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School shooting in Connecticut


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The Aussie 1996 ban was mostly a buyback. It was all old .22cal and old shotguns sold back. Estimates are that only 3-4% of the Aussie "assault weapons" were turned in. Australia, of course, claimed victory.

Australia now claims they've stopped rampage massacres. They didn't have a lot of them before, and it's too soon to tell if there will be more. Totals in Aussie firearm assault and homicide went down, but so did all other forms of assault and homicide. Suicides however, with or without firearm, went up.

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Indiana Man With 47 Guns Arrested After Threatening to Attack Nearby Elementary School


$100,000 worth of ammo? This guy was moving to Beirut or what?

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So I sat my 8yo down and had a talk with him. I told him what happened in Connecticut, and warned him that there may be some changes at school (more drills, stricter hall pass policy, resource officer etc) I told him not to be worried, and that it was very rare, but unfortunately it does happen.

We talked about his lockdown procedures and he described them to me - they have that squared away pretty good.

They we talked about safe people - he knows he can always trust his mom and me, and that if the school goes into lockdown then he should always do whatever the teacher says immediately without question. He is to follow the orders of a police officer or firefighter without a moment's hesitation.

There. It's done. It breaks my heart to have to talk to him about this, but such is life.

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Feinstein says, about the AWB she's introducing next month:

It will ban the sale, the transfer, the importation, and the possession. Not retroactively, but prospectively. It will ban the same for big clips, drums or strips of more than 10 bullets," Feinstein said on NBC's "Meet the Press.

My emphasis. This means, of course, that current owners will be grandfathered.

I predict she's just kicked off the decade's biggest gun rush.

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Feinstein says, about the AWB she's introducing next month:

My emphasis. This means, of course, that current owners will be grandfathered.

I predict she's just kicked off the decade's biggest gun rush.

I no longer feel like such a kook for the amount of stuff I ordered online Friday night. :nono:

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i doubt anything with guns will be passed.my reasoning.

1. - meth, weed, crack, and etc. were all made illegal and to be kept off the streets.. we all see how WELL that worked.. it will be the same for weapons.

2. - one of the girls that died in the columbine shooting, her father spoke up and said hes not pissed at the gun seller, the gun, the bullets, and that he's upset with the fucked up kid that shot his daughter and the other folks. he doesnt own a gun, he doesnt hunt, etc. but he places no blame on the NRA and practically stood up to be against the banning of guns.. opened a lot of peoples eyes.

3. - too many, far too many people already own a bunch of shit, by the time that law actually took ANY sort improvement, it'd be many many years down the road.. so unless they plan on giving money to people to turn in their weapons and equipment, i really doubt it will go over..

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3. - too many, far too many people already own a bunch of shit, by the time that law actually took ANY sort improvement, it'd be many many years down the road.. so unless they plan on giving money to people to turn in their weapons and equipment, i really doubt it will go over..

The UK had a gun buyback after Thomas Hamilton punched his ticket to hell in Dunblane 1996. This a mandatory buyback with 4 years in jail mandated for those who did not comply.

They bought the guns back at "market value" but the "market value" was determined after an outright ban was known to be coming, so the value of to-be-banned guns dropped to almost nothing. Therefore people who invested over a thousand pounds in guns (there were only 20k legal handguns in the country when the law passed, so the prices were much higher than in the US for equivalent guns) were given payment that reflected only a fraction of the cost paid for the pistol.

Also, the law did not ban gun safes or other equipment mandated by the already draconian laws (UK safe storage law required two safes, attached to the fabric of the house in a room that has no doors or windows to the outside. One for the gun the other for the ammo), nor did it ban reloading gear etc. This extra gear was not "bought back" but was rendered useless by the new law, so the average legal gun owner lost thousands of dollars in the "deal".

And firearm crime went up.

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I have said it before and will say it again, this country would be far better off if we turned off the TV.

Best thing Obama and Congress could due is terminate all broadcasting rights. Let the people get their news in print and form independent thoughts without manipulation.

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I have said it before and will say it again, this country would be far better off if we turned off the TV.

Best thing Obama and Congress could due is terminate all broadcasting rights. Let the people get their news in print and form independent thoughts without manipulation.

The first amendment, like the second, is absolute.

And if you think newspapers are free of bias, you have some growing up to do.

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A bill has to make it through the House. Feinstein and Obama can't do shit without the house.

It's there you need to contact your reps and make your voice heard. That's more important than panic-buying.

Have a scary feeling that we will be seeing some political power and actions like this country has never seen or even imagined could happen. I am now glad that my sensible panic buying has already occurred, I can relax some now. I have had a heavy heart all weekend, I can't even imagine or comprehend what those poor families are going through.

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The first amendment, like the second, is absolute.

And if you think newspapers are free of bias, you have some growing up to do.

Nothing is absolute accept death. Everything can and will be changed, altered or deleted if their is sufficient desire.

You said newspapers, not me. I said print. The advantage electronic media is that it provides greater reach at a lower cost. It is often parsed, easily misunderstood and rarely captured for reference. As such, it is has a far greater power to influence with greater disguise.

Print requires much more effort and generally, is not distributed to the masses. People actually have to put forth the effort to read and comprehension is not guaranteed. It is impossible to hide behind the words when they are visible and not distributed in the form of a sound bite.

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And now 2 police officers killed in KS..... Suspect had a long criminal history, bannings guns aint going to solve anything. Criminals will get whatever they want, that's what they do, same with nutcases, etc.

And as for Westboro church, they will all rott in hell, just not soon enough.

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Feinstein says, about the AWB she's introducing next month:

My emphasis. This means, of course, that current owners will be grandfathered.

I predict she's just kicked off the decade's biggest gun rush.

Then that "ban" will have no teeth, given the hundreds of thousands of bannable rifles already in circulation.

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