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RIP Art Modell


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RIP Art. Thanks for ripping the hearts out of my friends who were Cleveland Browns fans and for ruining one of the greatest rivalries in sports. I know a long list of people waiting to piss on his grave.

Edited by cmh_sprint
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I won't disagree that Art is kind of a terd for what he did but from what I understand the civic leaders in Cleveland at the time ie Mike White didn't take him seriously about moving the team. All he wanted was a new stadium and I would be salt to if I saw the Indians and Cavs get a new venue.

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I would probably be upset if I was a Brown's fan and he moved the team, but:

  • There is plenty of blame to go around. Modell is the easy scape goat. Try Mike White, the NFL, city officials..etc if you need some direction.
  • Like it or not, the Cleveland Browns exist as a business first and foremost. They don't exist to primarily give people something to cheer for. I know we all love our teams and we think WE own them, but we don't. Was anyone cheering for the Browns going to pay Modell's bills? Apparently not.
  • The man is dead...RIP. He wasn't a child murderer or kitten basher...he moved a team because he was left (seemingly) with no choice, financially. You don't have to love him, but the hate is a little overboard.
  • When Matt Millen dies, please don't dig this post up and throw it in my face because I'll be the first to piss on his grave.

Edited by InyaAzz
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I would probably be upset if I was a Brown's fan and he moved the team, but:

  • There is plenty of blame to go around. Modell is the easy scape goat. Try Mike White, the NFL, city officials..etc if you need some direction.
  • Like it or not, the Cleveland Browns exist as a business first and foremost. They don't exist to primarily to give people something to cheer for. I know we all love our teams and we think WE own them, but we don't. Was anyone cheering for the Browns going to pay Modell's bills? Apparently not.
  • The man is dead...RIP. He wasn't a child murderer or kitten basher...he moved a team because he was left (seemingly) with no choice, financially. You don't have to love him, but the hate is a little overboard.
  • When Matt Millen dies, please don't dig this post up and throw it in my face because I'll be the first to piss on his grave.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I would probably be upset if I was a Brown's fan and he moved the team, but:

  • There is plenty of blame to go around. Modell is the easy scape goat. Try Mike White, the NFL, city officials..etc if you need some direction.
  • Like it or not, the Cleveland Browns exist as a business first and foremost. They don't exist to primarily to give people something to cheer for. I know we all love our teams and we think WE own them, but we don't. Was anyone cheering for the Browns going to pay Modell's bills? Apparently not.
  • The man is dead...RIP. He wasn't a child murderer or kitten basher...he moved a team because he was left (seemingly) with no choice, financially. You don't have to love him, but the hate is a little overboard.
  • When Matt Millen dies, please don't dig this post up and throw it in my face because I'll be the first to piss on his grave.

I won't trounce on the man's grave, as I have made my peace as a Browns fan years ago. When it came to the move, there was plenty of blame to go around. However, the lion's share of responsibility for that situation was Modell's, and there is a laundry list of poor business decisions to validate it. He had other options, and they would have paid him just as much - if not more - money in the end. Still, it happened, and revisionist history won't change anything nor will it heal the wounds for some. Sad, but true.

And what is wrong with kitten bashing? Oh, and feel free to say what you will on Millen. You couldn't set out to fuck up a franchinse on purpose and do more damage than he did to the Lions.

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D-bag move taking the Browns to Baltimore, but hell he killed a sports franchise not a person. I'm still a browns fan and always will be even if we didnt have a team for 3 years. Granted had the team stayed and he still put the same people in place Cleveland would have a super bowl win but oh well.


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