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close call.


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Glad u didn't get knocked out... One after opening my gurage door, I drove in and I must have leaned on the opener again cause it came back down... On my head. If I was 1/2 a sec slower, it woulda been a KO and my wife woulda had a bike in the kitchen!

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I've had close calls with birds too, but never struck one. Had a grasshopper strike my helmet when I was bookin' down a backroad, it laid my head back a little. Worst ever for me was getting hit in the face shield by a foot square chunk of plywood that was kicked up by the car in front of me on the interstate last year.....luckily it didn't bust through to my face or I'd be even uglier

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Here is what it looks like when they do hit a little lower.


Got a roughly 20lb turkey while up on rt161. Was doing about 70-75 while passing a car. Roughly 3 grand in damage to the bike. Did the damage you can see along with bending the LH clipon back over 2 inches, smashing the lh switch gear and ripped the gauges clean off the bike.

Picture of the dead turkey after the fact.


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Glad you're ok. Bet that was a hell of a "shit your pants moment"

Should have throw an elbow. Being a gun owner I would have shot it.

It sucks dealing with things that are out of your control. Good thing you had your helmet for that one in a million situation that you never think will happen.

lol, repped

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