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assholes strike again...


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Wow, this thread got me heated. Fucking bullshit to make comments like that. It's one thing to mess around with a buddy or to make snarky comments online to another member, but to speak that way about a boy that got dealt those cards in life (and in front of those close to him) is flat out wrong. You try going through life that way or having to take care of someone with disabilities like that and see how easy it is. Disgraceful.

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i feel like im missing a lot....and i understand ped's comment, because hes just trolling OR like usual....but serpent... really? i knew you were a fucking douche, but i even expected you to have more class than that.

I thought he came outta left field as well, as for full retard he cant resist anything with Slingingchic in it.

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Wow...I'm really hoping the initial comments in this thread aren't indicative of the normal behavior for these guys.

There are some things you just don't do - ever. Asking a woman if she's pregnant, getting on the back of exarch's bike, and making fun of/criticizing the disabled are just a few.

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Let look at it like this, the best thing about ped ran down his mother's leg at conception. It is actually more sad that she didn't make HIM a stain on the sheets at a doctors office somewhere IMHO.

To far? Nah this piece of shit earned it.

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Let look at it like this, the best thing about ped ran down his mother's leg at conception. It is actually more sad that she didn't make HIM a stain on the sheets at a doctors office somewhere IMHO.

To far? Nah this piece of shit earned it.

not too far, considering the starting point....

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Let look at it like this, the best thing about ped ran down his mother's leg at conception. It is actually more sad that she didn't make HIM a stain on the sheets at a doctors office somewhere IMHO.

To far? Nah this piece of shit earned it.

+ rep. To far? Not even close for that douchebag, knuckle dragger. All I can say is that karma is a bitch and when it bites him it is going to hurt like a motherfucker.

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Lots of sensitivity in this thread.

So these guys said some dickish things, they didn't kick the poor kid out of his wheelchair and down a flight of stairs. Saying they deserve to be banned for a year a few words seems a little overboard.

I think I understand where they were going with the comments (not that I'm condoning them or the tact used to present them).

There are a lot of "conservative, pro-free market unregulated capitalism, down with gov't social safety net programs, survival of the fittest"-type people on this forum that are very vocal about their political views and it's unfortunate circumstances like this where throwing someone's political views back in their face directly contradicts their personal sense of compassion and empathy.

Personally, I don't recall Anden being overly vocal about his political views so I don't understand how politicizing his child served any purpose other than to force others' to reconcile their views? :dunno: I can only imagine how difficult, expensive, and time consuming it must be to raise a special needs child, so if Anden and the mother are receiving any SS or disability from my tax dollars toward the care of this child, I have no problem with that. Never have, and I thought that's been clear with *my* political stances on here.

But, like stated above, others' don't share those views, so there are many people paying lip service to being compassionate -- while their votes and dollars say otherwise. IMHO, it's a dick way to point it out, but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding but that is the whole problem with "taking a political side". People assume you can only make 1 decision on every issue because "that is what that side is all about"

Every situation and topic is different which is why I refuse to be apart of 1 party of the other. This is why America is fucked up

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding but that is the whole problem with "taking a political side". People assume you can only make 1 decision on every issue because "that is what that side is all about"

Every situation and topic is different which is why I refuse to be apart of 1 party of the other. This is why America is fucked up


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He admitted to just trying to be the forum jackass. There is a big difference between political discussion and just being a total fucking tool. Go through and read his recent posts and you will understand he isn't here for any reason other than to create problems.

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Lots of sensitivity in this thread.

So these guys said some dickish things, they didn't kick the poor kid out of his wheelchair and down a flight of stairs. Saying they deserve to be banned for a year a few words seems a little overboard.

I think I understand where they were going with the comments (not that I'm condoning them or the tact used to present them).

There are a lot of "conservative, pro-free market unregulated capitalism, down with gov't social safety net programs, survival of the fittest"-type people on this forum that are very vocal about their political views and it's unfortunate circumstances like this where throwing someone's political views back in their face directly contradicts their personal sense of compassion and empathy.

Personally, I don't recall Anden being overly vocal about his political views so I don't understand how politicizing his child served any purpose other than to force others' to reconcile their views? :dunno: I can only imagine how difficult, expensive, and time consuming it must be to raise a special needs child, so if Anden and the mother are receiving any SS or disability from my tax dollars toward the care of this child, I have no problem with that. Never have, and I thought that's been clear with *my* political stances on here.

But, like stated above, others' don't share those views, so there are many people paying lip service to being compassionate -- while their votes and dollars say otherwise. IMHO, it's a dick way to point it out, but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins.

Me thinks you give too much credit for the offender’s ability to reason out the thought process to contain such deep meaning.

Sometimes being an asshole is just that. I can accept it at face value. Besides your political views may work for you but they are wrong, just wrong.

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I thought he came outta left field as well, as for full retard he cant resist anything with Slingingchic in it.

I just called it how it was bro. Sucks when someone can dish it but can't take it. It couldn't of happend to a better person though from my perspective and if you can't see that you must be blind as it is pretty obvious where I am coming from.

I just said I am glad she knows how I felt after her commets towards my kids(directly or inderectly as she states)

You obviously don't see me chime in everywhere, but when I saw that I had to jump in and point out the obvious(which she seems to have missed, just like alot of others missed) how ironic ;)

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