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9/3 Labor day trackday at VIR - pics & vid


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Well I had another awesome trackday, making this my 4th now and counting. I went up to Virginia International Raceway in Alton, VA..... my first time at this track.... definitely a fun track but very technical and takes quite awhile to really learn it (I'm still gonna need to go back again to really get it)

Anyways really didn't get any on-track pics.... I thought there was a photog there but guess he didn't get that many pics? I can't seem to find anything from him other than the few he posted up on his FB page, so pretty much everything is before or after

So sunday morning the 2nd I needed a few things from the store, so rode my bike down to Forest City to grab a few things, then come home and prep the bike and get it loaded up and on my way to Virginia. I'm leaving the store and didn't even make it out of the parking lot when I hear, "POP.... tap tap tap tap tap tap". FAAAAACCCKK!! I pull over into a parking space and see this little gem... day before a trackday, great!!


So after a mild heart attack I found it didn't actually puncture it, just went into the thick part of the tire sideways. Pulled it out, head of the nail and all, and no probs at all... phew! Got home and taped up the bike, got it and the car all loaded up, and my little buddy and I were off to Virginia


Get about an hour or so into the trip and I'm going over everything in my head making sure I didn't forget anything.... DOH! Of course I forget Rileys food and food dish. Luckily the PetSmart we have training classes at was on the way so ran in there and grabbed some


Finally made it up to VIR about 9:00 or so after driving through 2 monsoons and another when I got there.... literally spent a good 30 minutes driving around the damn park trying to find where to go (heavy rain + fog = couldn't see a damn thing). Had to call my buddy Josh to help kinda guide me in, lol. Finally found everybody though, hung out with everybody for awhile then set up camp in Hotel Le Honda to try and get some sleep. Up bright and early monday morning ready to go!


Riley was such a good boy.... sat and guarded my trailer all day long without even making a sound (I went and walked him around between sessions though)


Pretty sure this is the only pic of me, lol


Video.... I'm still slow, esp being my first time here and learning a new track


Aaaand this is what happens when you have a slight fuel mis-calculation, lol. Oops! Totally my fault though... I was getting flustered on the drive up going through the storms and being dark and trying to find the place (I have extremely poor vision and can't see s**t at night), and I completely forgot to stop and fill up my gas can. So I had to just run with what I had and make it as far as I could. Thought I had enough for this last session but... guess not! Not gonna lie though, the breeze coming back on the crash truck felt freakin' amazing, hahah


Snapped a couple pics of the other groups between sessions




Towards the end of the day, I came back and was looking around the trailer... "where's Riley??". Apparently he was hinting that he was ready to go, haha


After running out of gas the 2nd to last session (which I was planning on being my last anyways.... getting mentally wore out), loaded her back up in one piece which is always a good thing, lol


My buddy Josh and his lady friend were headed back to Charlotte, same basic way I was going so we left together. Had to stop for some food on the way out though...


That's all I got..... can't wait for trackdays # 5 and 6 coming up here on Oct 6-7 at CMP! I wanted to go back to VIR on the 16th but I have GOT to get a new suit before the next TD.... mine just doesn't fit right and I can't move, causing me problems with body position. Ohh and bike ran like a dream... no probs at all! Well until I ran it out of gas, lol

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