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Charity Raffle - 2011 Triumph Daytona 675 with 2,500 miles


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An update on my brother...

He made it back from Utah to his home in Florida on Friday. He was able to take a commercial flight home, got him on a non-stop in first class. He said it was a little rough but he made it. He will continue therapy at a hospital in Florida but will be staying at home. His progress has been great and its looking very promising that he might walk again someday. It's been one month since the accident and the doctors said he is at where they hoped he would be after 3 months. Still no movement in his calves or feet, but his thighs are getting stronger and he is able to make small movements with them. Even if he doesn't regain any movement in the lower legs, the doctors said there are braces that would allow him to walk and stand with the muscles he can move. It will still take a lot of rehab, but it sounds promising.

Thanks again for everyones help and support!

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Yeah Brandon, if you want any of us to toss this on FB, let us know. I bet we could sell some tickets that way too man and help your brother out.

I know you were trying to keep it kinda in house to people who would respect an item won like a beautiful Daytona, but if you think it'd be worth it, I would absolutely get this info on my page,

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Thanks for the bump guys. Sales are going good, but I have a lot of tickets to move yet. Somewhere in the ballpark of 100 sold. If you want to put it on your FB John I would definitely appreciate it!

I'll keep this thread updated as we get closer to the drawing. I'm hoping to get at least 150 tickets sold. If I am close but just didn't meet the goal, I might push the drawing date back as long as no one is opposed to this. It won't be much, maybe a week or 2.

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Updated original post with some info on drawing date. I am going to push it back to sell as many tickets as possible.

As of today 10/24/12 I have sold about 120 tickets and I'm so close to the goal I don't want to quit now.

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Updated original post with some info on drawing date. I am going to push it back to sell as many tickets as possible.

As of today 10/24/12 I have sold about 120 tickets and I'm so close to the goal I don't want to quit now.

If you're coming the the MotoSeries banquet be sure to bring the tickets with you.

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Any update on your brother and the auction? Hope his recovery is improving!

He is making slow but steady progress. Still not much feeling and no movement from the knees down. His thighs and hamstrings are feeling like normal, but still very weak. His left leg is definitely stronger than the right and his left hip flexor is working a little better. Here's a promising pic that my mom sent me today though:


He's mostly holding himself up with his arms, and he has some kind of orthotics on that support his ankles. But he walked about 80 feet with the walker, and was moving his legs under his own power!

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Thanks guys!

And to anyone that didn't already see, I updated the OP with some info regarding the drawing. I haven't sold all 200 tickets yet so I"m pushing the drawing back a bit (probably a few weeks) vs. refunding everyone. If there's anyone that doesn't want to wait I will certainly offer a refund as promised.

I'll keep the ticket sale count updated every once in awhile to let everyone know how its going!

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