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D.C. man orders TV from amazon.com, receives assault rifle


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what a girly little faggot "omg i just wanna know how this could happen....its such a powerful evil deadly weapon, and it just showed up here".....i especially liked the reference to the dance school next door.....like the little 7 yr old girls in dance class are going to 1. steal this guys package, 2. open it and decide to play with it, 3. shoplift the correct ammo from an ammunition store to use it.......i feel like punching everyone in that video right in the crotch

Lol, since no :) was present...lady was referencing guy saying, "How does this happen? Especially after all the shootings." Reporter lady was fear envoking, as the news loves to do, implying that this weapon could be used by someone to shoot up the dance studio.

Carry on...

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I just saw a guy at the range trying to shoot a 46" Vizio.


That's about all vizio's are good for. Depending on the tv ordered vs. the gun received if this guy wasn't a puss he could have made out pretty decent.

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Lol, since no :) was present...lady was referencing guy saying, "How does this happen? Especially after all the shootings." Reporter lady was fear envoking, as the news loves to do, implying that this weapon could be used by someone to shoot up the dance studio.

Carry on...

i disagre...it sounded like she was saying one of the kids could have found it an "accidentally" shot up the studio, mass murdering all the little fairy dancers

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cheech is so subtle :lol:

next time, say "with all due respect"....then you can say whatever the fuck you want and still be PC...i know how much you libs like to be PC, cheech

Well, maybe when you're done licking his balls, you can explain it to me, since he's too cool to. Be sure to type slow, I don't read fast.

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Well, maybe when you're done licking his balls, you can explain it to me, since he's too cool to. Be sure to type slow, I don't read fast.


"licking his balls"

Dude, people who oppose guns, personally or politically, don't need "fuel"...

We have an opinion on the subject, and we all have our own views on what the proper course for gun control should be. Tragedies like the ones in colorado and arizona, and mixups like the one in DC don't intensify our position. It might make people who are not as firm in their position rethink their position, but "haters" as you call them require no reaffirmation from tragedies.

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"licking his balls"

Dude, people who oppose guns, personally or politically, don't need "fuel"...

We have an opinion on the subject, and we all have our own views on what the proper course for gun control should be. Tragedies like the ones in colorado and arizona, and mixups like the one in DC don't intensify our position. It might make people who are not as firm in their position rethink their position, but "haters" as you call them require no reaffirmation from tragedies.

At least you gave me your opinion instead of just being a dueche. That I can respect and I thank you.

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Wait... Has everyone missed the fact that magley actually proposed a way to get a gun across state lines illegally? Wouldn't that be TOTALLY counter to his position on those "evil guns designed to kill"?

Discuss :D

I'm a problem solver..

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