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The Official Romney Owned Obama Thread


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ohh, he did say he was going to cut PBS... that makes the math work...


Let's see..... cutting what part of this pie chart would put the biggest dent in our deficit?

The one place romney said that he would not cut, but increase spending...

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So Romney flopped on his tax plan, then flipped on his healthcare plan, Flopped on his financial reform, and didn't explain at all how he was going to do anything...

He didnt flip flop on anything. Obama and his campaign staff (NBC) have telling lies about Romneys position for so long that people actually believe those were his positions. Even Obama himself tried to debate the lies he was spreading but Mitt wouldnt let him and Obama didnt know what to say when he was forced to debate Romneys true positions.

Romney explained in great detail how he would close certain loop holes to offset cuts for business and as the private sector comes back (jobs created) more actual revenue comes in allowing even more cuts for business which in turn spurs more economic growth, ie: more jobs. Perhaps all of Obama's stammering and stuttering had you distracted enough that you missed that part.

I think he believes he can somehow conjure money out of thin air.

Its called promoting economic growth in the private sector. Making and selling a product overseas actually produces positive cash flow into the treasury. (thats what we are supposed to use to pay our bills)

Simply growing government or hiring more teachers only produces negative cash flow for the treasury and forces us to borrow more money to pay our bills. (this leads to economic collapse)

I think Mitt did very well. He explained everything very well. Oh I know the hard core liberals didnt want to here it and those who just want to go through life sponging off of someone else are going to argue senseless points but everyone else seemed to understand perfectly!

Edited by Rod38um
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I think he believes he can somehow conjure money out of thin air.

If your mind is already made up, why bother watching a debate in the first place? Seems like a waste of time.



- not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

Being able to understand (I didn't say agree with) the other point of view is a not a skill everyone has. See gridlock in Washington.

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They had a focus group of people 33/33/33 that certified (whatever that means) that they were either for one of the candidates or the other or was undecided before the debate. After the debate they asked the group of them who voted for Obama the last election, and i think they showed nearly 60% of them did. Then then asked of those who will be voting for Obama this time, only 6-7 kept their hands up, The rest said they would be voting for Romney. If there is a video of it ill post it for ya.

holy crap...

In any election there is 4 to 5% that will change minds and cross over. Both ways. Pretty much evens out with no gain and no loss. So what you said is hugely different from what media polls/surveys are telling people.

Not quite as important as the huge block of independent voters that won't make up their minds till the day they vote.

I'll throw in that there is a cycle of who gets to be in charge in any country. Warrior, businessman, and politician trade places as each falls out of favor and the other comes in. Hopefully at the right time per the voting populous.

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He didnt flip flop on anything. Obama and his campaign staff (NBC) have telling lies about Romneys position for so long that people actually believe those were his positions. Even Obama himself tried to debate the lies he was spreading but Mitt wouldnt let him and Obama didnt know what to say when he was forced to debate Romneys true positions.

I havent seen anything out of romney's camp other than ryan's budget, please show me where his actual plan is posted.

Apparently you've fallen for the etch a sketch, because the positions he was taking last night were in stark contrast to positions he took in the primary debates.

Romney explained in great detail how he would close certain loop holes to offset cuts for business and as the private sector comes back (jobs created) more actual revenue comes in allowing even more cuts for business which in turn spurs more economic growth, ie: more jobs. Perhaps all of Obama's stammering and stuttering had you distracted enough that you missed that part.

Where are these details?

please, if you can find ANYWHERE exactly what deductions and loopholes mitt romney plans to tackle, I would GENUINELY love to see them.

Edited by magley64
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What confuses me about Romney is that he has NO clear plan.

I would say that kind of confusion is what the Obama camp is trying to foster in their adds. Seriously...do you think that ANY candidate for President of these United States doesn't have a plan????

I thought Romney made that point clear when he spoke of the Massachusetts health care plan vs Obamacare. Rather than mandate that A-Z need to be included and push it through without bi-partisan support (as was the case with Obamacare), Romney said he would rather have the players involved work through the details (as Romney did in Massachusetts with a 80%+ democratic majority).

For the record, I am not a fan of Obama(Turd Sandwich) or Romney (Giant Douche). But, I would say the debate was clearly a much needed win for Giant Douche.

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I would say that kind of confusion is what the Obama camp is trying to foster in their adds. Seriously...do you think that ANY candidate for President of these United States doesn't have a plan????

All plans are not created equal... I want the plan laid out like Hannibal from the A-team... this at this moment, then you ride in and do that, then he sets off some distraction, we build a tank out of a car, and at the end, the bad guys are running.

Romney's plan seems more like Ray from Ghostbusters when they meet Zool... "get her"

great plan Ray

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I havent seen anything out of romney's camp other than ryan's budget, please show me where his actual plan is posted.
I'll show you Romney's if you show me Obamas.

Actually, I'll give you a gift. Here is Romneys plan: http://www.mittromney.com/sites/default/files/shared/BelieveInAmerica-PlanForJobsAndEconomicGrowth-Full.pdf

No show me your savior obamas plan!

Where are these details?

please, if you can find ANYWHERE exactly what deductions and loopholes mitt romney plans to tackle, I would GENUINELY love to see them.

Stop being a simpleton. You know you cant have details, he's not a KING! We have a senate and congress that have to be negotiated with. You set an agenda and basic plan then negotiate details. I do understand your confusion though after King Obama pushed through Obamacare with his super majority without having a single republican contribute to it or vote for it........

Edited by Rod38um
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Where are these details?

please, if you can find ANYWHERE exactly what deductions and loopholes mitt romney plans to tackle, I would GENUINELY love to see them.

Stop being a simpleton. You know you cant have details, he's not a KING! We have a senate and congress that have to be negotiated with. You set an agenda and basic plan then negotiate details. I do understand your confusion though after King Obama pushed through Obamacare with his super majority without having a single republican contribute to it or vote for it........


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end wars, cut defense spending, increase taxes on the wealthy...and badda bing badda boom, you have a surplus, and you can start paying down the deficit...as president Clinton did.


Cut taxes across the board (heavily weighted towards the wealthy), remove deductions for poor people, spend WAY more money on the military, start another war or 2 or 10 (china, north korea, libya, egypt, etc) and, and all the money we "generate" from war mongering will solve our problems.

yeah, that's great

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Obama and his agenda are miserable failures........... I understand you dont want to admit it...... but its obvious.

What specific legislation that was proposed by Obama, and passed is a failure?

And before you jump on "obamacare" it's not even in full effect yet, and healthcare costs have already gone up slower than they have in a decade...

Edited by magley64
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He has 3 paragraphs???

The first one he says tax the wealthy. Well, income tax rates are progressive, the more you make the higher percentage you pay. So either he's so out of touch he doesnt know it or he;s talking about increasing capital gains tax which will, as proven time and again, stifle investment and stunt job growth.

The second one: He's talking about increasing the size of government and our debt because we dont have the extra money. We borrow 50 cents of every dollar we spend now so until you get the private sector producing more revenue than the public sector spends, this is just pure stupidity. I wouldnt do it in my house nor would any responsible person.

The third one: Reducing the debt... Well lets look at his track record so far. Nearly 6 trillion in new debt just since he took office. He passed the largest budget in history with his super majority and then refused to negotiate another one ever since, knowing that the same bloated budget stays in place till a new one is agreed upon.


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What specific legislation that was proposed by Obama, and passed is a failure?

And before you jump on "obamacare" it's not even in full effect yet, and healthcare costs have already gone up slower than they have in a decade...

His promise was that health care costs would go down. there are 21 new taxes set to start kicking in after the election. Do you think those will reduce cost? Do you think it was underhanded to set all the benefits to be implemented before the election and the taxes after?

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His promise was that health care costs would go down. there are 21 new taxes set to start kicking in after the election. Do you think those will reduce cost? Do you think it was underhanded to set all the benefits to be implemented before the election and the taxes after?

Once the law goes into full effect, they will go down..

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Once the law goes into full effect, they will go down..

LMAO....... sounds like: "We have to pass it to find out what's in it"

If the law goes into full effect, most companies will drop the insurance for their employees then everyone will be on government rationed health care.

Maybe I can get a job sitting on the board deciding if people are valuable enough to receive treatment! :D I bet that job could be lucrative..... under the table.....

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If the law goes into full effect, most companies will drop the insurance for their employees.

no more insurance for anyone...

Exaggerate much?

I guarantee you my company will not revoke it's company insurance...

10,000 dollar bet?

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