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Back in the Saddle?


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How do you get back in the saddle? Over the weekend I was in a pretty nasty accident with my Wrangler. The Jeep is totaled, but all people are OK. With a few cuts on the face I got the most injuries.

Anyway, now I feel a little Maverick in TopGun after Goose dies. I drove to work, but opped for the cage instead of the bike, and if I can get someone else to drive, I let them. So who else have been in nasty accidents, and how did you shake it after?

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I wasn't driving nor did I have any injuries from the worst accident I've been on (head on collision on the freeway). I got lucky as hell as it was on the passenger quarter panel. I was a little gun shy at first but had to make a 3.5 hour drive to Cinci and the longer I was driving the better I was feeling

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I'm glad you are ok, I own a Wrangler as well and have may friends that do. While being pretty open everyone i know in accidents have walked away, including my friends mom who hit a phone pole at 55 with no seatbelt on. Best thing to do is not to let it linger IMHO. There will be moments of fear and recollection, but the less time it has to build up the better.

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Glad you came out alright.

I've been in multiple car and motorcycle accidents, all without any major injury. Best thing I've found to do is just suck it up and get back out there. The faster you get back to doing it the quicker it will feel normal again.

I'd advise against avoiding the activity. I've had buddies that went down hard and resisted getting back on, and they ride less or not at all now. Others who hop back on after the wreck seem to do fine.

Some of it is mental resilience as well. If that is a problem you can have my spot in some awesome MRT classes.

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Run the numbers. What are the odds you'll get into another accident like the one you had? That's what I did the day I hit that deer. I was a good 150+ miles from home. I was shaken' date=' but had to ride home. Once we were back to rolling, I just amped up my pace even hotter. I figured the odds of me hitting another animal that day were pretty slim, so if there ever was a day to let it hang out.. that was it. Turns out I was right.

Trust math.[/quote']

Gutsiest move I ever saw, Mav.

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My ExGF and I swerved on a back country road to avoid a headon with a box truck because some kid pulled out from the right, and we ended up flipping end over end in my 4x4 lifted Ranger SC, then continued to roll atleast 7 times, and up to 9 from the distance the crash investigators figured.

Airbags deployed, she was sleeping accross the seats, no belt, I held her in with my right arm as we flipped. The sound, the images, the smell, everything, is something I will never forget.

We actualyl landed on our wheels upright, radio blairing, truck still trying to run. Ignition wouldnt turn off and I remember screaming at her to get out for fear of fire, she couldn't, had internal bleeding, cracked pelvis, highest level concussion, etc. I was fine, had some glass shards in my head and in my hand. I grabbed her and carried her away and to the side of the road. Box truck stopped and the passengers were helping when a neighbor who heard it came running with her husband, she was an RN or EMT I forget, but she took care of my ex as I tried to gather myself. Seperate ambulances arrived about 10 after the statey did, we were 20 miles from hospital, etc. No one realized how many times we rolled/flipped as they told us in the hospital they would ahve taken us to a trama center via helecopter instead of a low level country hospital, but no biggy.

I was driving the next day. I rationalized that my chances of something like that happening were so great it would never happen again, especially if it happend at all. My dad has drove for work for 35years when he retired, and still drives to MT and CO annually, never had a bad wreck once. Mom drove alot too, same thing.

YOU have to convince yourself that it happened once, you walked away, you will again if it happens again. The chances of it happening again are so slim, I'd assume you have a better chance getting hit by lightning.

Glad you are okay, and as for the bike, well yeah, I would probably have taken a break or sold it after mine too. I rode street for a few years and have since gone to track.

OH AND I bought an F150, and now an F250, and made my fiance get a bigger SUV then the 4 door sedan she had when we met. My family isn't allowed to have any kids we may have in anything smaller than an Edge, and her family all has big vans or suv's.

That's why I am a Ford beleiver for life, the Ranger crushed where it should have, rolled up like it should have, and I walked away, Kim would have too if she had a seatbelt on. I met the EMT's, Fire, and trooper later in the week and they along with the local junkyard said we should have died for sure.

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Glad you came out alright.

I've been in multiple car and motorcycle accidents, all without any major injury. Best thing I've found to do is just suck it up and get back out there. The faster you get back to doing it the quicker it will feel normal again.

^this.... I've been in 8 or 9 car accidents (only driving for one) but the thought never crossed my mind about not driving or riding in a car again (or motorcycle for that matter). Its a Just Do It thing. :)

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I was a passenger in a 240Z that went under a pickup truck when he pulled out in front of us. The z broke in half right under our seats. We both ended up being ok but sore. I missed a day of work is all. Accidents happen, just gotta brush yourself off and hop back on.

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Glad to hear you and everyone else is okay!

I've had a few auto accidents in my younger days but never had an issue getting back behind the wheel.

The one bad motorcycle accident I had, however, did affect me mentally for a spell but I knew I had to get back on the bike or I'd never ride again. It took a few weeks to work through everything emotionally but I kept riding and the worries disappeared.

Time is really your best friend with stuff like this and of course, facing your fears head-on.

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Run the numbers. What are the odds you'll get into another accident like the one you had?

Trust math.

A bit off topic here, but insurance companies don't trust math. My wife was in a wreck (not her fault) and after I switched her on to my policy after we got married, that caught up with us and increased our rates for a little while. They figure that if you've been in a wreck recently that you are more of a risk to have covered. :nono:

Most of the times I've been in wrecks, I wasn't allowed to drive again for 90+ days! I got my wrecks over with while I was still a minor, and they took my license for 90 days the first time, then a year the next.

Later on in my life, I had one while beyond drunk (not going into details) and drove a couple days after that back to work. I think I took the weekend to decompress, IIRC.

I can imagine that having gone through this, you will probably be a bit more "paranoid" and watch out for others more while you're on the bike, which is not a bad thing!

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