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Sucky weather- It's almost here


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We started getting crazy wind yesterday afternoon. A lot of people lost power locally around 8 or 9 last night. We lasted until 4 AM.

My power came back on at 7:30 (no less than 20 minutes after I woke up and got the generator all set up. fuck that shit.), but a lot of the Cleveland area is still in the dark. Lots of traffic lights out.

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Lots of wind & rain here in NEO with Cuyahoga County looking like the hardest hit - we got off easy compared to the rest of the NE.

Got a call last night about an outage at a site in Cleveland but we're on orders to stay put until the winds die down so I'm working from home.

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Lots of wind & rain here in NEO with Cuyahoga County looking like the hardest hit - we got off easy compared to the rest of the NE.

Got a call last night about an outage at a site in Cleveland but we're on orders to stay put until the winds die down so I'm working from home.


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We got a ton of wind in Lake County/Willoughby. Power would click off for a few seconds and then click back on. The biggest complaint I have is that my satelite had to keep resetting everytime it went off and on but I NEVER LOST SERVICE! DirecTV, say what you want.

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