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Lane splitting: Not addressed in codes or statutes?


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I'll go the opposite on whether a motorcycle cop will enforce something on your motorcycle. Yes, they know how to ride, and are perfectly willing to explain it to you. They will pull you over. (And explain it to you.)

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I'll go the opposite on whether a motorcycle cop will enforce something on your motorcycle. Yes, they know how to ride, and are perfectly willing to explain it to you. They will pull you over. (And explain it to you.)

Just an example, nothing more. One m/c may lane split routinely and think it's okay, next city over no way.

It's up to their interpretation, experience and what they'll tolerate.

Edited by jfvb1225
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To me lane splitting stopped or crawling traffic can only help ease congestion. Cars don't have to get out of our way, we can squeeze through existing gaps, and we're reducing the number of vehicles in the tailback.

It would have be couple with a better driver education program aimed at making sure drivers don't open doors on us. Also, how to deal with people who intentionally block lane splitters?

I don't lane split. I just think it would be a win-win in stopped traffic because bikes get through quicker and cars also get through quicker because the bikes are no longer taking up car-sized lane positions.

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How about everyone, right now, pick up their cell phone and call their state rep, or email them. Tell them you want lane sharing.

And if the State Rep wants to get in touch with the DOT, tell them not to waste their time. The DOT answer to the state rep I contacted sounded as if it came out of the movie idiocracy.

There is enough research out there to support lane sharing in Ohio. If anyone is interested, I have some reading material/research in this regard.

Just get up and contact them, or nothing will ever happen. Because they aren't reading this thread.

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If you write or call you need to make it a safety issue. You need to stress that it is more safe more MC's if we lane split...so we dont get rear ended in the accordion of traffic. I am no expert on this subject, but the cops in California will actually yell at you if you DON'T lane split in traffic because they view you sitting there as more dangerous.

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You bring up a good point. While what I am about to say may seem obvious I actually didn't realize it until recently during a gun debate.

If there isn't a law prohibiting something it isn't illegal.

That's not necessarily true. The argument will be "the legislature clearly went out of its way to authorize lane sharing between 2 motorcycles. Had they intended to authorize lane sharing between a car and a motorcycle, they would have extended that clause to do so. The act of lane-splitting clearly goes beyond the authorization of section 4511.27, and amounts to a lane violation persuant to 4511.25."

i may be off on the exact code numbers. didn't pull them back up. But the fact remains, the law outlines the proper way to occupy a single lane. You can't cross any lane markers unless it is to make a safe pass, and you're not going to convince a judge that passing in the same lane as a moving car is safe.

So yes, lobby your representatives to explicitly legalize lane-splitting. That is the only way to do so without the risk of being ticketed.

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another consideration that I hadn't thought of, but makes sense: "New Mexico does not address lane splitting by name, but has language requiring turn signals be used continuously for at least 100 ft (30 m) before changing lanes."

Ohio has the same law, or substantially similar. So if a cop sees you initiate a lane-split, you probably hadn't planned it and signaled 100 feet in advance.

If they see you actively splitting lanes without your signal on, that would technically be a violation as well, because you're in the process of continually changing lanes.

The bottom line is that I don't think a cop is going to pass up an opportunity to generate some revenue for the State unless they have bigger shit going on.

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If you write or call you need to make it a safety issue. You need to stress that it is more safe more MC's if we lane split...so we dont get rear ended in the accordion of traffic. I am no expert on this subject, but the cops in California will actually yell at you if you DON'T lane split in traffic because they view you sitting there as more dangerous.

What he said :)...

And maybe use lane sharing instead of lane skipping.

Oregon did a large amount of research on this, California has been doing this successfully for years, it is done successfully around the world. You are less likely to die... multiple reasons it should be passed.

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you're not going to convince a judge that passing in the same lane as a moving car is safe.

I'm talking about letting us pass *stopped* traffic (or crawling) traffic. Not traffic moving at normal speed.

The law should say we can lane split at up to 10mph if the speed of traffic is stopped, or less than 10mph. It should also state that any motorist or passenger who opens a door while in a travel lane is automatically liable if a rider hits the door. It should also say that cars should stay in the center of the lane in stop-and-go traffic to allow a clear path for splitting. It should also say that any driver who intentionally blocks a biker from splitting lanes is to be soundly beaten.

Edited by Scruit
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My hotel is literally 2 blocks from Hollywood Blvd and traffic is a nightmare, I've been walking everywhere for food and such. Every motorcycle I see is putting through traffic which is a good thing cause the amount of cars around it makes no sense for a bike to take up the space where a car could pull forward in. I agree with scruit on the stopped traffic and the opening door thing

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I'm talking about letting us pass *stopped* traffic (or crawling) traffic. Not traffic moving at normal speed.

The law should say we can lane split at up to 10mph if the speed of traffic is stopped, or less than 10mph. It should also state that any motorist or passenger who opens a door while in a travel lane is automatically liable if a rider hits the door. It should also say that cars should stay in the center of the lane in stop-and-go traffic to allow a clear path for splitting. It should also say that any driver who intentionally blocks a biker from splitting lanes is to be soundly beaten.

This is about the moat sense I've ever heard you make!! :D but I agree and if I'm not mistaking, and feel free to.correct me, but California does have a "speed limit" on.lane splitting and its a attempted murder charge if a drive opens a door on a motorcycles rider if he is.legally lane splitting.

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Woah! Attempted murder is a pretty harsh charge for a 10mph roadblock, but if they do it intentionally I guess they deserve it.

It is not so much that the person who opened the door that is potentially the attempted murderer, but they are the ones who caused the fallen motorcyclist to get off the ground and attempt to murder the driver.


But, really I have no problem with attempted murder being charged for intentially opening a door to take down a motorcycle. Even if I didn't ride a bike I would think it would make sense.

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