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assholes strike again...


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...Which makes it directly inline with the caliber of this discussion...

You, of all people, are going to bust peoples chops about saying some heinous 'isht'? Granted, we do it in jest, but really... there are people that would be legitimately offended by a vast majority of stuff you (or I) post. This is like asking if rape jokes, or dead baby jokes are funny.

Like I said, I don't agree with the tact... whether it was undertones of political beef or just plain rudeness... but c'mon, they're just words from some random people on the interwebz. It's not like they said it to Anden's face, and if they did, they'd have to accept whatever consequences there may be. It just so happens now, they have to accept the consequences of posting it publicly here. Which, since it's in R&R now, won't have much repercussions beyond ORDN members. :dunno: But the "off with their heads" stuff is the same over-emotional kneejerk responses that escalate things well beyond where they ever needed to go.

You probably know there is a fairly clear difference between the shit you/I say and what was said here (mostly involving not mocking someone directly affected by hurtful subject matter). I didn't think I needed to explain it to you. If you're asking me to explain, I will... I just figured I'd save us the trouble.

And what's wrong with a good old fashioned gang bang every once in a while? Why you gotta be such a prude bro

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You probably know there is a fairly clear difference between the shit you/I say and what was said here (mostly involving not mocking someone directly affected by hurtful subject matter). I didn't think I needed to explain it to you. If you're asking me to explain, I will... I just figured I'd save us the trouble.

And what's wrong with a good old fashioned gang bang every once in a while? Why you gotta be such a prude bro

He's not prude. I just gang banged him this past week...and it was gooooood.

Now get back in the kitchen and make me a sausage, egg, and cheese mcmuffin!

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How many fucking times does this have to be explained to you "Homie" That was a question in theory and if you actually read that original thread, Twowheelsnake mentioned your kids and your wife first! Clearly you cannot resist me. ;) Maybe you're a woman hater..... "Bro"

Nah, were besties <3

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thats it? no more? my IQ dropped just from following this thread. GOOD NEWS, I now know what some of you are all about. BAD NEWS, I now know what some of you are all about and wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire. I'm stickin around anyway...

some do the right things and thats a breath of fresh air, the rest of you (and you know who you are) I don't know, I'm speechless...but somewhat intrigued by your stupidity and lack of morals

Edited by JustBryan
had to finish my thoughts
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His shity mother didn't bother aborting him now we all have to flip the bill.

thats it? no more? my IQ dropped just from following this thread. GOOD NEWS, I now know what some of you are all about. BAD NEWS, I now know what some of you are all about and wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire. I'm stickin around anyway...

some do the right things and thats a breath of fresh air, the rest of you (and you know who you are) I don't know, I'm speechless...but somewhat intrigued by your stupidity and lack of morals

They can start something but can't seem to finish it... pieces of shit.

Rep for you

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