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2 Apache Helicopters Engage a Platoon of Taliban


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"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

I find it disgusting.

Soldiers have good motives (most, at least) and I support them fully, but I see no real reason to be in the places we are right now. Pointless death and wasted money.

Edited by Bitani
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It's sad when anyone has to die period, especially because of bullshit. They may have kids and likely family. The Taliban comes in, wrecks Habib's crops and water supply (i.e his livelihood) and then offers him more money than he'll normally see in 5 years to fight the infidel Americans who, by the way, also accidentally killed his sister with an errant bomb. Tough to say no.

Don't get me wrong, it's us or them and I'd rather it be them. My son is currently there serving a tour and from what I heard, he had a close call today. (he's ok). I'm anxious to hear what happened.

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I don't blame soldiers for following orders and completing missions, but I fail to see how a dozen guys in Afghanistan, armed with a few rifles and RPG's pose a threat to any Americans.

"They were attacking an American military convoy" or whatever. Okay... Of our military wasn't there "protecting" us, they wouldn't be getting shot at.

How would Americans react if Afghan soldiers showed up on our soil and started offing everyone with a rifle? I bet we'd be fighting back too.

I'm all for national defense, but hunting down loose forces who pose no real threat to Americans is silly... And in their eyes, they're defending their country from the big bad USA helicopters.

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I don't blame soldiers for following orders and completing missions, but I fail to see how a dozen guys in Afghanistan, armed with a few rifles and RPG's pose a threat to any Americans.

"They were attacking an American military convoy" or whatever. Okay... Of our military wasn't there "protecting" us, they wouldn't be getting shot at.

How would Americans react if Afghan soldiers showed up on our soil and started offing everyone with a rifle? I bet we'd be fighting back too.

I'm all for national defense, but hunting down loose forces who pose no real threat to Americans is silly... And in their eyes, they're defending their country from the big bad USA helicopters.

This and some more of this.

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Get all of our soldiers the fuck out of there, we should NEVER had been there to begin with. A bit like trying to put a grease fire out with water, it aint gonna happen and the fire will only spread. What have we gained by losing so many of our military men and women, plus all the American civilians over there as well? We have made more of a clusterfuck there now than before, and don't even get me started on the debt this "police action" has cost this country. I like what Jesse Ventura said in regards to giving foreign aid, he pretty much said we need to worry about our own country first and foremost.

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I don't blame soldiers for following orders and completing missions, but I fail to see how a dozen guys in Afghanistan, armed with a few rifles and RPG's pose a threat to any Americans.

"They were attacking an American military convoy" or whatever. Okay... Of our military wasn't there "protecting" us, they wouldn't be getting shot at.

How would Americans react if Afghan soldiers showed up on our soil and started offing everyone with a rifle? I bet we'd be fighting back too.

I'm all for national defense, but hunting down loose forces who pose no real threat to Americans is silly... And in their eyes, they're defending their country from the big bad USA helicopters.

Obviously, you've never served.

First off, I agree that we don't really need to be there conventionally. The whole operation should have been Black IMO. Conventional army vs. guerrilla forces is stupid. Afhgan has been killing invaders successfully for like 2000 years too.

Yes, we would react the same way if we were invaded.

However, we are still there. Our job involves many different missions, most of which require moving in unsecured enemy territory. Any time a patrol (Mounted or otherwise) is moving outside the wire, a Hajji with a weapon is a direct threat to them. Not to mention this is a country where culture requires them to be friendly to you while you're in the village, and then they can go to heaven for shooting you as soon as you step out of it. And our "allies" love to shoot us too. So pretty much everyone there wants to kill you.

So yes, anything that shows the intent to harm our forces there should be eliminated by whatever means necessary, and preferably with as little risk to our troops. I won't be shedding a single tear for what is done to secure our forces so we can CM and eventually get home. Then the Afghans can get back to focusing on killing people that use their brains and women and children.

Edited by BDBGoalie
Can't spell first.....
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Obviously, you've never served.

Fist off, I agree that we don't really need to be there conventionally. The whole operation should have been Black IMO. Conventional army vs. guerrilla forces is stupid. Afhgan has been killing invaders successfully for like 2000 years too.

Yes, we would react the same way if we were invaded.

However, we are still there. Our job involves many different missions, most of which require moving in unsecured enemy territory. Any time a patrol (Mounted or otherwise) is moving outside the wire, a Hajji with a weapon is a direct threat to them. Not to mention this is a country where culture requires them to be friendly to you while you're in the village, and then they can go to heaven for shooting you as soon as you step out of it. And our "allies" love to shoot us too. So pretty much everyone there wants to kill you.

So yes, anything that shows the intent to harm our forces there should be eliminated by whatever means necessary, and preferably with as little risk to our troops. I won't be shedding a single tear for what is done to secure our forces so we can CM and eventually get home. Then the Afghans can get back to focusing on killing people that use their brains and women and children.

Um, this!

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Civilian impressions of military activities are always spot on accurate. Civilian arm chair quarterbacks always have all the facts, know the background, and the context of each engagement. You definitely understand the mindset of our young men and women that have volunteered to put themselves in harms way for your benefit. The military values your opinion very much.

Edited by Tpoppa
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Good chance, that many armed dudes moving with that sort of coordination, that they were part of a bigger cell, not just a couple pissed off hajis. It's definitely sad in the greater sense, but I look at it more like treating a disease. If you leave it alone, it'll just fester. Gotta keep at it with the appropriate medicine.

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Civilian impressions of military activities are always spot on accurate. Civilian arm chair quarterbacks always have all the facts, know the background, and the context of each engagement. You definitely understand the mindset of our young men and women that have volunteered to put themselves in harms way for your benefit. The military values your opinion very much.

I happen to know a few soldiers that have been over there "more than once", and I have heard their opinion and side of the story. Once again....we had no business going over there and doing what we did/done/and are continuing to do. So how does our men and women in the military being over there benefit us here? Now we are gonna have bases over there forever, just like we still do in many countries since WWII.

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