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Need some help / advice for an event


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For my new website we have decided to sponsor / host a concert. We will be bringing in around 10 local bands to play. We are wanting to do it somewhere in Southwest Ohio. The bands are easy for us to find and they will play for free. Our problem may be with getting enough people to come to the concert. Do you think we could also make it an OhioRiders event? If that's the case we could do it in Columbus area but I don't know any possible bars in Columbus that we could host it at. Im pretty sure with a little convincing we could allow them to let us host it for free. Or maybe if someone has a business they have in Columbus we could do it there? We would definitely want a place that has a liquor license and insurance though or can at least get it for the night.

Anyways, figured I would bounce this idea around and get some advice from people that may know that industry a little better than me. I can print and post a lot of flyers up in Dayton/Cincinnati if we found a place to host it down here.

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Organize it. Flyer the hell out of it. Social media is your friend also. People will come.

If its for the guitar site. Get a heavy in there. Like Paul Gilbert, or George Lynch. It will cost you but Damn if you can get them to endorse the site you will be golden. But I'm sure that will happen in time anyway.

I'm sorry I don't know any of the current guitar heroes anymore.

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I'm with Anden, and do-it-ourself shows always render decent money. I can help by donating at least one bands' performance or possibly both bands pending the time/date. If you want something soon to help host in the Dayton area, I have a good show coming up November 3rd we are hosting with another band thats coming back from the dead. Should blow up like our comeback did earlier this year, over 300 came to watch. So if you want some free promo, that would be one way.

Honestly man, Just going to shows and supporting the scene gets your info out there too and never hurts to be active and seen out in the industry. I would definitely keep fresh stuff posted in all the music (equip) stores too, help to draw more in. Like up the bands all over Facebook, let the music drip with your website's name!

Booking it all yourself can be expensive up front with lights/sound and whatever the venue costs. We typically spend in the $600-$800 range for example. But thats not including flyer/media time and money either. Just charge a little something to recover some losses.

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I'm with Anden, and do-it-ourself shows always render decent money. I can help by donating at least one bands' performance or possibly both bands pending the time/date. If you want something soon to help host in the Dayton area, I have a good show coming up November 3rd we are hosting with another band thats coming back from the dead. Should blow up like our comeback did earlier this year, over 300 came to watch. So if you want some free promo, that would be one way.

Honestly man, Just going to shows and supporting the scene gets your info out there too and never hurts to be active and seen out in the industry. I would definitely keep fresh stuff posted in all the music (equip) stores too, help to draw more in. Like up the bands all over Facebook, let the music drip with your website's name!

Booking it all yourself can be expensive up front with lights/sound and whatever the venue costs. We typically spend in the $600-$800 range for example. But thats not including flyer/media time and money either. Just charge a little something to recover some losses.

Awesome. Where is the Nov 3rd show at?

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