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Kansas may not put Obama on the ballot for the November election


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They can do anything they want I guess, but the update says this has been withdrawn



Montgomery told The Huffington Post Friday afternoon that public reaction to the complaint led him to decide against continuing. He declined to say exactly what was said in the calls and emails he received, but indicated that people who knew him both personally and professionally were also contacted about the complaint.

"I didn't file this objection with the desire to involve anyone else. This is me expressing myself on a personal political level," he said. "I would appreciate it if people would not call anyone associated with me, whether a personal or professional association."

Or, how I read it, "Now that I'm in office, I'm representing ME, not the people I'm associated with or elected to represent"

But, in the end, the public won this one. This time.

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I thought that quote was from the citizen who filed the complaint, not the board members who chose to consider it.

On the flip side, if all the board members were democrats and the complaint was rejected out of hand then they'd also be accused of bias.

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You may be correct. I mistook Montgomery for a board member.. therefore I withdraw the majority of the snark from my prior post.

Though it is a little scary that he works at a university and is still insistent about being a birther.

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Yes, a non-liberal being employed at a university is quite worrisome...:rolleyes:

Nothing to do with him being liberal or conservative. Everything to do with holding a belief that is contrary to observable fact and evidence. Though it happens more often than not that it's the neo-conservatives that are on the wrong side of facts. :dunno::stirpot:

Kind of like how 2+2 will never be 5 no matter how hard you believe it to be.

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Wow man, you believed it bad editing and all. Hey take this link to your next tea party meeting


No, it's right there on the YouTube so it's truth.

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Can't we just hate Obama because he's incompetent?

Yeah! I mean he totally f*cked up the credit card industry with that whole "Cardholder bill of rights" crap. I mean, who the heck wants their interest rates on prior purchases protected from arbitrary hikes?


Oh, wait...


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"Can't we just hate Obama because he's incompetent" = "I disagree with his politics". If you live for a democrat agenda then he's doing just fine.

When the next republican president takes office the dems will all say he's incompetent when they really mean they don't agree with his politics, and those with a republican agenda will say he's doing just fine.

Ah, the ebb and flow of the two-party system. The ying and yang, always in balance. We hate them, they hate us, always at odds, never willing to compromise. We're all just krill in the vast ocean of US politics and the government is a hungry whale.

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"Can't we just hate Obama because he's incompetent" = "I disagree with his politics". If you live for a democrat agenda then he's doing just fine.

When the next republican president takes office the dems will all say he's incompetent when they really mean they don't agree with his politics, and those with a republican agenda will say he's doing just fine.

Ah, the ebb and flow of the two-party system. The ying and yang, always in balance. We hate them, they hate us, always at odds, never willing to compromise. We're all just krill in the vast ocean of US politics and the government is a hungry whale.

Yes, I suppose you could look at it that way. I could agree with you and perhaps have that attitude if we always came back to the center. We do not. It is a slow slide to the left that has seemed to gain momentum. My 100% Republican vote 100% of the time just offsets that slide a tiny amount......it slows the process.

Socialism......oh we'll call it something more palatable, like being progressive, is a certainty, I'm just trying to hold it off for a while.

It is not the one thing.....it is the dismal tide.

The current Republicans are what the Democrats used to be 50 years ago. The current Democrats would be considered Socialists in the 1950's.

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you mean like how he passed health care reform (something presidents have been talking about for decades) in a way that actually reduces the deficit?

or how he put in place policies that reversed job losses in the private sector to where employment is actually growing, not shrinking...

or how he saved the american auto industry...

wait, i get it... incompetent because he didn't start 3 new wars because "god" told him to...

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The current Democrats would be considered Socialists in the 1950's.

O rly? 1950's, eh? When the Republican Senate was too busy shitting all over themselves conducting their own personal Spanish Inquisition against "communists", all led by a raving alcoholic asshole who ended up drinking himself to death after being censured by the Senate? It seems Michelle Bachmann, Peter King, and some of the other R's in Congress have taken up that mantle just fine.

History has a liberal bias, especially when it's fatal to your argument.

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you mean like how he passed health care reform (something presidents have been talking about for decades) in a way that actually reduces the deficit?

You can't honestly believe this, right? Here is a start -


or how he put in place policies that reversed job losses in the private sector to where employment is actually growing, not shrinking...

Here is a quick visual on jobs created by this president vs. a lot of others -


or how he saved the american auto industry...

This one's tougher. The industry was not in danger; two large companies were. It's not the case anymore that the "American" auto industry means Ford, GM and Chrysler. Quite a few other companies, large and small, with interests here were doing relatively well (Ford, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Kia, Hyundai, BMW and Mercedes Benz).

As tough as it would have been to watch them fail, they should have. They would have filed, and been reborn under a new name or bought out. Again, tough, but the government should have stayed out of it.

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"Can't we just hate Obama because he's incompetent" = "I disagree with his politics". If you live for a democrat agenda then he's doing just fine.

When the next republican president takes office the dems will all say he's incompetent when they really mean they don't agree with his politics, and those with a republican agenda will say he's doing just fine.

Ah, the ebb and flow of the two-party system. The ying and yang, always in balance. We hate them, they hate us, always at odds, never willing to compromise. We're all just krill in the vast ocean of US politics and the government is a hungry whale.

I don't understand why more people don't realize this.

<--- gonna get back to fapping now. Please continue the discussion.

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This one's tougher. The industry was not in danger; two large companies were. It's not the case anymore that the "American" auto industry means Ford, GM and Chrysler. Quite a few other companies, large and small, with interests here were doing relatively well (Ford, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Kia, Hyundai, BMW and Mercedes Benz).

As tough as it would have been to watch them fail, they should have. They would have filed, and been reborn under a new name or bought out. Again, tough, but the government should have stayed out of it.

I'll leave your other two contentions alone for now, but I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark that you don't work in the auto industry and aren't really aware of all the interconnections, joint ventures, and the global supply base ramifications if they had just "let them fail". Besides the auto industry actually makes tangible things using manufacturing know-how, unlike the financial bailout that was tenfold what the auto bailout was and they don't make anything tangible.

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I cannot be a Democrat for the reasons:


I do not think people deserve free medical.

People on Government assistance should do something for society. Instead of stay home and sit on ass.

Unemployment is not a permanent thing.

You get food stamps after you get rid of cable and the plasma screen tv.

I shouldn't have to pay for your birth control.

I should not have to pay for your cellphone.

I am all for helping people who want to help themselves or are truly unable to do it.

When over 50% of the US population on some form of assistance it is out of control.

I am sick of paying taxes for people sitting around doing nothing.

Republicans are not much better but I want smaller Government, Less Taxes, Less Free Stuff for the Lazy.

The Auto Companies should not have been bailed out. They over paid the help. Gave them pensions that could not be done, spent the pension money, gave huge bonuses when they should have saved for the future. The TAXPAYER got stuck with the bill for the next decade or more. The same thing was done with the banks.They are back and all the suppliers got stiffed and never got paid back. Now they are gone. The same people who got the bonuses spent the money, took out equity loans, bought more stuff on credit, went on vacations, boats, cars,and then pissed it all away. Then walked away from the loans and the house. Stuck the TAXPAYER with the bill and now they want me to pay for their Unemployment, food, phones, abortions, birth control, medical, cable,school, and housing because I was responsible and saved while paying 40% of what I earn in taxes.

Well stated we are giving out too many entitlements to lazy do nothings. Why reward laziness? :mad:

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I'll leave your other two contentions alone for now, but I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark that you don't work in the auto industry and aren't really aware of all the interconnections, joint ventures, and the global supply base ramifications if they had just "let them fail". Besides the auto industry actually makes tangible things using manufacturing know-how, unlike the financial bailout that was tenfold what the auto bailout was and they don't make anything tangible.

I am well aware of the connections and luckily wasn't owed anything when the stealing of the company took place. I know plenty of businesses that were owed and had to eat that debt. Most auto manufactures use the same suppliers so the industry wasn't in trouble as a whole like GM, it certainly wasn't doing great but would have survived without GM in the picture.

I also know people that worked for GM and bought GM stock for their retirement who lost hundreds of thousands in their retirement. They would have lost a lot less if they could have realized some gain from the selling of assets once the debts were paid instead they were left with nothing. Then the government sells it to new shareholders as an intact company and gives away shares to the unions. It was and is the government picking winners and losers with no knowledge of what they are doing.

How can anyone justify stealing a business from one group of investors and reselling it to another group is beyond me.

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