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Tire Wear Question....


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So I was looking at my tire last night to make sure I have enough meat left for another track day and noticed the wear on it and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction if there needs to be a slight rebound/ comp adjustment.

So hopfully the photo is pretty clear, I have put some street miles on the bike since the last track day. The tire is a Q2 and I was running 30psi cold.

This is a photo of my rear.... my front seems to look good so I did not take a photo... Anyways, you can see where the sipe closest to the sidwall has leading edge wear and the trailing edge is pretty squared off (normally I think this has to do with to slow of rebound), however the sipe above has some trailing edge wear and the leading edge is pretty square. Would this be due to a comp not being fast enough? Too little/too much air? Or just normal? Like I said the front is pretty square on each side of the sipes.

I do have my preload set to 30mm in the rear.


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I love these videos, they help a ton

I have the complete dvd set that has a lot more than those 2 videos show. guys going out for a session and he then checks the tires and makes adjustments to the suspension. repeat until the tire looks perfect. and everyone in the video starts picking up a few seconds on their lap times just from that.

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The vida are sweetness! But to answer the OP's question - hell yes! We run em until the wear bars and tread are gone! They last that good. The wear you have is covered in Dave's vids and worth listening to in order to see if you can find a solution. But, that tire looks good.

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Thanks Guys, I have watched those vidoes before and thats why I was looking at my tires. I think next track day Im going to play with the rear a little to see if I can make it better. As of now I can tell my reboud is not fast enough from watching the bounce tests, so I took some out and it seems better but wont know till I run at the track.

How much were the DVDs? and where did you get them?

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