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MotoSeries Round 9 at Nelson Ledges, Oct 13th & 14th


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I think lap times. If your running faster laps then experts then you should be an expert. I know Todd never pushes the issue most guys do it on there own. Some guys ran some fast laps but it was also there first year racing. I say everyone stays novice and Todd can figure out what to do next year. Except for the guy on the 750 racing in the 600 class. He should probably race the 750 gt

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Thanks guys.

Jeff, I was not doing too hot...22's were about my best, had a couple in 21's, but that was being towed by Jinu or trailing a bike that was passing. I felt uneasy all day, never really got comfortable like I was on Moto Monday where the last 3 sessions were pretty consistent 22 and 21's and dipping into the 20's on a few laps without being towed.

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  bobko31 said:
I think lap times. If your running faster laps then experts then you should be an expert. I know Todd never pushes the issue most guys do it on there own. Some guys ran some fast laps but it was also there first year racing. I say everyone stays novice and Todd can figure out what to do next year. Except for the guy on the 750 racing in the 600 class. He should probably race the 750 gt

do it on their own? i thought you had to be bumped up by todd. didnt know you could just choose what class you want to race in

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No offense, but lap times are not a good determining factor UNLESS using it to show consistancy. Meaning, a single fast lap is something that anyone can pull off. It is how you run in the distance of a race.

Also, using your lap times and seeing it faster than some experts is also not a solid way to determine the bump. Yes, there are always going to be fast novices that run a faster lap than an expert or set of experts that run the back of the pack. ANY form of racing has that. Kid running in the C class 250 MX class running faster than the bottom 1/3 of the B class...

Point is this. The mentality SHOULD be that if you are not racing with the novice group, have cleared them each and every race for the most part and are finishing in my mind, in the top three to five EVERY weekend you show? You need to step up.

But understand that there is a dynamic that several novices may not understand... The step up isn't always a big one. But, the formula to run the same, consistant laps is. The ability to pull out just that little extra to get in front of the guy in front of you, etc is a step up that is typically huge. Takes time in other words...

If it is your first year as a novice and you are waxing everyone? Jump up. If you seem to be hot one weekend and cold the other? Maybe running one more year is advised.

If the other novices are upset that you return as a novice? They need to step up their game. Now, you step up and always win? You should bump at the latest - mid season. Be respectful and advance yourself.

No real formula represents a reason to bump. It's a combo. I think Todd looks at a number of things and based on his spirit to make it as fair and fun as possible, he will do th right thing.

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I agree with everything said. Tim Kennedy won every race his secound year on a 600 Todd bumbed him but only for motoseries. He still had a novice lic in any other org. He chose to race a sv instead of racing in the expert 600 class. Maybe the novice grids are so big in motoseries becouse no one ever gets bumbed out. Cale jones another guy last year ran awsome chose to quit instead run expert. If I ever get bumbed ill sell every thing and buy a gyro copter and watch you bitchs from the air. I know I'll never make anything of this just do it for fun and killing myself trying to podium isn't fun.

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I really don't see the big deal with bumping to expert anyways. We are all out there to have fun and at the end of the day, a faster rider is going to beat me no matter what color their number plate is. Heck, if you're just in it for the trophy, most of us could have ran expert every race and probably been in the top 3 in points. Most of the races only had 1-2 expert 600 guys anyways.

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I definitely don't understand the whole quitting because you got bumped to expert thing. I can't imagine quitting a sport I love and am passionate about because I improved and am facing new challenges. This actually makes me slightly angry, but I'll just leave it at that. (And this is in no way directed at you, bobko! haha)

EDIT: Damnit, Brandon! Beat me too it again, this is crazy.

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Some people may set the "Expert plates" as their goal, and once achieved they feel they need to stop while they are ahead? I mean not to sound like a DB because I don't make the whole season, and am slow as heck, but that was originally my main goal. I didn't plan to quit after, but I always wanted to get to that level. I know there is no chance for that now as life changes, but I will still try as hard as I can. Hopefully next season I have more free time since there won't be wedding planning and stuff like that.

Although I would imagine if baby planning starts that will make wedding planning seem like a game.

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  TRMN8TR said:
Something like that!

You can talk smack when you start racing though.

In due time, Skippy. In due time.

  blue03636 said:
I'm confused. You stick it in, move a bit, let it spit and planning is done.

I thought John was kidding when he said that's how you bang him. Guess he really wasn't.

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I don't kid about when Craig violates me. Craig more speaking finance's, life goals, housing, schooling, etc. You know, you have a little one. Unfortunately, neither my dog nor her 3 cats qualify for any government help so it's all out of pocket and investments. I know, I could cash my 401K in for Motoseries and track days!

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