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Riding every day it's not raining or snowing.


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I ride every chance I get, work makes a lot of riding for me limited to the weekends (second shift).

This is my second year here in the Cincinnati Area to be riding. In the warmer season there are more new bikes every year seems like.

I say bikes because most of the time the pass is not long enough to really see who you just passed.

But the bike now I can remember the colors or the fairing or the tires or sissy bar, or the sound of the bike something about it because it looks/sounds the same for the most part every time I see the bike.

But I'm seeing the same bikes that I saw last year during the cold season.

And there are very few of us braving the cold looks like, but I guess we are bike lovers for sure.

See you on the road.

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Yeah, salt and brine they put on the roads is just horrible for your bike, it tears up pretty much every part of it. I guess if you want to fuck up your bike or spend an hour every night in the cold cleaning it then go ahead, ride through an Ohio winter. I'll get my shit out in the spring.....plus lately I've been either laying down or dismantling a bike every fall so winter us usually my time to rebuild.

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Rode yesterday Sunday 12/23/12 it was a good ride.

Left about noon and didn't get home until about 9:00pm.

Seems like to me that when the weather gets cold her in the Cincinnati area the roads all of a sudden get water leaks from some where, they are normally dry in the summer months though.

If you do ride remember this when it gets cold enough to freeze the water.

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