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14 dead at dark knight premier

kawi kid

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Yeah, I read that, and I also read the statement from the company that sold him the tac vest, and it's not armor. If he had armor on, its whereabouts or origin are unknown.

I take the initial reports as the flaming speculative bullshit that they are. Much of the early reporting has been wrong.

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4 black males attempting to car jack me on my birthday as we got into my car in her grandmother's driveway to go birthday dinner with my parents. That story has been discussed in detail on here several times. I have a feeling you didn't see it because there was nothing to argue your views on....... other than it was my fault for driving a nice car.

Insert ray-sis comment about the accuracy of african american shooters

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wb exarch, try to stick to the rules this time, you're entertaining as hell

Thanks, wont be hanging around here much though, probably just tonight and if i every get time to go on a ride. Got too much stuff going on in life.

Btw, figured out why my bike shook bad past 50mph(wasnt in my head lol) my forks were out of alignment(which is why my bike squealed) im guessing the previous owner hit a pothole or something. Bike runs smooth at 75-80mph on the highway during the daily commute.(dunno why some say the ninja 250s feel unstable at 70+mph) It just doesn't have the umph, oh well if(when) i get divorced gunna buy something bigger like a gsxr 750 or cbr600. Thought about getting a sv650, but my build is too small for that bike, I pretty much have to lay on the tank to reach the bars.

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my position simplified...

you can't walk anywhere without tripping over a pile of guns (figuratively not literally)

The national obsession with guns means ANYONE can go to a gun show and buy virtually any gun same day...is that a good thing?

decide for yourself...

Edited by magley64
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Thought about getting a sv650, but my build is too small for that bike, I pretty much have to lay on the tank to reach the bars.

Really?!! I'm not a big guy and my SV fits very well...not meaning to hijack the thread lol

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my position simplified...

you can't walk anywhere without tripping over a pile of guns (figuratively not literally)

The national obsession with guns means ANYONE can go to a gun show and buy virtually any gun same day...is that a good thing?

decide for yourself...

So explain Switzerland. Every single man between 18 and 40 has an Stg. 90, fully automatic assault rifle in his home.

That's more assault weapons per capita than anywhere on planet earth, even here in "gun obsessed" US of A.

How many deaths there per year by guns?

Wanna take a crack at Israel while you're at it? Their teachers carry guns. How many school shootings in the last decade?

If it's the guns, then it's a petri-dish that will absolutely support your assertion. If it's not the guns but a culture of violence that has nothing to do with the tools themselves, then Switzerland and Israel will be low violence, low-firearm deaths....and low in every other kind of violent crime rate too while ours stays high (both in guns and other measurable means....mostly confined to poverty and drug-ridden inner cities).

You wanna just go ahead and admit you're wrong? You are. We all know it. You know it.

Wanna be a man and take some intellectual steps towards maturity?

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Really?!! I'm not a big guy and my SV fits very well...not meaning to hijack the thread lol

im 5'5, but have really short arms for my height. It sits pretty will, but when I grab the bars I have to position my legs towards the back tire(not a problem while riding, thats just for sitting still) and ya my body lays on the tank while riding, so I pretty much have to ride in a full tuck at all times. Other than that I found it to be pretty nice. I just couldn't handle the super aggressive position for long rides.

I haven't got a chance to sit on a CBR600 yet, but I've heard good things.

As far as a GSXR 750 goes they sit and ride really comfortably for me (only rode one that was droped and stretched) and have seem to have enough power for me not to outgrow.

I like every single thing about my ninja 250, except the power, it would be nice to find something pretty close to it though(don't like the ninja 500s)

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You wanna just go ahead and admit you're wrong? You are. We all know it. You know it.

Yeah, israel.. you tell me how peaceful the middle east is...lol

Yep I'm wrong whatever you gotta tell yourself to justify your gun worship...

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Yeah, israel.. you tell me how peaceful the middle east is...lol

Yep I'm wrong whatever you gotta tell yourself to justify your gun worship...

Nice tapdance. Israel is very peaceful, except for the several million violent Islamists trying to kill the Jews. The Jewish citizens violence, on each other, is what again? And Switzerland?

Now, address that reasonable argument, or try to flank me with nonsense because you're hoisted by your own petard.

Your ball, buddy. Look out, there's a gun behind you. BOO!

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yeah, keep blaming islam, which is also "peaceful" :rolleyes:

It is what it is, you think the middle east is peaceful, you think guns preserve life, and you believe that a fairy in the sky causes natural disasters as punishment for gays...

obviously it's MY pov that is skewed... :rolleyes:

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yeah, keep blaming islam, which is also "peaceful" :rolleyes:

It is what it is, you think the middle east is peaceful, you think guns preserve life, and you believe that a fairy in the sky causes natural disasters as punishment for gays...

obviously it's MY pov that is skewed... :rolleyes:

Somehow I imagine you writing out your posts with crayons and then having your mom type them out.

The correlation between guns and crime is not as relevant as the correlation between demographics and crime.

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obviously it's MY pov that is skewed... :rolleyes:

So in a home invasion situation people should...

A. Sit and watch, maybe lend a hand.

B. Pull a Chuck Norris Moment and get shot by the criminal.

C. Bend over and take it like a liberal.

D. Have a plan of where to make a stand and have a loaded gun available.

E. Call magley to come rescue them by talking the criminal to death with peace and love.

Because as we know, if I don't have a gun the criminal will throw his away. Your view = skewed. :rolleyes:

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E. Call magley to come rescue them by talking the criminal to death with peace and love...:

That's funny stuff right there, even Mr. Magley is smiling, I'd bet.

Do any of the "anti gun" folk think they're going to change the "pro gun" folk's minds, or vice-versa?

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I votet option A, although I'm sure homeowners/renters insurance would go through the roof... Fuck it, take what you want, shits replacable.

Good for you, hope that works out for you. :rolleyes: I'll stick with my plan that if you are breaking in and the dogs don't stop you, I will. ;)

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