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Is there more to the story? Was Libya an inside job?


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Not really. I'm not political and am not even going to vote this year as I don't like either option. Just found this interesting and very plausible.
If you like your guns and want to buy more in the future I'd probably vote for Gary Johnson if I were you. Just saying.
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If you like your guns and want to buy more in the future I'd probably vote for Gary Johnson if I were you. Just saying.

I would like a young candidate that is active military with combat experience in all the recent Middle East conflicts. One that was on the ground on the front line. One that lost men in his unit because of political shot callers. One that was told to stand down when he could have made a difference. One with brass balls that firmly believes in an eye for an eye. One with a no bullshit zero tolerance approach to all things foreign and domestic

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This may kick over the already opened can of worms but some things need saying.

>> Was Libya an inside job? <<

I think it was. I think Chairman "O" is one of them.

We are told that we are not at war with Islam. Well, they all know they are at war with us, and history has proved that they are.

It has been said that Islam will attack us financially. The attack on the World Trade towers was a financial attack as much as anything else you want to call it.

Chairman "O", the guy in the White House, is one of them. He bowed to the Saudi king, just as a subject would. In exchange for their money which helped to put him in the White House in the first place, he must allow the Islamists some victories. Libya was one of those victories he allow them, as a live feed allowed the battle to be watched in real time, in the comfort of his own residence.

In addition to that, the economic condition we are now in as a result of the last fours year's administration is also a financial attack on our wealth as a country. If he is permitted to remain in power the next four years, you can look for much worse to occur. Already, it has been said that in Washington D.C. resident's new gun purchases will be over. They will only make purchases of used guns within their own city and only from private individuals. New guns purchased from dealers will only be permitted to law enforcement.

I can't help but wonder if National Guard units activated to the hurricane Sandy areas are kicking in doors in the middle of the night and forceably taking the guns of law abiding citizens just like they did in non-flooded and untouched areas around New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.

It's coming. It's fk'ing coming.


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All i know is our president was willing to let 30 people die and not do anything....... Up until a true hero told his superiors to go fuck themselves and ran into the fray saving them but losing his life along with 3 others. Its been said the president didnt know....... Horse shit. In this day and age of tech he knew within the first hour of what was happening. All policies aside and all the other arguments about obama.... If what he has done in libya isnt enough to ditch his ass i dont know what is. If this was a republican president he would have been crucified a million time over by now. I would have tried and failed to save them than stand there, actually watching a live feed, and do nothing. PATHETIC

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We are told that we are not at war with Islam. Well, they all know they are at war with us, and history has proved that they are.

:nono: so much fail.... Islam is an Abrahamic religion, same as Christianity, same as Judaism.... they all worship the same god.

Terrorists use "islam" as their excuse for terrorist actions. There are plenty of peaceful muslims, in this country and abroad.

If islam is to be condemned for the actions of terrorists, then protestants should be held accountable for the actions of the KKK.

We are NOT at war with islam... remember that whole freedom of religion thing in the constitution?

*more nonsense*


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I'd believe it since 9/11 was an inside job. especially since they can't explain the nano particles of thermite and microspheres of iron (caused by 2000+ degree heat) collected all over in the dust and metal that was left out of Nist's investigation.

heat at which steel was molten which cannot happen in a open air fire that was the only type of fires burning in the towers.

buildings don't fall in seconds without resistance of some kind unless it was a controlled demo. any architect, physicist, engineer, demo experts etc etc will happily explain why a building cannot fall that fast unless it was a demo

Edited by serpentracer
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I'd believe it since 9/11 was an inside job.


especially since they can't explain the nano particles of thermite and microspheres of iron (caused by 2000+ degree heat) collected all over in the dust and metal that was left out of Nist's investigation. Heat at which steel was molten which cannot happen in a open air fire that was the only type of fires burning in the towers.

The problem here is not strictly one of temperature, but how much heat was being pumped into the steel, versus how quickly it could conduct that heat to other areas to cool itself down. If the steel conducts heat away from the fire faster than it is being pumped into the steel, the steel remains rigid. If heat is pumped into the steel faster than it can be conducted away, the temperature of the steel continues to increase, eventually reaching the plastic deformation (softening) temperature. At that point, the steel girders deform.

I understand it's complicated, but saying there is no explanation for something when you don't even have a remote understanding of the physics involved is just disingenuous.

them airplanes are a conspiracy... physics dictates that they can't fly because they are heavier than the air around them, therefore all those airplanes you see in the air, are just copies made from helium balloons.

Edited by magley64
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The problem here is not strictly one of temperature, but how much heat was being pumped into the steel, versus how quickly it could conduct that heat to other areas to cool itself down. If the steel conducts heat away from the fire faster than it is being pumped into the steel, the steel remains rigid. If heat is pumped into the steel faster than it can be conducted away, the temperature of the steel continues to increase, eventually reaching the plastic deformation (softening) temperature. At that point, the steel girders deform.

I understand it's complicated, but saying there is no explanation for something when you don't even have a remote understanding of the physics involved is just disingenuous.

them airplanes are a conspiracy... physics dictates that they can't fly because they are heavier than the air around them, therefore all those airplanes you see in the air, are just copies made from helium balloons.

you can't heat steel up to failing temps with a oxygen fueled fire. jet fuel which is kerosene burns at 700degrees. nowhere close to hot enough to effect steel.

plenty of physicist, architects, engineers and the like will gladly explain this law of thermodynamics to you.

and the fact building 7 fell without being hit by anything. highrise fires do not make buildings fall. that would be a major design flaw not taken into consideration by architects and engineers. which isn't going to happen.

there is plenty of proof of this because plenty of them have burned completely before.

then there's the fact that all of the buildings fell without any kind of resistance. physics can easily prove why this cant happen without help.

an no one can explain the molten hot steel pouring out of one of the towers you can see in videos and pictures. it's physically impossible with that kind of fire.

thermite on the other hand can and does turn steel into molten metal. plus there's plenty of pictures of melted/fused concrete boulders laying all over. nothing in a normal fire can melt concrete except thermite.

Edited by serpentracer
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you can't heat steel up to failing temps with a oxygen fueled fire. jet fuel which is kerosene burns at 700degrees. nowhere close to hot enough to effect steel.

plenty of physicist, architects, engineers and the like will gladly explain this law of thermodynamics to you.

You can repeat what you just said, but that doesn't negate the fact that you are wrong.

if you want to come over to the house sometime I will happily fire up my grandfather's coal forge, stick a piece of steel in it, turn on the fan, and we can kick back and watch it melt... no pure oxygen sources, just open air...

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Sooooooo. Lets totally overlook the amount of impact a 737 or what the planes were would make on a structure that tall and how it would weaken the structure. The ither things is unless your happy ass was in that building taking temp readings you can only guess how hot it was or any other specifics for that matter....... So the plane were remote controlled? The passengers are on a island some where........ All the towel heads claimed they did it cause they hatevus just for the hell of it......

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