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Independent Motorsports - Beware


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is this one of our banned members?

Casper has supported the OP in writing this review. Clearly he's open to you writing yours, so please start a new thread, title it "Independent motorsports negative review" and then write clearly and concisely what occurred...


coming in here all "caps lock cowboy" isn't helping anyone.

I'm thinking "same shit, different screen name".

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ped, ringo, that dude? or did you think it was the OP?

It isn't me, as my only experience with IM was limited to the one transaction that went south on Tuesday. Not sure how to prove that it isn't me, or if it even matters, but PM me and I'll send you my Tampa, Florida cell number to call. My beef isn't so much that they sold the bike from under me because accidents and stupid stuff happens (although I was pretty salty about it with IM because it seemed like a really good price), it was IM's "f*** off" attitude afterward that got under my skin. That customer service, not IM's mistake in selling the bike in eBay, is what would keep me from doing business there.

I'll just add a final note: If IM disagreed with my version of the story, it probably would have posted something by now. It hasn't, and I think that speaks for itself. In the end, things actually worked out for the best for me because I would up purchasing a newer bike with less miles last night from a dealer in California.

Edited by 5thSFG
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The people who run this site do not want you to know that one of its supporters is a scam artist. I have pictures, recipets, and friends testimony that they straight up RIP'd me off. I made mutiple visits to the store AND phone'd them constantly.The moderators have removed previous comments. That tells you the character and the quality of the site itself. Independent Motorsports is a BAD place to take your motorcycle PERIOD!!!!PS: I SEE YOU RIDING ON WEST BROAD BY GIANT EAGLE ALL THE TIME CASPER ;) you little political activist you....

Woah. First of all, no idea what you're talking about. Just as this thread is here to stay, I've never removed anyone's review of any shop from this site. If it became a flame war, it may have gotten moved to Ranting and Raving, but that's it. Post up your own thread with your pictures, receipts, friends testimony, whatever you want. You, just as 5thSFG is, are more than welcome to post your reviews and experiences of any shop.

PS: There wasn't even a Giant Eagle on West Broad last time I was out that way, so you must be stalking somebody else amigo.

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ped, ringo, that dude? or did you think it was the OP?

No, I was thinking of someone who has already demonstrated the use if crude language (faggot) and is making the point that a new member can come on here and make an unsupported claim. I get the impression that the OP is a reasonable guy. Maybe not even a banned member...

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Woah. First of all, no idea what you're talking about. Just as this thread is here to stay, I've never removed anyone's review of any shop from this site. If it became a flame war, it may have gotten moved to Ranting and Raving, but that's it. Post up your own thread with your pictures, receipts, friends testimony, whatever you want. You, just as 5thSFG is, are more than welcome to post your reviews and experiences of any shop.

PS: There wasn't even a Giant Eagle on West Broad last time I was out that way, so you must be stalking somebody else amigo.

Curiosity led me to double check; no threads with the words "Independent Motorsports" have been moved to the mods/admins area nor Ranting & Raving. And we don't delete anything, so there you have it. Obvious troll is obvious.

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You already are pushing things past September, and didn't even commit to going.

You don't even have a date to give an actual invite. You have an idea of what you want to do. I'm saying I will go if I'm in town after the track day. I said it won't be until I'm done with the bike on the track and told you when that would be. So, will you be doing a track day?

And I should rephrase to, my track day is September 1, which there is still room for you to get in, and you could probably ride up with us. After that, the bike gets set back to streetable.

I'm not even trying to lock you in on an exact track day, just that you will do one. Quit giving yourself an out by only replying with enough to stir things. Yes you will do a track day, or no fuck that, not until I get a throw away bike. I'm good with either one.

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You don't even have a date to give an actual invite. You have an idea of what you want to do. I'm saying I will go if I'm in town after the track day. I said it won't be until I'm done with the bike on the track and told you when that would be. So, will you be doing a track day?

And I should rephrase to, my track day is September 1, which there is still room for you to get in, and you could probably ride up with us. After that, the bike gets set back to streetable.

I'm not even trying to lock you in on an exact track day, just that you will do one. Quit giving yourself an out by only replying with enough to stir things. Yes you will do a track day, or no fuck that, not until I get a throw away bike. I'm good with either one.

I have no answer. I may do a track day. I may not. It's not something I care about. I much rather have some scenery while I'm riding.

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Already been there, done that. They're using a hidemyass.com proxy. It comes up as in the Netherlands. I'm pretty sure it's somebody I know just screwing with me.

what? it has to be AT LEAST 7 proxies. what a cry baby faggot.

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I have no answer. I may do a track day. I may not. It's not something I care about. I much rather have some scenery while I'm riding.

You don't buy a 675 to take in the scenery. I think you would like the track. Hope we can make it out there sometime.

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This might be off-topic, but if I EVER piss of an OR member, please let me know and I'll make it right.

Remember at Beaver when you let Hollywood sleep in your camper but not me? That offended me greatly, I still have nightmares about what Craig did to me in his trailer. But I did enjoy the tip game.

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Eh? Why can't I take in the scenery on the 675r?

The scenery on 22 was great but why not tear up some tires without having to worry about Tn troopers hanging out of Jeeps clocking unsuspecting Ohioans riding by :D Monday at Mid-O! I have a spot on the trailer?

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The scenery on 22 was great but why not tear up some tires without having to worry about Tn troopers hanging out of Jeeps clocking unsuspecting Ohioans riding by :D Monday at Mid-O! I have a spot on the trailer?

We didn't get tickets. :D

PS: That was 28.

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Ladies & Gents,

Its been 36 hours since my initial post, and not a word from IM. I didn't want to register an account and then post an unflattering review of a local business (much less a forum sponsor) never to be heard from again. So, I stuck around for a bit to see what IM would say. Frankly, I respect the fact that they didn't come on here and lie about what happened. I'll say it one more time - I don't think they are crooks, but their customer service sucks.

With the exception of one knucklehead, everyone here has been very respectful and noone has flamed me for posting about a local business/sponsor. For that I thank you.

You have a great forum here, but given that I am a Floridian and have no plans to ride in Ohio anytime soon, I have no business here and am deactivating my account.

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