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School shooting in Connecticut


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One of the multiple medical examiners said that all the wounds he saw were from the rifle.

And that victims were shot 3 to 11 times each.

The sheriff is saying that Adam tried to buy a firearm at Dick's Sporting Goods on Tuesday and failed.

So what he did was steal his Mother's firearms. Although I'm still thinking that she bought them for him.

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The same day as Connecticut gun rampage, Oklahoma student was caught plotting mass shooting: police


A Man Opened Fire in an Alabama Hospital this Morning


Moar news

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One of the multiple medical examiners said that all the wounds he saw were from the rifle.

And that victims were shot 3 to 11 times each.

The sheriff is saying that Adam tried to buy a firearm at Dick's Sporting Goods on Tuesday and failed.

So what he did was steal his Mother's firearms. Although I'm still thinking that she bought them for him.

Fuck :(

From wht I've read this kid was quiet, reasonably well behaved, no previous criminal record, good grades, and described as skinny goth kid. There have been several references of a likely personality disorder, but I haven't seen a specific disorder mentioned

Why attack little kids? This makes no fucking sense.

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Why attack little kids? This makes no fucking sense.

Outwardly, with most of us being sane, no it doesn't but from an angry sick person who's screaming to be noticed it does. If you're emotionally empty, self-destructive and apathetic towards everybody and everything....

What to do?

Well, we live in a society of 24/7 media-internet blitz over mass shootings....so you make a giant, sickening mess of murder and violence on your way out, and guess what? You're immortalized and remembered....made into an immediate world-wide celebrity and people can focus on your act, your pain, your statement.

In a sickening way, it makes sense why these things keep happening and the frequency is getting more intense.

We've always had people go off the reservation and kill lots of people (Bath 1927 school bombing, Charles Whitman, etc.) but now it's like when you're fucked up, you have a template for acting out...a sure-fire method to make the world feel your pain.

We'll keep this going as long as we lap up the gore and broadcast it like a bloody reality show round the clock.

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A media circus, American tragedy and nightmare all rolled into one. The talking heads have to talk and speculate.......if they had the facts the talking would be much much less. Expert this and expert that....fuck the experts, what makes them experts? This poor town is gonna be barraged with media and nosey ass people for a long time, give them the peace and respect they deserve. I wish the police would have all the media banned from the town until further notice, and be very skeptical and questioning of non locals as well. And to hell with the media and their 24 hour exposure, much of the shit that goes down is their fault IMHO.

Edited by Pokey
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And to hell with the media and their 24 hour exposure, much of the shit that goes down is their fault IMHO.

That's the real disgusting reality...the media doesn't create sickos, but it feeds off of them and sensationalizes these crimes, creating a beacon for other people to copycat. They knowingly act towards making these mass killings into a circus, yet will turn around and attempt to fix the blame on a video game, or a gun, or something else that by itself cannot compel anyone to do anything.

It just makes me so incredibly frustrated and sad that mass killings like this could be largely avoided, and everyone (except Magz) knows how, but we won't do it and worse keep repeating the climate that urges them on.


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I'm so sick of the news stating things as fact only to be proven wrong...Watched CNN today I swear they couldn't get the facts right.

I feel sorry for everyone connected to this incident bad enough what happened but now we have a bunch of idiots from the news acting like buzzards.

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Now the news is reporting the AR was found inside the school.

A radio show on my drive home yesterday had a reporter on and he indicated they did find shell casings from a .223, and he said it was "most likely" from an AR.

One sound bit the media keeps playing is an older lady saying something along the lines of "why do people need these killing machines " in reference to the rifle.

The root cause is the person, not the object used.Not sure where to start or how to prevent events like this.

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Not sure if serious, not sure if said in good or bad taste. Am sure didn't need said at all. You know it's a small world and there well could be several members here directly effected by this tragedy.

There's several other threads where douche comments could fit nicely and even be welcomed, this thread however is not one

He's the new trolling Exarch but more of a dick....recall him saying shit about my step son (which is multi handicap) in Andens post. Fucktard!

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It just makes me so incredibly frustrated and sad that mass killings like this could be largely avoided, and everyone (except Magz) knows how, but we won't do it and worse keep repeating the climate that urges them on.


now hold on a fcking minute, this isn't the place for a gun debate unless you're pro gun? how does that make any sense?:nono:

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As a society we reward people with attention based on shock value. Look at reality tv! The more outlandish the characters act the more of a star they become. With this way of thinking it's no wonder we keep seeing more and more heinous crimes done by attention starved nut jobs. Until we stop rewarding people for this behavior its not going to stop or get better.

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Well, we live in a society of 24/7 media-internet blitz over mass shootings....so you make a giant, sickening mess of murder and violence on your way out, and guess what? You're immortalized and remembered....made into an immediate world-wide celebrity and people can focus on your act, your pain, your statement.

Wanna know why the TV companies never show streakers that make it onto football fields, etc? To deny them their 15 minutes.

Maybe one small part of the answer is that the shooter's identity is never reported. Deny them the attention the seek. Nothing that they do or say should ever see the light of day. If they have facebook/twitter/forums full of diatribe them take it offline. If they send letters to the police/news then never ready them out loud. They want to go out with a big fanfare? Deny them that.

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Wanna know why the TV companies never show streakers that make it onto football fields, etc? To deny them their 15 minutes.

Maybe one small part of the answer is that the shooter's identity is never reported. Deny them the attention the seek. Nothing that they do or say should ever see the light of day. If they have facebook/twitter/forums full of diatribe them take it offline. If they send letters to the police/news then never ready them out loud. They want to go out with a big fanfare? Deny them that.

yep. agree.

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I remember that, and if I recall correctly, the shooter wasn't Amish... he just happened to commit his crime in an Amish school. If he shooter was Amish, then I'd agree with you.

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