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Years ago things in my hood were starting to get really ruff.....when that mad cow thing was going around, them were some mean heifers but we fought back and reclaimed out grazing lands.:rolleyes:

Edited by 2talltim
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I lived on the 1700 block of E. 30th for a spell' date=' I was the only white dude in the whole neighborhood :o.

Those were the days....I like to forget.[/quote']

I would like to hear more about your distaste for blacks or is it the puerto ricans you didn't like living by?

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I'm willing to be the numbers disagree with your assessment...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that statistically, I think demographics such as the ones listed would have a significant effect on drug addiction.

I'm not disputing the demographics, my point was that addiction can happen

to anyone no matter where they live or what tax bracket they are in.

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Oh now Im back in for this. Free bump!

And Jbot you know I love you equally with Trmmn8ter. Maybe Hollywood a little more, just because of his height, or the Murse, he's just sexy.

Oh, and I'm chopped liver? Fine.

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I would like to hear more about your distaste for blacks or is it the puerto ricans you didn't like living by?

Where did I say I didn't like my neighbors or the people? I was merely saying

that we (my wife and I) were the minority in the neighborhood.

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Hmmm, how did I know that this would end up on the forum?? Sometimes you just get a feel for things I guess. My side: I made a offer, but don't think I'm crazy enough to buy a bike without riding it, or anyone else on the forum I bet. You wanted me to give you till Weds. (this is last Sat. when I talked to you) to see if the other guy could come up with the money, I hesitated but bikes are a dime a dozen, and said Weds. is cool. Your meeting with Skullcrusher didn't go well by the sound of the message you left on my phone and you now want to do something on Monday. I basically don't want to go through all the hassle of trying to make it to the bank when I'm working, arranging a ride, doing the notary blah blah blah. At the end of the conversation I tell you Weds. (my day off) looks like it's might be the best day, I could tell by your silence you didn't like that even though you asked me to wait till Weds. just a few hrs before. Sunday night I start getting text that you want to do the deal Mon. and I need to let you know my schedule. Rule no.1, don't be demanding of buyers, you weren't doing me any favors. Like I said it's a bike and you were offered a good price, have some patience give people some space. Not that it makes any difference but I'm the one who sold your wife's bike for you, I made the phone calls, and then you want to dog me on the forum. Like I said I had a feeling it would end up on the forum (some peoples entire life can be found on here...sad).

Whatever it's a nice bike from what I saw of it, I really am glad you sold it, it just wasn't worth the hassle I saw coming down the road for me. Too many irons means to busy on my part to have texts coming in trying to hurry me. That's my side, let the drama begin.

Just wondering, I know you said you don't let anyone ride your bike, but say I rode it before I gave you any money and I didn't like it, would that be good for 14 pages.

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Hmmm, how did I know that this would end up on the forum?? Sometimes you just get a feel for things I guess. My side: I made a offer, but don't think I'm crazy enough to buy a bike without riding it, or anyone else on the forum I bet. You wanted me to give you till Weds. (this is last Sat. when I talked to you) to see if the other guy could come up with the money, I hesitated but bikes are a dime a dozen, and said Weds. is cool. Your meeting with Skullcrusher didn't go well by the sound of the message you left on my phone and you now want to do something on Monday. I basically don't want to go through all the hassle of trying to make it to the bank when I'm working, arranging a ride, doing the notary blah blah blah. At the end of the conversation I tell you Weds. (my day off) looks like it's might be the best day, I could tell by your silence you didn't like that even though you asked me to wait till Weds. just a few hrs before. Sunday night I start getting text that you want to do the deal Mon. and I need to let you know my schedule. Rule no.1, don't be demanding of buyers, you weren't doing me any favors. Like I said it's a bike and you were offered a good price, have some patience give people some space. Not that it makes any difference but I'm the one who sold your wife's bike for you, I made the phone calls, and then you want to dog me on the forum. Like I said I had a feeling it would end up on the forum (some peoples entire life can be found on here...sad).

Whatever it's a nice bike from what I saw of it, I really am glad you sold it, it just wasn't worth the hassle I saw coming down the road for me. Too many irons means to busy on my part to have texts coming in trying to hurry me. That's my side, let the drama begin.

Just wondering, I know you said you don't let anyone ride your bike, but say I rode it before I gave you any money and I didn't like it, would that be good for 14 pages.

no more post for me Edited by I-RIDE
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Hmmm, how did I know that this would end up on the forum?? Sometimes you just get a feel for things I guess. My side: I made a offer, but don't think I'm crazy enough to buy a bike without riding it, or anyone else on the forum I bet. You wanted me to give you till Weds. (this is last Sat. when I talked to you) to see if the other guy could come up with the money, I hesitated but bikes are a dime a dozen, and said Weds. is cool. Your meeting with Skullcrusher didn't go well by the sound of the message you left on my phone and you now want to do something on Monday. I basically don't want to go through all the hassle of trying to make it to the bank when I'm working, arranging a ride, doing the notary blah blah blah. At the end of the conversation I tell you Weds. (my day off) looks like it's might be the best day, I could tell by your silence you didn't like that even though you asked me to wait till Weds. just a few hrs before. Sunday night I start getting text that you want to do the deal Mon. and I need to let you know my schedule. Rule no.1, don't be demanding of buyers, you weren't doing me any favors. Like I said it's a bike and you were offered a good price, have some patience give people some space. Not that it makes any difference but I'm the one who sold your wife's bike for you, I made the phone calls, and then you want to dog me on the forum. Like I said I had a feeling it would end up on the forum (some peoples entire life can be found on here...sad).

Whatever it's a nice bike from what I saw of it, I really am glad you sold it, it just wasn't worth the hassle I saw coming down the road for me. Too many irons means to busy on my part to have texts coming in trying to hurry me. That's my side, let the drama begin.

Just wondering, I know you said you don't let anyone ride your bike, but say I rode it before I gave you any money and I didn't like it, would that be good for 14 pages.

Nice way to twist the story, you were ready to move saturday, i wanted to give sam first crack at it(as i promised him). I did ask if you would keep the offer on the table till Wednesday which you agreed, to be able to give Sam the time to come up with the money. Once Sam bowed out, i called you and ask if you still wanted it and your word not mine was "absolutley", I didnt have time to work out the detials at that time so i said id give you a call. Sunday i call you several times (no answer)(i hate leaving voice mails)the final time i call i do leave a VM saying somthing on the lines of let me know what is good for you and i believe i told you what i had in mind. I was asumming monday was going to be good for you, but i remember you telling me about having to go to the bank(so im thinking after bank hours). I was also trying to work out my work scedule, kids scedule, i still needed to pick up the Vee from Ben and i had a dentist appointment, so yea i kinda wanted to get in touch to work things out. And the only thing i remember about "Wednesday" being part of the conversation was for the duration of your offer, at no point do i remember you saying do the deal on Wednesday. And im not saying you didnt say that im just saying i dont recall, it was a very busy day for me i was going 100mph everywhere and maybe missed somthing. Hell ask greg he knows how flustered i was. And yes i sent you text at 10:12pm saying "Get back to me as soon as you can i need to plan my next couple of days" and that was for the reason mentioned above. All that text needed was a resonse that said "lets do it wednesday" and accually i would have been relieved because monday and tuesday were so busy for me, but i though i was going out of my way to be curdious to you and not make you wait. Im sorry you little feelings got hurt and you thought i was invading your privacy, but intentions were to work with you and your scedule and change mine to help you out, but no you got over paranoid and assume i was pushy :nono: Maybe you should lighten up and be more open and quit assuming you know peoples intentions and quit assuming people know yours. And yes i share my real world exsperiences on here, i have nothing to hide, im not ashamed of anything i do, and most these folks are my friends that also share stuff with me.

So in the the end, (I THOUGHT) it was a done deal, i wanted to work around your scedule to get it done, was waiting on a reply from you, the next thing i get is that you were out.

And i do aprecitate you calling Greg about the Shadow but i dont owe you my first born or anything. I do little favors for people every day like that and i dont expect any kind of special treatment or respect, in my mind thats part of being a good human being.

Edited by 2talltim
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You should never be forced to make a quick decision when buying something .It should of never been put on ohio writer's forum......You did the right thing:DIt looks like you ride more than you post:bow:Ride on//////I did not get on OR's to bash people i thought this was a motorcycle forum where people could talk about things we have tn common our passion for riding and owning motorcycles.:confused:Have a nice Day

Its a forum of friends and info i wasnt going to share at first who it was but my fiends ask me to disclose so i did. No different than telling of your bad day on FB. The only one that was made to make a quick decision this weekend was Greg and he knew the reason for that before he got there , noone else was pressured.

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I read no mention of meth. *sadface*

But I am glad to read "the other side" -- seems more reasonable than the OP made it out to be.


There was no pressure, i was trying to go out of my way to accomidate him, but you cant do that if there is no comunication which i was trying to establish. Ofcoarse his story is going to make me look like the bad guy. Ive told eveything just as it happend on my end.

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My goal in life is to be just like my father. He is the most trust worthy, honest, most respected man i know. So; full honesty, full disclosure, no blowing smoke is the way i try to live my life. Some times people dont like what i say or how i say it but there is going to be no BS involved. So one of my flaws is i expect other people to be that way too, and somtimes i get burnt. There was a couple times this weekend i thought about backing out of buying the Vee off of Ben, but i didnt because i had made a agreement to buy it(now im sooo glad i did) and im a man of my word. Same thing with Sam i sent him a PM last week that said if i sold the TL i would give him first crack at it, so i put a(what i thought)was a sure offer on hold to keep that promise. So when someone makes a offer to buy somthing and i agree to that, i expect them to carry through...Dont know how may people have read my sig line but, thats some good food for thought, and its been on there for awhile not something i just added.

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My goal in life is to be just like my father.......

Sometimes its best not to broadcast things like this (the deal gone bad) on the internet. No matter the site, there are always going to be clique's, there will always be those who take a story and run with it and when names start popping up, rightfully so or otherwise, the whole thing can turn sour very quickly. I won't say anything else. Don't want to be accused of 'preaching'......lol.

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