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Stockpiling time!


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You guys are all wrong. It is time to sell right now at an inflated price like four years ago. Remember when 9mm was selling at gun shows for $30 a box. Wait a few weeks then sell and make moneys to buy more guns when things drop back down.

Medina gun show this weekend is gonna be a mad house I bet LOL!



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I am not at all scared Obama will ban guns or anything of the sort. Its Biden I am worried about, however, their allegiance to the Democratic party will most likely keep them from doing anything radical to try and get another Dem elected. In short, nothing interesting will happen

Unless the NRA falls apart, I'm not worried about guns ever being banned in this country.

Maybe there will be legislation requiring registration, restricting 'assault' rifles, and restricting magazine sizes, but there will never be an outright ban on guns in America.

While all that would suck, a breach load shotgun and/or muzzle load rifle is all any of us really requires to survive and defend our home.

The notion that we can repel our government should they choose to use force against us is laughable. In that regard, gun ownership is merely symbolic. When it comes to defending yourself and your family from other citizens, then the right becomes real, and any restrictions only hurt those who are already willing to abide by the laws.

The only remaining question is "would you become an outlaw to defend yourself from outlaws?"

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They wont ban guns...

They will tax gun and bullets more... that with the tanked economy will result in no one affording them.

What I am afraid of and why I started this thread to begin with, also feel that BHO will in fact be looking into a more aggressive assault rifle ban or much more restrictive.

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Obama can't do much without congress, at least for 2 years. The panic buying is misplaced, as usual. Congressmen answer to their constituents, and it takes a lot to get a sweeping gun ban through.

Pushing it by EO or other backdoor means will be real trouble for Barack, that's not happening either.

In any case, I've already got guns and no one will ever come door to door for them....but tyranny can come from a lot of places other than the government, ask blacks in the segregation south, or Korean shopkeepers during the LA riots....not to mention that some meth head breaking in to rape my wife while I watch is what I would consider tyranny of the first order.

We have guns for more than just shooting at government troops (which is not gonna happen in our lifetimes). The real threat is just the slow erosion of our basic right to self defense.

I see Magz is here. Like a retarded moth to a flame.

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1,000 is plenty when there is still supply available. As supply dwindles, your stockpile should increase, and unnecessary use should decrease.

I keep a thousand rounds on hand, but if supply starts dropping, I would up that to 5,000 in a hurry, and try to work toward 10,000 as it becomes available.

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I know a former LEO who has 22,000 rounds of 380 in his basement, and he doesn't even own any gun in that caliber!

(Granted, he drove to Texas in 2008 and bought 3 pallets of ammo, then sold it off at 200% markup when Obama took office. My point being that I doubt even he keeps 20,000 rounds on hand for personal use.)

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Obama can't do much without congress, at least for 2 years. The panic buying is misplaced, as usual. Congressmen answer to their constituents, and it takes a lot to get a sweeping gun ban through.

Pushing it by EO or other backdoor means will be real trouble for Barack, that's not happening either.

In any case, I've already got guns and no one will ever come door to door for them....but tyranny can come from a lot of places other than the government, ask blacks in the segregation south, or Korean shopkeepers during the LA riots....not to mention that some meth head breaking in to rape my wife while I watch is what I would consider tyranny of the first order.

We have guns for more than just shooting at government troops (which is not gonna happen in our lifetimes). The real threat is just the slow erosion of our basic right to self defense.

I see Magz is here. Like a retarded moth to a flame.

Hope you are right Craig..........yeah I know nothing drastic could happen soon, but am concerned with prices of everything going up. Also finding everything that I need to finish my AR build, is gonna get harder too.

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I mean I was already planning purchasing an AR but this just gives me more motivation :D


Todd, I need to get with you at some point. It's a bit of a drive for me but the only real place around here is Target World and I'm not real fond of those guys.

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