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7/21/12 neo -wv-seo-neo


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I didn't have trouble with my Multistrada. I guess you guys just need better motorcycles? :dunno:

Gotta be the Ohleeeeeeeeens.

In all seriousness, I think the heavy rain down there recently, combined with the influx increased truck traffic resulted in worse road conditions that the ride we did earlier this year.

Either that or I was distracted by Jinu's sweet man candy that last time and just didn't notice.

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The rains and construction traffic has killed 250...not sure exactly where you guys were but I had to deliver parts to one of our jobs a couple weeks back and was on 250 for almost 20 miles and it was shit even compared to last year

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Nice meeting you guys today!

Some very nice twisties except for all the junk on the road!

Oh and next time,I'll need to be home on time,wifey not happy with me bring 2 hours late!

I'm sure it counts for zero.. But did you try telling her you had to make sure a clueless newb got home safe?

Seriously, thanks for waiting up and thanks everybody for an exciting day. Roads might be iffy but weather was perfect.

Nice to meet you all! Looking forward to the video, since for most of my ride I couldn't see many of you :D


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I just constantly change my body position or else I start to cramp up. I noticed if i rest my throttle elbow on the tank or put my toe on the peg and rest elbow to knee, it helps immensely with throttle hand. Or, what I did the last time, cross up and use the left hand to hold the throttle while resting the right.

This is the recommended riding position for slabbing, and also a good reason to be blind.l6KxI.jpg

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Strange..........That position generally used for doing clutch less power wheelies on the cult classic VFR'S.

repeat, there are no squids on a VFR. its a riders motorcycle.

That either sounds like a dig, or completely true viffer trivia and i can't figure out which. Either way, thanks for looking out for me today.

you did good for first ride with us, you shud have started with us on some short rides with less aggressive riders :D yesterday was bit spirited. best thing is you reached home in one piece.

Brian, if you and time showed up there would have been 5 VFRs on the ride, so much for being unique lol :D

Video look sop dark :( dont feel like editing it, may be will just play around and make some crap up for s&g

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This is the recommended riding position for slabbing, and also a good reason to be blind.l6KxI.jpg

assume the position

My video turned out ok, but I have 18 gigs worth and I suck at editing it. Probably will end up doing the same thing I did from the last ride. Wish I knew the roads better so I could just start and stop the camera every time we were coming to a better section.

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assume the position

My video turned out ok, but I have 18 gigs worth and I suck at editing it. Probably will end up doing the same thing I did from the last ride. Wish I knew the roads better so I could just start and stop the camera every time we were coming to a better section.

right after the ride ended sun came out and it was beautiful

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My clock read 6:30 or some nonsense (i really need to check the manual) so that was no help. Going all that way for roads..gotta make it count. Shame all the good rides start 2 hrs away. That ride back hurt til i went numb. All good now tho. I have a 6x16 trailer that just sits, or is trucking back not hardcore enough?

That "back in one piece" wasn't lost on me, you guys are quick. Worst part is i can't use my 500 lb "sport tourer" as an excuse, cause half of you ride em!

Every time we hit fresh blacktop, everything picked up quick and still felt safer. There's your cue. I guess overcast is nice for temps, lousy for a highlight reel. The shade in the mountains prob isn't good video, but for a first ride, I'd like to see the raw vid if i give you flash drive? let me know.

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Here ya go :

Turn the key to the on position.

Hold both the temp and tripometer buttons down together for a few seconds.

The clock display will start flashing.

Use the temp and tripometer buttons to adjust the time.

Turn off the ignition.


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true that, wanna get out today ? lol

edit: scratch that, just checked weather

hadn't planned on it, but I just got a call and the boots are going on :D

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Holy cow Doc. 5 VFR'S ??? That's like Singer sewing machine demo days.


here is like a 3 hour quick edit of some of the footage that i saw, there are lot more which i havent even got to

very bad video quality, after editing and it even worsened http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYt6PALrn-I

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Great video as always, Doc! I don't think it was too dark at all.

I like that I can see my body position in a couple of the shots - gives a good indication of stuff I can work on (like keeping my line away from the double-yellow).

I, for one, like the soundtrack :D

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The final measure of any rider's skill is the inverse ratio of his preferred Traveling Speed to the number of bad scars on his body. It is that simple: If you ride fast and crash, you are a bad rider. And if you are a bad rider, you should not ride motorcycles.

- Hunter Thompson .....Are they bad riders?

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The final measure of any rider's skill is the inverse ratio of his preferred Traveling Speed to the number of bad scars on his body. It is that simple: If you ride fast and crash, you are a bad rider. And if you are a bad rider, you should not ride motorcycles.

- Hunter Thompson .....Are they bad riders?

It's an excerpt from 'Song of the Sausage Creature', one of my favorite HST pieces. Mr. Thompson was referring to cafe racers - road people - doing the type of riding that many of us on the forum like to do. I feel like it isn't really as applicable to a competitive environment like roadracing.

Just something I like to think about during a long ride when I'm tempted to ride 'fast'.

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