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Ohio Democrats introduce bill to effectively kill concealed carry in Ohio


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is it your understanding that the second law doesn't care "what you do with your gun in your own house"?

Well, I guess that depends if you have children at your house.

(which I was assuming you didn't)

This isn't the only gun control legislation Patmon has pending. In June, the BFA "F"-rated legislator introduced legislation that would "prohibit any person from storing or leaving a firearm in the person's residence unless the firearm is secured in safe storage or rendered inoperable by a tamper-resistant lock or other safety device if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm and to provide criminal penalties if a minor gains unauthorized access to a firearm not so stored or rendered inoperable."

I guess the bold part is the clincher for me... If a minor gains access to your gun because of your lack of due diligence, you should be held accountable.

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I'm positive that with the laws that are already in place if a minor was to comes into possession of a weapon that was "carelessly left laying about", that gun owner would be in a heap of shit.

Nothing like some law icing flowers on the law icing on the law cake. :rolleyes:

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I'm positive that with the laws that are already in place if a minor was to comes into possession of a weapon that was "carelessly left laying about", that gun owner would be in a heap of shit.

Nothing like some law icing flowers on the law icing on the law cake. :rolleyes:

Define "carelessly left laying about"... does the law already define that?

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This isn't the only gun control legislation Patmon has pending. In June, the BFA "F"-rated legislator introduced legislation that would "prohibit any person from storing or leaving a firearm in the person's residence unless the firearm is secured in safe storage or rendered inoperable by a tamper-resistant lock or other safety device if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm and to provide criminal penalties if a minor gains unauthorized access to a firearm not so stored or rendered inoperable.".

I am in favor of any legislation that requires that guns be locked up and kept unavailable to defend one's property. Home invasions are a big part of my income. I am sick of worrying about some home owner preventing me from from taking what I need. Some of my fellow meth heads are total pussies and won't even rob houses because they're worried about getting shot in the ass.

We need way more effin laws! They should make meth illegal....that way I wouldn't be a meth head in the first place.

#not sarcasm (just incase sarcasm has already been outlawed) #reallywassarcasm

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Well, I guess that depends if you have children at your house.

(which I was assuming you didn't)

i want to propose a law where people can pass gun laws. but it depends if they have guns at their house (which i was assuming they didn't)

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I am in favor of any legislation that requires that guns be locked up and kept unavailable to defend one's property. Home invasions are a big part of my income. I am sick of worrying about some home owner preventing me from from taking what I need. Some of my fellow meth heads are total pussies and won't even rob houses because they're worried about getting shot in the ass.

We need way more effin laws! They should make meth illegal....that way I wouldn't be a meth head in the first place.

#not sarcasm (just incase sarcasm has already been outlawed) #reallywassarcasm

Haha... I was thinking the same thing. Um, excuse me Mr. Robber, please wait to try to steal my belongings, beat me, and harm my family... I have to put my combo in the safe... Shit, Hun... What was the code again?!

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There are to many fkn laws on guns as it is now...... How about they just inforce the ones that are already there. If you have a minor in your house and they injure or worse themselves you are held acountable by law. Jesus fknchrist...... I grew up in a house that had more tahn one rifle accessable.... Knew where the ammo was. Dad had a loaded 38 in easy reach on his milk truck. My best friends dad was a judge.... Anywhere ya went in his house you were within 5 feet of a loaded 38 or 45. There were 7 kids in our house and 2 in his including the amount of friends we had over. Nobody ever got injured or killed....... Why.... Not cause they were lockd up and safe..... Because we knew our fathers would hnad us our asses if we got caught with em. But that doesnt totally pertain to afore mentioned friend because he had 6 firearms in his closet......... The other major part.... We were taught guns and how to respect them. Theres a lot to be said for teachn kids how to repect things rather than hide em like they dont exist.

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I was just emailed this link. I thought everyone here should be aware of it.


Ted Celeste is Dick Celeste's more retarded brother. He has introduced this 'opt in' gun sign idea as an amendment to every gun law passed since I can remember...he tried to add it to the guns in bars bill and all of those.

It gets creamed everytime it gets voted on. Patton is the rep from the bad part of Cleveland. He is a failure, he has done nothing for his district and wants to blame everything on the guns.

This is going nowhere, nothing to even worry about.

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Do you all believe everything you read on the Internet? Last legislation I saw on the interwebz said that citizens can only carry rocks no larger than the size of a coconut that is capable of being carried by a European sparrow beating its wings at 40 BPM.


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Ted Celeste is Dick Celeste's more retarded brother. He has introduced this 'opt in' gun sign idea as an amendment to every gun law passed since I can remember...he tried to add it to the guns in bars bill and all of those.

It gets creamed everytime it gets voted on. Patton is the rep from the bad part of Cleveland. He is a failure, he has done nothing for his district and wants to blame everything on the guns.

This is going nowhere, nothing to even worry about.

Who is Patton? The guy's name is Patmon.

And per this map: http://www.cleveland.com/datacentral/index.ssf/2011/12/ohio_house_and_ohio_senate_dis.html

District 10 isn't the "bad part" of Cleveland :confused: ... it IS Cleveland (Rock Hall, Burke Lakefront, Westside market, Browns Stadium). So, unless you were crackin' wise on Cleveland itself being ALL bad, he's not from the bad part of Cleveland.

And as far as being a "failure" -- it's his first term, so what exactly are you judging him being a failure on, aside from him introducing HB595 as mentioned in this thread? :confused: Please educate me, unless you're just hopping on the bandwagon to pile on without doing your homework?

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you come over to my house, hang out, have a good time... take your gun out of your holster or your holster off your belt (whatever the case may be) then you have a good time pass out drunk or whatever, go home without your gun. Next morning my niece comes over picks it up, and bam... instant tragedy.

I was going to fix this above quote and replace "gun" with "elbow" but did not want to be a D-bag. I like Magz, but don't always agree.

I am not sure having a law that tells people you must lock up your firearms around kids will do anything. The people with common sense either have them locked up already or have taught the kids that are old enough to understand ( that age is determined by the parent, based on the childs maturity) to respect and proper handling of a firearm.

I do not have children in my house. If friends / family with children are stopping over for a holiday gathering, anything that may or not be "laying around" would be secure prior to arrival.

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Ted Celeste is Dick Celeste's more retarded brother. He has introduced this 'opt in' gun sign idea as an amendment to every gun law passed since I can remember...he tried to add it to the guns in bars bill and all of those.

It gets creamed everytime it gets voted on. Patton is the rep from the bad part of Cleveland. He is a failure, he has done nothing for his district and wants to blame everything on the guns.

This is going nowhere, nothing to even worry about.

Probably true.......however, any idiot that seriously proposes anti constitutional legislation like this should be banned from public office.

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not going anywhere.

come on guys. we got concealed carry under an anti-gun governor.

well kasich is anti gun too, but to afraid of what the people of ohio would do if he got rid of concealed carry or put in ANYTHING that was restrictive.

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