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Thoughts on the family suing Monster for the death of their daughter


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Some reading in case you hadn't heard about it:



The medical examiner determined she died of caffeine toxicity. The 14yo girl drank two 24oz cans of Monster in a 24hr period. That's roughly 480mg of caffeine.

The LD50 of caffeine in humans is dependent on individual sensitivity, but is estimated to be about 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass or roughly 80 to 100 cups of coffee for an average adult.

So we'll go with the low end of that scale:



Even if she only weighed 70lbs, she still should've been able to consume roughly ten times more than she did.

So how can this be ruled caffeine toxicity? I drink way more caffeine than that on a daily basis.

Last thought. Right on the can, it says, "Not recommended for children, pregnant women or people sensitive to caffeine." She was 14yo. I count that as a child. She also had a hereditary heart condition which weakened the connective tissue around her heart. Can Monster really be responsible for the death of a girl who shouldn't have been drinking their product to begin with?

Something just doesn't seem to make sense here.

PS: RedBull > Monster

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Can Monster really be responsible for the death of a girl who shouldn't have been drinking their product to begin with?

Something just doesn't seem to make sense here.

This reminds me of the Beavis & Butthead fire lawsuit from years ago.


Right on the can, it says, "Not recommended for children, pregnant women or people sensitive to caffeine." She was 14yo. I count that as a child.

Who bought her the drinks? Not necessarily the last two she drank, but the first one she ever had? Did her parents ever buy it for her? If they did then I think there's no case here....

Edited by 2fat2fly
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No Monster shouldnt be responsible at all. It was HER choice to drink it. Nobody forced it down her throat. and especially since it does say Not Recommended for Children. That means ONE can is Not Recommended for Children let alone TWO. So that doesnt make sense, she should have been fine with more caffeine than that, so I'm wondering if we know the whole story here. Like what else did she have? I think there is a lot more to it.

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Her parents should be allowed to sue. I should be allowed to sue you for buying a new bike and not posting it online. However' date=' that doesn't mean I would support them/me winning said suit.

That's why these products have warnings. It's to protect/indemnify the manufacturer against the consumers' complete lack of common sense and personal responsibility.

They'll most likely get a hefty settlement, though. Insurance companies are the fucking devil.[/quote']

Frivolous lawsuits are a waste of tax money.

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I can't see Monster being held responsible for her death. I used to drink a ton of Monster - 5+ a day, and it started to screw with my health, so I stopped, but that was over a two-three week period and really what it did was make my heart race and screw with my sleep. I weighed significantly more than a 14 year old girl at the time, but I figure I drank more per pound than she did.

If she had an underlying heart condition, that's terrible, but really anything could have triggered her cardiac arrest - heavy exercise, an allergic reaction followed by an epi-pen, who knows? This is an example of parents trying to find someone to blame for an unfortunate series of events. The results of drinking Monster and other energy drinks are not secrets, and like was aid earlier, they are clearly labeled as such.

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Some reading in case you hadn't heard about it:



The medical examiner determined she died of caffeine toxicity. The 14yo girl drank two 24oz cans of Monster in a 24hr period. That's roughly 480mg of caffeine.

So we'll go with the low end of that scale:



Even if she only weighed 70lbs, she still should've been able to consume roughly ten times more than she did.

So how can this be ruled caffeine toxicity? I drink way more caffeine than that on a daily basis.

Last thought. Right on the can, it says, "[bold]Not recommended for children[/bold], pregnant women or people sensitive to caffeine." She was 14yo. I count that as a child. She also had a hereditary heart condition which weakened the connective tissue around her heart. Can Monster really be responsible for the death of a girl who shouldn't have been drinking their product to begin with?

Something just doesn't seem to make sense here.

PS: RedBull > Monster

I drink at minimum 2 cans of Java monster per day and sometimes as much as 6-8+ energy drinks in a single day, but I try to limit myself to 60 ounces a day. I have wwp(heart murmer) and try don't bother me, but I don't usually eat/drink anything else with caffeine/sugar very often. I figure of the rigorous exercise from the military didn't kill me than meh these drinks should be no different(as far as my heart condition goes). I do think these drinks are bad for you, but probably not enough to kill someone.

Here is what I think will go down... Monster is not responsible, this is a case of negligence. The parents knew the risk of these drinks, but yet let her drink them anyhow... Case closed. There are plenty of warnings about these drinks on the cans and on the Web, people know consuming too much caffeine/sugar can cause health issues.

O.K. Probably won't be that easy, but anywho I'm siding with monster on this one.

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Radioactive rules em all

WHAT??? isn't that the crap that they sell at gas stations for like 50 cents because it tastes like vomit??? :lol:

the lawsuit is lame. She had a heart condition, right? Well, they should have taught her to be more careful. I have weak ankles sometimes, that's why i don't walk near cliffs.

I feel bad for them, but people need to hold themselves accountable for their own actions.

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Did the coroner have some skin in the game?

If it was overdose of caffeine, then the parents might have a case against someone.

I suppose it would depend on where she bought it.

The wording "not recommended" isn't exactly a stern warning.

I suppose the outcome will depend on the details.

I wouldn't call this "frivolous" just based on what I've read so far.

red bull> monster

Edited by magley64
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honestly, I think the parents should be held accountable for the neglect of the healthcare of their child. If they were more careful about what she ate and drank especially with a heart condition, then this would have never happened.

ps. Monster Rehab all the way!!!!

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Radioactive was 50cents after they went out of business but it taste like liquid sweettart to me especially after leaving it in a car on a summer day :D

Cocaine was a fun energy drink too :p

Made my own concoction of Monster, Cocaine and Vault in a large Wendy's cup :crazy:

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14 is a child, children do not make good decisions. Accedents happen. Just because some one bought/sold her the drink does not mean they knew it was for her or she was about to consume it.

This argument can be the same for alcohol and alcohol posioning. you can buy 4 cases of beer, the seller has no idea what your intensions are.

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the lawsuit is lame. She had a heart condition, right? Well, they should have taught her to be more careful. I have weak ankles sometimes, that's why i don't walk near cliffs.

This sums it up. When I saw the story on the news last night they railed against Monster for a few minutes, then showed that the average person could consume some outrageous amount of Monster before reaching a toxic level of caffeine and the very quickly said she had a pre-existing health issue. As a parent who has a child with a heart condition that has to see a Cardiologist, you know what your kid should and shouldn't have. Bullshit case that should not see the light of day.

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