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Horn Question


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Ok, I know we've had threads about horns in the past, but I can't seem to find anything in the last year....

[background story]

lunch ride today, car in right lane decides to change lanes...in the intersection....into me....I of course was watching the little bastard...expecting this kind of crap, and hit the brakes-horn-and swerve. They of course switched back and immediately waved to me(as if that makes it all better "sorry I tried to squish you because I'm stupid, so this wave will make it all better!")...I signed to them <in fluent ASL> you are a stupid idiot! A$$hole!....

[/background story]

So, I would like to replace the anemic horn on the bike!

Any advice or experience on this?


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  redbarron77 said:
nah, I looked into that, and even in Texas, they frown upon that during the annual inspection....

Well that about sucks I would of liked to see how that would have turned out. We put one on a honda civic once it made for a good time.

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I took the horns off my Buick regal and required them on my Gsxr. Twice as loud I keep my yoshi pipes always chopped short and gutted for this same reason. Clutch and gas will make ppl look your way But I've been lookin into train horns for my bike and car. You can get cheap ones at flea market with a small compressor stuffed in back of the bike. Or you can get decent horns at autozone for 20-25$. Not as loud as train horn but def louder than stock. Here in Ohio I've never had anyone check my bike for anything. Good luck tho

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WebBikeWorld Motorcycle Horn Comparison Review

Somewhat surprising results in the review.

Notably the "Bad Boy" horns tend to fail when they get wet.

And not all horns are as loud as we think.

I'd go for the AutoZone horn, simply for it's small size.

Sometimes those can be tuned for a high or low tone.

Sometimes sets of two horns can be found for the dual high and low tone.

edit: I see the AutoZone universal horn is available in both a 112db high and a 132db low.

Back in the day we used to hit the junkyard for "town n country" horn setups.

And yes, I need to dump my anemic Honda factory horn...

edit: And note that the best mounting position is under the headlight with horn pointed forward.

But that most horns should be with horn down to drain water out.

Edited by ReconRat
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There's plenty of horn options, but the gotcha on any of them is figuring out an acceptable place to mount the thing. The loudest are usually with a mini compressor and air horn such as the Stebel Nautilus horn. The Fiamm high and low set are frickn loud too. Its best to add a relay in the circuit too if you do the upgrade.

Good luck

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  redbarron77 said:
Ok, I know we've had threads about horns in the past, but I can't seem to find anything in the last year....

[background story]

lunch ride today, car in right lane decides to change lanes...in the intersection....into me....I of course was watching the little bastard...expecting this kind of crap, and hit the brakes-horn-and swerve. They of course switched back and immediately waved to me(as if that makes it all better "sorry I tried to squish you because I'm stupid, so this wave will make it all better!")...I signed to them <in fluent ASL> you are a stupid idiot! A$$hole!....

[/background story]

So, I would like to replace the anemic horn on the bike!

Any advice or experience on this?


Stebel Nautilius Air Horn (140db). Have one on my street bike.

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  redbarron77 said:
Ok, I know we've had threads about horns in the past, but I can't seem to find anything in the last year....

[background story]

lunch ride today, car in right lane decides to change lanes...in the intersection....into me....I of course was watching the little bastard...expecting this kind of crap, and hit the brakes-horn-and swerve. They of course switched back and immediately waved to me(as if that makes it all better "sorry I tried to squish you because I'm stupid, so this wave will make it all better!")...I signed to them <in fluent ASL> you are a stupid idiot! A$$hole!....

[/background story]

So, I would like to replace the anemic horn on the bike!

Any advice or experience on this?


That whole story is full of fail. How would a louder horn help?

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  redbarron77 said:
it would make me feel better in getting idiot's attention(probably after the fact).

And I know/realize that nothing will stop this kind of stupidity from unobservant drivers.

A better horn is a good idea. Mine has helped many times.

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  Pokey said:
What I will be mounting on the WR and the C14 this year, and no relay is needed.


I like this one, with a deflector cast into the horn body it would help push sound forward when mounted downward. Looks like they already include the cost of the relay into the price of the horn though :D

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I do have to say that H-D did a good job on they horn the spec'd on my Sporty. The thing sounds like a big 'ol GM car from the '70's. The OE horn on the 599, though a bit tinny in tone, is freakin' loud as well.

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