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dave & tyler brintlinger RIP


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We've lost some good guys.

I've know the Brintlinger boys since the mid 80's as well. Always had a smile on their face & a great story to tell.

I can hear Dave's laughter in my head like he is standing right next to me.

Tyler was a great kid, he had a very bright future. He had been around flat track racing his whole life and knew all the players. He would have been one of those that went on to work in the front office of Dorna or NASCAR. He grew up with his dad and uncle "running" the races, it was in his blood.

I can't imagine what Darrell is going through, my thoughts and prayers are with him and the rest of the Brintlinger family.

Godspeed friends.

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We've lost some good guys.

I've know the Brintlinger boys since the mid 80's as well. Always had a smile on their face & a great story to tell.

I can hear Dave's laughter in my head like he is standing right next to me.

Tyler was a great kid, he had a very bright future. He had been around flat track racing his whole life and knew all the players. He would have been one of those that went on to work in the front office of Dorna or NASCAR. He grew up with his dad and uncle "running" the races, it was in his blood.

I can't imagine what Darrell is going through, my thoughts and prayers are with him and the rest of the Brintlinger family.

Godspeed friends.

My friend is Al Shaffer....Dave is his cousin...Prayers for their family.

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David and Daryl are my cousins and Tyler was my nephew. Man I remember growing up with the twins and having a blast. Their dad and mine worked together and I think they go into flat tack partically because of my fathers history. They loved bikes and they loved the people. I did not spend near as much time with them as I should have, but I do love them so!! The were the first ones to make me smile when my mother passed. The entire Brintlinger family is a great one and I am a better person for being related. I wish I could have more time with them and ride with them like I always said I would!! I actually never did get to ride with them and I am sorry for that. I remember Tyler as a very young boy 4-5 running around in glasses and smiling from ear to ear!!

Shame on me for not working harder to ride with them, and I hope I learn my lesson!! I hope all of you learn from this. We can be taken away at any time no matter what we are doing. SO take your time to say "I Love You" before you suit up for a ride or head off for work!! Also, enjoy your life each day you have. Lift up your visor, let the wind hit your face, tear down a lone country highway and smile because you can!! Enjoy what you see and embrace the feel of the ride!! Enjoy it each and every time and SMILE!! there is nothing like riding a bike and David and Tyler knew that. I hope some day I get to ride with Daryl and I will do all I can to make that happen. they are all great people and heaven is a better place now!! I am sure with David is sitting there with my father right now, telling him all about the many Daytona races he was in. Just like he did when David and I were growing up!! God bless you all!! Ride hard, ride safe and ride often!!! I plan on taking a long ride to Southern Ohio Sunday, just to reflect and remember, because that is what David and Tyler would want me to do.

Anyone want to go let me know!!

God Speed David and Tyler!! Say hi to my mom and dad!!

Al Shaffer


miles? Not enough

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