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Best Guest at the State of the Union address


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The amount of hand-wringing you people engage in over such a broad and academic concept such as "patriotism" never ceases to amaze and entertain me. It just seems to be a neverending dick-measuring contest over who loves America more, who's the most jingoistic, who can recite the Pledge of Allegiance, all that stuff.

It's easy to pull the chain on a conservo-nazi.:)

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Sounds like he was a modern-day liberal, maybe protesting a war he didn't agree with.

That was then.

This is now.

People change.

I'm not the same person I was at 18.

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” - Winston Churchill

Edited by YSR_Racer_99
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It's easy to pull the chain on a conservo-nazi.:)

Yep. We're the tools because we disproved your assertion that in order to be a patriot one has to have served in the military.

We're not saying that we're more patriotic than anyone else. YOU are the one who asked why Ted is considered a patriot. We responded.

Nice try on the twist 'n spin, though.

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Sounds like he was a modern-day liberal, maybe protesting a war he didn't agree with.

That was then.

This is now.

People change.

I'm not the same person I was at 18.

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” - Winston Churchill

No,he sounds like a modern republican.

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Yep. We're the tools because we disproved your assertion that in order to be a patriot one has to have served in the military.

We're not saying that we're more patriotic than anyone else. YOU are the one who asked why Ted is considered a patriot. We responded.

Nice try on the twist 'n spin, though.

No,your the tools because the people you hold up as patriots are frauds.

Their actions speak louder than their words...that's why I go with actions.

Edited by drc32-0
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Of course you guys are the God fearing conservatives and we're the heathen liberals.Read the"Family" section of your patriot's wiki link.


The 63 sleaziest moment in rock is pricless!

You hypocritical,non-serving conservo-nazis are a barrel of laughs.

Still better than Jerry Lee Lewis and his cousin.

Since you can't comprehend that being a patriot has nothing to do with military service we are Nazis? picture.php?albumid=1404&pictureid=17107&thumb=1

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Of course you guys are the God fearing conservatives and we're the heathen liberals.Read the"Family" section of your patriot's wiki link.


The 63 sleaziest moment in rock is pricless!

You hypocritical,non-serving conservo-nazis are a barrel of laughs.

Yeah, because we've all said that Ted is the second coming, and that he is untouchable, kind of like you guys and your Obama blindness.

Libs are infamous for turning up one dirty sock in a clean sock drawer. You pick a point and belittle the person who screwed up, UNLESS they're in your party. Like guys flying to the Dominican Republic on a donors private jet to have forced sex with little girls, but your media ignores your shortcomings.

Look at the media's response to Rubio's speech last night. The focus isn't on what he said, because you can't make a valid point against it, so your media, under direction from your leaders staff, decide to make him look foolish for the way he got a drink of water.

If the media told the truth, and covered issues impartially (excoriate both parties), the political environment would be much different.

Again, the understanding and caring liberals take the path of shredding a persons character in order to tear them down so that the issue/ facts will get covered up and ignored.

Why are you more of a patriot than the next guy? Whomever he may be. Name him and tell us why. We already know why you feel that you're more of a patriot than Ted.

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No,your the tools because the people you hold up as patriots are frauds.

Their actions speak louder than their words...that's why I go with actions.

Yeah, we know. You're the most patriotic. Its a good thing that your past and record are spotless. Although its hard for someone in the public spotlight to have that same luxury.

Tactic #1: Character assassination. Dems used it to get Herman Cain out of the race, to hurt Romney, and anyone else whom they deem as a threat. They're gonna go after Rubio now, then the next minority who speaks out against them. But again, turn a blind eye to the scumbags in their own party.


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Yeah, we know. You're the most patriotic. Its a good thing that your past and record are spotless. Although its hard for someone in the public spotlight to have that same luxury.

Tactic #1: Character assassination. Dems used it to get Herman Cain out of the race, to hurt Romney, and anyone else whom they deem as a threat. They're gonna go after Rubio now, then the next minority who speaks out against them. But again, turn a blind eye to the scumbags in their own party.


No, I am in no way the most patriotic,I am no better than anyone else(Dem or Rep) that has served in any capacity.But I am not a hypocrit that supports wars then refuses to serve or even pay for them.

I think it was Sheriden that said...anyone that supports war should have war visited upon them.

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No, I am in no way the most patriotic,I am no better than anyone else(Dem or Rep) that has served in any capacity.But I am not a hypocrit that supports wars then refuses to serve or even pay for them.

I think it was Sheriden that said...anyone that supports war should have war visited upon them.

Your initial contention was that one cannot be patriotic unless they've actively served, correct? Nobody here claimed to be more or less patriotic than anyone else.

Now you're bringing war support into this? Really? I don't wish war upon anyone, even though I've never witnessed one. Just because I support and appreciate our military doesn't mean that I want them to be in harms way. I'm thankful that they do what they do. The stress on themselves and their families is incredible. And now Daddy Biden wants to cut their pay.

The best sign of a strong military is having one that you never have to use. We used to be that power, because of our military. Now its neutered, the world realizes it, and we get daily news of Iran or N. Korea "testing nukes", seeing how far they can push us.

Obama (and Bush) have crippled our military, and want to weaken it even more. We used to be the worlds peacekeepers, and now we're another also-ran.

Who refuses to pay for them? Obama is still financing them (on our backs), but won't let the soldiers fight to win. He said he'd shut down Gitmo, end the wars, bring the military home. Five years ago.

Edited by YSR_Racer_99
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I'm out of here...thanks for the laughs conservo-nazis.:D

You already said you were done earlier but yet here you still are. Funny how you call a conservative a Nazi, that makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich. You are giving the good folks down in Zanesville a bad name, I would expect and imagine you are in the minority as a liberal in that area. If Ted disagreed with Vietnam and didnt want to fight in the war, then more power to him. I disagree with this complete nightmare that we have made in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I would avoid the military like the plague if I were asked to fight in that never can win war. So what do you do "now" since you are out of the military, do you bring anything good to this country or your community other than voicing your 1st amendment right? You sound like a bitter little troll to me, did you enjoy your Presidents completely worthless State of the Union address lastnight?

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wahh, i can't concede blatantly faulty logic so i'm leaving instead of owning up to having a tard moment.

When I said I'm out of here it was because I was just leaving at that time.

I don't have to own up to a tard moment.As I said several post back...it's easy to yank the chain of a conservo-nazi.I know there is a percentage of Hawkish republicans who never bothered to serve.Like Nugent and Cheney,they like talking about,and using the military,but they damn sure ain't going to serve.It's easy to push their buttons.

Truthfully...it doesn't have to be military service,but if someone loves their country they will want to serve in some way.

I'm a Kennedy democrat...ask not what your country can do for you,but what you can do for your country.

You guys appear to be Cheney/Nugent republicans...let someone else shoulder the burden.

Edited by drc32-0
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Main Entry: Na·zi

Pronunciation: \ˈnät-sē, ˈnat-\

Function: noun

Etymology: German, by shortening & alteration from Nationalsozialist, from national national + Sozialist socialist

Date: 1930

1 : a member of a German fascist party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler 2 often not capitalized a : one who espouses the beliefs and policies of the German Nazis : fascist b : one who is likened to a German Nazi : a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person

— nazi adjective often capitalized

— na·zi·fi·ca·tion \ˌnät-si-fə-ˈkā-shən, ˌnat-\ noun often capitalized

— na·zi·fy \ˈnät-si-ˌfī, ˈnat-\ transitive verb often capitalized

Yep sounds like conservatives are the Nazis..... lol

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Main Entry: fas·cism

Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

Function: noun

Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces

Date: 1921

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized government headed by a leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

— fas·cist \-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective often capitalized

— fas·cis·tic \fa-ˈshis-tik also -ˈsis-\ adjective often capitalized

— fas·cis·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb often capitalized

Hmmm sounds like right wing conservatives. . :lol:

Mr. Patriot you forgot to call republicans woman hating racist terrorist. Come on you can do better.

Shall I pull up the definition of socialist for you as well?

With all due respect Mr. PATRIOTISM! !! :bow:

Edited by crb
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When I said I'm out of here it was because I was just leaving at that time.

I don't have to own up to a tard moment.As I said several post back...it's easy to yank the chain of a conservo-nazi.I know there is a percentage of Hawkish republicans who never bothered to serve.Like Nugent and Cheney,they like talking about,and using the military,but they damn sure ain't going to serve.It's easy to push their buttons.

Truthfully...it doesn't have to be military service,but if someone loves their country they will want to serve in some way.

I'm a Kennedy democrat...ask not what your country can do for you,but what you can do for your country.

You guys appear to be Cheney/Nugent republicans...let someone else shoulder the burden.

What branch did Obama serve in again?

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