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Bathroom Etiquette


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Yeah dude, my wife doesnt fart yet, but I am sure when prego she will, then game over.
Dude, I am two weeks away from our 20th anniversary. To date, my wife has never consciously nor intentionally let one go in front of me. Our kids, however, have crawled on her lap to rip one on her. For that, I will pay for them to go to Harvard.
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Dude, I am two weeks away from our 20th anniversary. To date, my wife has never consciously nor intentionally let one go in front of me. Our kids, however, have crawled on her lap to rip one on her. For that, I will pay for them to go to Harvard.

Lucky man. :pope:

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My beautiful and sexy wife can fart with the best of them, which is why the breaking the barrier vid makes me laugh so much. I laugh at her all the time, been married for 18 years and she is my buddy. :) Also....they never stink, just lots of noise and power behind them.

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I have six ladies that work for me, they say the ladies room is scary. Sometimes it looks like someone butchered a deer on the toilet seat. We have one heavy duty around 400lbs, that the girls refer to as the clambake. One of my girls came in hung over, had to use restroom after CB. Said she barfed in the sink cause it smelled like a month old litter box. Boogers on the wall, I'll take that any day over the clambake.

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I have six ladies that work for me, they say the ladies room is scary. Sometimes it looks like someone butchered a deer on the toilet seat. We have one heavy duty around 400lbs, that the girls refer to as the clambake. One of my girls came in hung over, had to use restroom after CB. Said she barfed in the sink cause it smelled like a month old litter box. Boogers on the wall, I'll take that any day over the clambake.

This delivered like I had hoped. I wish I ahd started this thread Friday AM though to make Friday better. Continue with great stories!

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Ok, I will add one. I work in an office of 8 people and the bathroom is just like the one in your house. This has happened twice by the same person. He went in, clogged the toilet beyond belief and just walks out (doesn't wash his hands either). My boss (both times) walks in and flushes the toilet only to have it overflow all over the floor. My office is directly across from the bathroom so when the door opens and I hear someone walking in water I start to laugh. Next I hear my boss yell through the office, who shit in the bathroom? At this point I am laughing so hard I have to turn so he can't see me. The other guy finally comes out and admits to it. I can't understand why he just does his business, flushes and walks out. Doesn't wash his hands or make sure what he just left made it down the toilet, there is a plunger right beside the toilet.

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You need to educate people about the facts.

Urine is sterile. You can't normally get sick from urine. It may disgust you or turn you off, but if a guy goes to the bathroom and only pees, hand washing should be done since all the other items you may have on your hands before walking in the restroom. But if you have dirty hands, I go into the restroom wash my hands, touch my dick then, I may wash them again, or sometimes skip this step if I know my dick is clean. But in reality, it is always a good idea.

Ladies, your vagina is no penis, wash after you wipe, because no telling what else you got on your hands. Toilet paper is not enough of a barrier to protect others. See below.

ALL: If you poop, wash your damn hands! Bacteria can go through many layers of toilet paper. You may not have gotten any poop on your hands, but that doesn't mean you didn't just contaminate your hands with other little things that can make everyone else sick and spread disease.

At home and where available, it is smart to put the toilet lid down before flushing as the flushing will eject all sorts of nasty stuff into the air.

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Back in my university days, I was at a diner cramming for an 8am final. At about 3am or so, my stomach started gurgling. Knew it wouldn’t be good, as my diet at the time was Kroger frozen burritos, Schlitz and coffee. Headed for the restroom, but it was out-of-order and locked. Nothing else was open 24 hours.

Started the quick-step home (about a mile)…When I realized I wasn’t going to make it home, I was near my girlfriend’s (now Wife) house. Had a key, so I let myself in. Barely got my drawers dropped in time and fouled the toilet with some sort of toxic sludge.

This was a very old house…Was originally the cemetery caretaker house/funeral home, and the plumbing didn’t always work so well. When I flushed, the toiled clogged and started filling toward the brim. Luckily it stopped just before it overflowed. Not knowing what to do about that, I remembered that I had to get back to the diner—I left in such a hurry that I didn’t bother to gather my books and gear.

With the bathroom being on the ground level, and the bedrooms (originally showing rooms) being upstairs, neither my girlfriend nor the other two women that lived there woke up to even know I had been there. Got back to the diner, studied until time to get to the exam. Never thought to bring up the event to my girlfriend…

Was telling the tale to a friend a few years ago, and the Wife exclaimed “That was YOU?!” Apparently that was a point of controversy and discord between the three ladies for quite a while…none of them would fess up as who had done that and left it there…

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Back in my university days, I was at a diner cramming for an 8am final. At about 3am or so, my stomach started gurgling. Knew it wouldn’t be good, as my diet at the time was Kroger frozen burritos, Schlitz and coffee. Headed for the restroom, but it was out-of-order and locked. Nothing else was open 24 hours.

Started the quick-step home (about a mile)…When I realized I wasn’t going to make it home, I was near my girlfriend’s (now Wife) house. Had a key, so I let myself in. Barely got my drawers dropped in time and fouled the toilet with some sort of toxic sludge.

This was a very old house…Was originally the cemetery caretaker house/funeral home, and the plumbing didn’t always work so well. When I flushed, the toiled clogged and started filling toward the brim. Luckily it stopped just before it overflowed. Not knowing what to do about that, I remembered that I had to get back to the diner—I left in such a hurry that I didn’t bother to gather my books and gear.

With the bathroom being on the ground level, and the bedrooms (originally showing rooms) being upstairs, neither my girlfriend nor the other two women that lived there woke up to even know I had been there. Got back to the diner, studied until time to get to the exam. Never thought to bring up the event to my girlfriend…

Was telling the tale to a friend a few years ago, and the Wife exclaimed “That was YOU?!” Apparently that was a point of controversy and discord between the three ladies for quite a while…none of them would fess up as who had done that and left it there…

:lol: I needed a good laugh

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