u turn the key an the kill switch is off?

Do you have it in neutral? haha

Did the clutch wiring get messed up at all?

Try starting with the kickstand up?

Was it running before the battery switch?

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The bike has not started since it's been down. Like I said, it sounds different which I posted vids up earlier in the thread. Hit the ignition. nothing. doesn't crank, lights don't flicker(but the gauge lights are fully lit). no sound whats so ever. So I tried a fully charged battery and that didn't do anything. same boat, square one.

The bike is in neutral, tried starting it with the stand down and up. nothing. I tried starting it leaned over and still nothing. same thing happens as stated above.

I disconnected a bunch of wires and reconnected them. nothing. Took the whole instrument panel apart and reconnected everything. nothing. Took off the sensors and shook them like suggested and nothing. The lights still come one, hit the ignition and still no sound of it trying to crank or anything.

I've seen at post where the guy suggests turning the key multiple times. I've tried that and it doesn't change anything either.

I attempted to disconnect the fuel pump but couldn't get it to disconnect. I've never done it before. At the angle I was working at I couldn't get it off. I'm going to try and take it off again tomorrow morning. so maybe that's my issue? If that's not it. what else could it be possibly? The bike went down on the right side only. It took a hard hit going down like myself. But there's not dents or anything. most of the damage is cosmetic stuff. minus the grip and bar ends which I still consider cosmetic lol

Edited by Saacattack
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Start checking relays and fuses burned out loose anything along those lines.

Have you checked your fuses as stated above? Simple check continuity between the two pieces of metal showing though the plastic. I am still a bit confused as to what works and doesn't, but it could certainly be a fuse or a few. Clarify this "usual sound", does that include the fuel pump or just the sound of the gauges? A video of you going through the motions and of the damage would clear these questions up.

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I just removed the tank and everything looked clean. I re connected everything and double checked all my wires and they are all clean. It just wasnt making sense for it to be wiring. So starting checking all my fuses in my fuse box and my engine fuse was fried. I replaced that and she started right up!

I feel retarded for it being so simple but I figured it out so that makes me feel better. I do appreciate everyone's help! I'm going to clean her up and get back out there soon

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I hate forgetting about fuses...

I was driving my little dune buggy home from work one day...

Center of town it just dies, so i hop out, push it into a parking spot, and start checking all the connections, engine, coil, starter relay, alternator, voltage regulator, start tapping the electric choke, switch connections, everything i can think of....

call in the cavalry, tow it home...

25 amp ignition fuse with a box of spares sitting right next to it....

SON OF A B!*$#! did make me happy that nothing else was broken, just stupid that i overlooked it.

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