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RazorMax or iPhone 4?

max power

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Do I need the 32GB or is the 16GB sufficient? There is a $100 difference.

Assuming you're talking about the iPhone - there's no SD card slot, so there's no adding a bigger card later.

(I think i'm correct, but not an Apple guy)

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Do I need the 32GB or is the 16GB sufficient? There is a $100 difference.

On my Droid Razr it's got a 16 GB internal memory and a 16GB sd card from Micro Center for $22 save the extra money for hookers and blow

Is the 4G noticeably better?

Yes, faster than 3G keeps up with my internet browsing and Pandora usage

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Assuming you're talking about the iPhone - there's no SD card slot, so there's no adding a bigger card later.

(I think i'm correct, but not an Apple guy)

You are correct. Not sure if I need the bigger storage.

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I had to make this decision about 3 months ago. I was a Droid fanboy. I rooted, rommed, and flashed my Samsung Vibrant that I had with Tmobile. I loved the versatility and I loved Android.

I switched to Verizon and was really having a hard time deciding whether to get the Razr or the iPhone. I decided to give the iPhone a try and because Verizon had the trial policy I figured I'd give it two weeks and decide before the trial period was over if I still wanted the Razr. It was a good decision because I love my iPhone. If you jailbreak it (which is easy) you can do almost as much as you can do on Android and the screen is many, many times better than any Android phone I have seen. I love Android and IOS but for now the iPhone is for me.....though I know that may change.

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I've heard the RazorMaxx and 4s both have inaccessible batteries, true or not? If so, you are stuck spending cash on pro services to replace the batt ( if its even possible without phone replacement ) and if the battery cycle life drops, you cant simply buy a larger batt for longer life ( that I know of ). Have not researched this, just told about it recently. My wife's got the new RazorMaxx - and theres no back panel on it to get to/upgrade the battery, and the sim is stationed under the card slot cover with the sd. New batteries these phones have may prove to be THAT good, but if I were upgrading phones I would definitely invest in the 100% insurance to replace everything if problems occur.

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iPhone...period. The problem with the droid phones is the same problem you have with the PC world. Many different manufacturers making many different phones for one operating system. The issue there is that in a short period of time you have a great risk that your phone will not run the latest droid OS. It's a fact, look it up for yourself.

The iPhone is a solid phone with a solid OS. Make the switch and never look back.

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+1 my Motorola Bionic has been going strong as well, had it since May 2011......

It was released in September of 2011. On a related note I put an ICS leak on mine a few days ago. It makes the Bionic even more awesome.

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iPhone...period. The problem with the droid phones is the same problem you have with the PC world. Many different manufacturers making many different phones for one operating system. The issue there is that in a short period of time you have a great risk that your phone will not run the latest droid OS. It's a fact, look it up for yourself.

The iPhone is a solid phone with a solid OS. Make the switch and never look back.

androids fragmented.....but just about any model you get is going to be a great phone. My original captivate (samsung galaxy s) is still going strong as my mothers phone.

I'd say the benefit of hardware choices outweighs the cost of slow updates for some models.

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In my humble opinion from using a iPhone4 and moving onto a Motorola Atrix 4G, I'd go with the Galaxy S3. Between MotoBLUR and whatever else Motorola does to fuck with the standard OS's, I've had it with their shitty performance and complete lack of updating. Honestly man, I'd go with Samsung on this one, there's a reason Google is using Samsung as the manufacturer to make their Nexus phones.

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I started with the regular RAZR, now have the Maxx. I love the maxx, huge difference in battery life. And no, you can not take battery off. I have the ability to update to ICS, but haven't don't enough research on it yet to feel safe to update.

Edit: the maxx is a huge phone, compared to the iPhone. But it's easy to get used to and might be better if you like watching videos or TV/movies.

Edited by ninjachk08
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I find it stranger how there is a new Droid "whatever" model seemingly every 6 months. It's like a computer. As soon as you get one, it is outdated or cheaper by over half within a year. The iPhone changes annually and through that year, you get updates and such, but it is the same phone the entire time it is around. No iPhone Maxx or whatever within 6 months. And usually, they do an "S" model every other year and really, isn't something you NEED to change to. I am still on my iPhone 4 and didn't switch to the 4s due to the differences didn't warrant it for me.

I will be getting the 5 when it comes this fall.

Another thing is the 3G on ATT is faster than the 3G on Verizon. Not by much, but it is. One of the co-workers I know has a Verizon 4s and it is slower on download speeds.

The 4G network is the shit and MUCH faster, but at the end of the day, the iPhone is more stable, is more fluid and almost seems to read your mind as you type or work with it. I would certainly like to see changes and it does have it's little issues here and there, but it is solid and has been a similar feel and the way it works has been similar since I started with Apple on the original iPhone...

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I like the bigger screens on the Droids to read books with. Which means the bigger/longer lasting the battery is, the less I'll have to charge it. Even a book reader can drain a battery fairly fast. Have not tried any iPhones, but people generally seem happy with them.

This won't be going away, by 2014 Droids and iPhones will pretty much split the market share, leaving only about 10% for all other phones. A best guess on my part.

edit: I've still had zero problems with my older DroidX. Updating in the next year, I'll try to keep it for three years.

Edited by ReconRat
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Everyone keeps bringing up the size of the droid screen. It's getting ridiculous that their only selling point is a big screen. I like my iPhone because it's "phone sized". If I wanted something to read books on or watch movies I'll bring my iPad thank you. I don't want to be asked "is that a droid in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty sure that "sucks ass" is a known and well used IT tech description of both hardware and software. And no manufacturer is exempt from our fury.

I read the wired article about obsolete operating systems. If you buy a cheapo phone, that's what you will get, a cheapo op sys, one no one else wanted. For the cost of an iPhone, four to eight of those cheapos could be bought and used on a family plan. It has it's place in the market, or people wouldn't buy them and keep them.

iPhone being phone size is one of it's best selling points. Not having to carry my netbook or tablet or laptop is exactly why I like the larger screen of the Droids. That, and if you're far sighted, you'll want a decent sized screen that you can see. Choose wisely.

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