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Getting a tattoo - advice needed


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4 hours shit I'd fall asleep

After a 4 hour shit you'd have some pretty gnarly hemorrhoids. :D

Gotta pay to play. I went to this artist based upon his portfolio, and signed up based upon his skill, excellent sterile processes and how well we got along. (If a guy is gonna be touching you for 4 hours then better it be someone you can get along with!)

Money, time, time off work and pain are irrelevant. You can't put a price on what this tattoo means to me, and I won't get into a pain competition with my mother, who gave birth to 4 of us before epidurals even existed. We never even talked money until after I made the appointment and I was leaving but then asked, matter-of-factly, how much cash I should bring to the appointment. He's charging by the hour so I don't know how much it will be, but I'm not expecting much change from $400, and I'll tip on top of that.

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The pain is not something that concerns me. In Marital Arts I've lived through a broken nose and cheekbone, a broken ankle, pieces of my foot bone torn off my toe by the ligaments, torn ankle ligaments and a broken rib/sternum cartilage - all in the last two years. If they didn't bother me enough to stop doing MA then the tattoo won't bother me either.

Anything else I should be ready for?

they have treatment and counseling centers for the sort of physical abuse you've suffered during the course of your marriage at the hands of your apparently vicious spouse. we are here for you.

all kidding aside, that is one damned good reason to get a tattoo, and i hope it turns out to as fantastic as the tribute deserves. i recommend you take a netbook/laptop or tablet to keep yourself occupied. make sure they have internets.

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I've got four tattoos, two of which fell into the 4+ hour category. For both there was small talk between myself and the artist. The second one, there was a TV in the room, which helped - gave me something to watch and also something to talk about. The pain isn't the same as a break or other blunt damage. It's more consistent so it can get pretty bad at times. Where you're getting yours should be too bad, the best I can describe the feeling is getting flicked by a rubber band on a sunburn or otherwise sensitive skin. I have never had to stop halfway and come back later, I would definitely recommend just toughing through it and get it all done at once. Good luck, and it sounds like an awesome idea!

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they have treatment and counseling centers for the sort of physical abuse you've suffered during the course of your marriage at the hands of your apparently vicious spouse. we are here for you.

:D I'll spar or roll with anyone, any belt, whether I think I'll win or not. Sometimes it works out, sometime I get busted up. I prefer to spar my belt or higher - no point fighting someone you know you will win. But when my wife speaks, I listen. Yes ma'am!

(Of course then when I'm out of earshot, I forget. "Oh, you said DON'T buy that motorbike? Ah, crap. Silly me. :rolleyes:" )

all kidding aside, that is one damned good reason to get a tattoo, and i hope it turns out to as fantastic as the tribute deserves. i recommend you take a netbook/laptop or tablet to keep yourself occupied. make sure they have internets.

It's a sentiment that hasn't changed in 10 years, and I know it won't change in the future. It's not a fad, fashion or meme, nor is it someone's name who may or may not be relevant in my life in the future. It's not a political viewpoint that may change, or a group affiliation that may be different in the coming years. The tattoo is tasteful, will be above the short-sleeve line for work-friendliness, and is not meant to make me look badass so I won't look stupid when I'm 70 years and saggy and weak with a "badass" tattoo. I'm never going to stop mourning my mother's passing - I'll still be mourning her when I'm 90 years old.

I've given this much thought over the last 10 years and I appreciate the feedback and encouragement from everyone here now that I'm ready to commit.

Not everyone likes tattoos, fair enough. Not everyone likes motorcycles. Does that stop you riding? Doesn't stop ME. :cool:

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It's a sentiment that hasn't changed in 10 years, and I know it won't change in the future. It's not a fad, fashion or meme, nor is it someone's name who may or may not be relevant in my life in the future. It's not a political viewpoint that may change, or a group affiliation that may be different in the coming years. The tattoo is tasteful, will be above the short-sleeve line for work-friendliness, and is not meant to make me look badass so I won't look stupid when I'm 70 years and saggy and weak with a "badass" tattoo. I'm never going to stop mourning my mother's passing - I'll still be mourning her when I'm 90 years old.

I've given this much thought over the last 10 years and I appreciate the feedback and encouragement from everyone here now that I'm ready to commit.

Not everyone likes tattoos, fair enough. Not everyone likes motorcycles. Does that stop you riding? Doesn't stop ME. :cool:

Nail on the head right there. Gotta do it for YOU and what it means to YOU. People make decisions affecting themselves at every given moment, doesnt mean all will agree with your choice.......but, get this........its not affecting theirs lives in the least if you decide that part of your flesh becomes an artists canvas of expressed love for your Mother. Good for you man, you'll do fine; and it typically hurts less than assumed the first time under the tat gun.

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Just be relaxed when you go in. Don't eat anything beforehand that will give ya the shits :lol: I played on my cell while getting worked on. You can update us ;)

Yeah, updates like: "About to get started"

Followed by: "OW I WANT MY MUMMY!"

Followed by: "This it he tattoo artist. If anyone knows this guy's family please call them and tell them he's locked himself in the bathroom"

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I sat for 1.5 hours for mine at the age of 21 in 1998 on a kitchen table drunk as hell for 60 bucks and a 12pk of beer....lol. Underarm was tender but it went fast because I was hammered with 15+ people talking to me and drinking. Guy was a great artist and drinking buddy at the time and he used all new stuff so no aids...;)

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4 hrs is a long time to be getting worked on, where on your body are you putting this?

Not really.. I've been worked on, at most, 7 hours. After about 8 (depends on the person) your body, skin, starts to reject the ink. But I've say for far too long sometimes.

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4 hrs is a long time to be getting worked on, where on your body are you putting this?

Upper arm on my right side.

The guy doing mine told me her worked on a tattoo for 12 hours the day before. The customer wanted this big tribal thing and really wanted to get it all done in one sitting. The only reason they could get away with 12 hours was that the tattoo was just a single color, it was a large area and it was just a plain black so not very detailed. This meant they weren't going over the same skin over and over like if they were doing color/shading. The guy still has to come back to get it finished - going over the black a second time I think he said.

Looked badass from a technical/artistic perspective, although it's not something I'd get on me. One of my brothers has a half-sleeve/should tribal thing that he got here in Delaware (Luxury Tattoo). I'll have to ask him how long it took. I know he got it in one day while he were visiting the US.

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Yeah, updates like: "About to get started"

Followed by: "OW I WANT MY MUMMY!"

Followed by: "This it he tattoo artist. If anyone knows this guy's family please call them and tell them he's locked himself in the bathroom"

haha like if you're in pain :lol: I took pics, except when I had to turn over.

You are making me want some ink now!!! Anden may come hollering on here once he sees that I said that :eek:

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if you can sit on a motorcycle for hrs on end I think you will be fine. 4-6 hrs is a pretty standard time for a large detailed tattoo. Eat at least 30 min before, bring stuff with sugar and take an IBUPROFEN! It will help with swelling but not thin your blood.

Good luck, and also keep it lubed up.

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if you can sit on a motorcycle for hrs on end I think you will be fine. 4-6 hrs is a pretty standard time for a large detailed tattoo. Eat at least 30 min before, bring stuff with sugar and take an IBUPROFEN! It will help with swelling but not thin your blood.

Good luck, and also keep it lubed up.

I did 16 hours on my bike around lake Erie in one day. When i got home my wife said; "Sit down and tell me about it."

"I'd rather stand!" :D

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